
拐過街角就到了Daphne。它坐落在67 Richmond St. W.,是 家現代美國風味的餐館,融入了多倫多知名餐廳Patria和Byblos的 特色。 Daphne餐館空間寬闊,有四個獨特的用餐區,由S tudi o Paolo Ferrari設計的室內裝潢突出了中世紀古典風格。菜單特色有 魚子醬烤土豆、季節風味雞尾酒等。 從Daphne步行三分鐘來到Adelaide街街口,就可看到位於 325 Bay St.的聖瑞吉斯酒店。乘坐酒店電梯上到31樓,就是LOUIX LOUIS餐廳。身居高處放眼遠眺,多倫多的城市風景線盡收眼底, 一定會令味蕾綻放,將一眾美味佳餚收入胃中。 主廚Guillaume Robin精心製定的菜單包括帶有現代風格的 經典菜肴,其中必嚐的是備受推崇的King’s Cake蛋糕和味道豐富 的LL Burger漢堡。從精緻的晚餐到手工調製的雞尾酒,及享有盛 譽的下午茶,LOUIX LOUIS在多倫多市中心獨樹一幟,是體會精緻 享受的好去處。 Around the corner at 67 richmond St. w., you’ll discover Daphne, a Modern American Excellence Venture dining experience curated by the culinary minds behind toronto favourites like Patria and byblos. Designed by Studio Paolo Ferrari, this massive space boasts stunning mid-century decor across four distinct dining areas. From high-end dishes like the caviar baked potato to expertly crafted cocktails highlighting seasonal flavours, Daphne is a complete showstopper that will undoubtedly leave you coming back for more. take a three-minute walk to 325 bay St. (at Adelaide) and ascend to the 31st floor of the St. regis toronto where you will find louix louis. combining sophistication with panoramic city views, this opulent venue offers an elegant setting for an exceptional dining experience. Executive chef guillaume robin curates a menu that features classic dishes with contemporary twists, including must-tries like the acclaimed King’s cake and the delectable ll burger. From exquisite dinners to handcrafted cocktails and renowned afternoon tea, louix louis stands out as a refined destination for culinary excellence in the heart of toronto. DAPHnE loUIX loUIS E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 76 Dine