
又見新風味 Refine and Dine Indulge the senses with Danico and Sushi Yugen Story & Photography | Renée Suen 又是新的一年,多倫多也多了一些享受各國美食的新場所,它 們自開業以來,一直以自己的獨到之處迎合了即便是最挑剔食客的味 蕾。 DaNico Toronto 有三十年多年歷史的知名餐飲集團Liberty Entertainment Group, 去年秋季在多倫多市中心的書院街開了一家餐館DaNico Toronto。才 半年多時間,它就已經被著名食評機構The Distinguished Restaurants of North America (DiRōNA) 授予卓越獎,它在食物、服務和氛圍方面 為食客提供的卓越體驗得到專業肯定。 Toronto’s restaurant scene has recently welcomed refined spaces catering to diners looking for inspired takes on international flavours while wrapped in a polished setting. These dining rooms have been impressing even the pickiest palates since opening. DaNico ToroNTo The multi-award-winning Liberty Entertainment Group opened DaNico Toronto on college Street last autumn. The restaurant has already been recognized by The Distinguished restaurants of North america, (DirōNa), with an award of Excellence for offering diners an exceptional experience in food, service and atmosphere. DaNico可容納60人用餐,店面風格經典、現代兼具。 DaNico accommodates 60 diners within its modern-meets-classic architectural space. E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 78 DINE