
初春的多倫多陽光已經有了溫度,市中心的街道車水馬龍。我們的 citywalk在走走看看一圈之後已是近午時分,美食主題可以正式開始了。 位於150 York St.的Alobar Downtown是第一站。Alobar Downtown是 Alo飲食集團旗下的一間新餐廳,屢獲殊榮的室內設計公司Mason Studio將之打造成了繁忙金融區中一個豐富而迷人的餐飲空間。它在提供高 檔用餐體驗的同時,保持了一種悠閒輕鬆的氛圍,舒適的結構和觸感細 節相得益彰。 Alobar Downtown用燈光明暗分佈、對比強烈的大理石與天然木材 將內部空間自然劃分成酒吧、主餐區和休息區三個部分,將溫馨舒適和 輕鬆歡快有機融合。米芝蓮星級廚師Patrick Kriss和Rebekah Bruce為 餐廳製定的餐單,提供美味牛排、烤魚及海鮮,並有世界級的葡萄酒與 之搭配。 位於70 Temperance St.的11:59餐館與Alobar Downtown僅兩 個街區之隔,是個多功能的場所——從白天熱鬧的咖啡館,到晚上的 輕鬆餐室,晝夜無縫過渡,無論何時都是理想的飲食去處。高吧台座 椅和低凳營造出輕鬆共用的氛圍,身處其間,就好像遠離了城市的喧 囂。 11:59餐館的特色是地中海風格,又加入了本地人喜愛的北美元 素。這裡供應的鱷梨土司、加勒比酸辣雞尾酒和卡真玉米肋排最受顧 客歡迎。 Alobar Downtown is an excellent choice to kick off your gastronomic adventure. nestled in the heart of toronto’s bustling Financial District, Alobar Downtown partnered with the Alo Food group brand and award-winning interior design firm Mason Studio to create a sophisticated, alluring space, which balances an upscale dining experience with a laid-back and relaxed spirit, comfortable structure and tactile details. Alobar Downtown offers revelry in the bar and lounge and warmth in the dining room, both featuring menus from Michelin-starred chefs Patrick Kriss and rebekah bruce. world-class wines are displayed as a centrepiece to pair with choice seafood, grilled fish and prime chops— all served with genuine hospitality. Just two blocks away sits 11:59, a versatile establishment located at 70 temperance St., Unit 1. this hip spot seamlessly transitions from a bustling café during the day to a relaxed lounge at night, offering an ideal destination at any hour. the casual ambiance, with a mix of bar-height seating and low stools, creates a communal atmosphere, providing the perfect escape from the city’s hustle and bustle. Indulge in Mediterranean twists on north American favourites, from daytime Avocado toast to the evening allure of a caribbean Sour cocktail and flavorful cajun corn ribs. 11:59 promises an experience that will leave a lasting impression on your taste buds. 11:59 AlobAr Downtown E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 75