
從Bay街夾Adelaide街往南走兩個街區,在Wellington 街口的181 Bay St.,你會看見Ki Modern Japanese + Bar。 一看店名,就知道這是一家傳統的日本料理店,但它開闊大 氣,現代時尚,在敞亮的料理台前忙碌的廚師們總會令就餐 的愉悅感倍增。 Ki Modern Japanese + Bar講究日本料理的正宗風味, 對菜式的製作非常注重細節的精緻。它的菜單包括選擇多多 的壽司、刺身和創新的小食。種類豐富的燒酒、雞尾酒和葡萄 酒為菜式提供了完美的搭配。 此次美食之旅的最後一站是位於187 Bay St.的Walrus Pub & Beer Hall。鄉村風格裝飾的餐廳洋溢着熱情好客的溫 馨氛圍,非常適合呼朋喚友熱鬧聚會。酒館內的長條桌子佈 局就是為了營造空間,鼓勵社交。 Walrus Pub & Beer Hall 提供各類精緻的精釀啤酒,還 有和啤酒完美相配的豐富菜式。為了要滿足各種人群的口味, 菜式的風味也選擇豐富。當城市的夜幕降臨,華燈初上,在這 裡或與老友敘舊,或結交新朋,輕鬆度過一個夜晚,將是美好 的體驗。 夜未央、舌留香,多倫多金融區的美食之旅還可以再來 一次……。 two blocks south, at 181 bay St. (at wellington), you will discover the sleek and modern ambiance of Ki Modern Japanese + bar. Here, traditional Japanese cuisine seamlessly fuses with contemporary flair, offering an immersive dining experience. Expertly curated by talented chefs, Ki Modern Japanese + bar’s menu features a diverse array of sushi, sashimi and innovative small plates. complementing the culinary offerings is a selection of premium sake, cocktails and an extensive wine list. with meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to authentic flavours, the bar stands out as a sophisticated and memorable destination for Japanese dining in toronto. your culinary journey continues with a visit to walrus Pub & beerhall, across the street at 187 bay St. the welcoming interior, characterized by rustic décor, and a cozy ambiance sets the stage for an enjoyable experience. the impressive array of craft beers on tap and a diverse menu featuring classic pub fare and inventive culinary creations cater to a broad spectrum of tastes. the communal atmosphere, facilitated by long tables, encourages socializing and fosters a sense of camaraderie among patrons. whether you’re gathering with friends for a casual evening, or meeting new acquaintances, walrus Pub & beerhall stands as a beloved destination in toronto’s bustling social landscape, promising memorable moments and flavourful experiences. In toronto’s Financial District, the night is young, and the culinary adventures are boundless. Enjoy your food! KI MoDErn JAPAnESE + bAr wAlrUS PUb & bEEr HAll E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 77