
有佳餚豈能沒有美酒。香港旅遊發展局舉辦的年 度美食慶典「香港美酒佳餚巡禮」,每年十月底在中 環海濱舉行,為期4天。現場設有來自世界各地的葡 萄酒和食品攤位。此外還有小吃攤提供美味的當地小 吃和國際菜餚。 除了這個令人興奮的美食活動,香港的創意酒吧 多不勝數,其中於中環的南墨西哥風格酒吧COA連續 三年位居亞洲五十最佳酒吧榜之首。另外7家當地酒 吧也榜上有名。 我去到了香港四季酒店的ARGO雞尾酒吧品嚐它 的創新雞尾酒,驚豔於它獨特的調酒手法及創意。這 間酒吧去年在全球最佳酒吧榜中排名第三十四位、亞 洲最佳酒吧榜中排名第八位。 此次香港之旅,我選擇了國泰航空。國泰航空 目前提供從溫哥華和多倫多直飛香港的航班,我乘坐 的商務客艙有超級舒適的平臥睡床。美食和服務都令 人讚不絕口,讓我完全沒有長途旅行的疲乏和憂慮。 而我下榻的豪華酒店香港美利酒店位於中環,住在那 裡,我前往任何地方都無比方便。 Delicious dishes are incomplete without fine wine. The Hong Kong Tourism board hosts Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival, an annual celebration of epicurean delights, at the Central Harbourfront for four days at the end of october each year. The event features a wide range of wine and food booths representing countries and regions from around the world. It showcases the latest trends, along with Chinese wines and spirits. Furthermore, food stalls serve up delectable local snacks and international dishes. In addition to this exciting food event, Hong Kong has numerous creative bars. CoA, an oaxacan-inspired bar located in Central, has taken the top spot of Asia’s 50 best bars Event for three consecutive years. Seven other local bars have also made it on this prestigious list. During my stay, I visited the ARGo bar at the Four Seasons. Focused on innovative cocktails and the celebration of high-end drinks, ARGo brings a unique and creative approach to mixology while showcasing the flavours and stories behind its ingredients. It is ranked 34th among the World’s best bars and 8th for Asia’s best bars in 2023. For this trip, I chose Cathay Pacific. As the largest air carrier based in Hong Kong, it currently offers nonstop services from both Vancouver and Toronto to Hong Kong. The ultra-comfortable business Class sleeping cabin, amazing cuisine and attentive service almost made me wish the flight was longer. The Murray, Hong Kong (niccolohotels.com/en/the-murray-hong-kong) is where I stayed. This luxury hotel sits in the city’s prized and cosmopolitan Central district, where everything was conveniently accessible. CHEERS To bEST bARS 為最好的酒吧乾杯 香港美酒佳餚巡禮 國泰航空商務客艙有超級舒適的平臥睡床。 Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival Cathay Pacific’s ultra-comfortable business Class sleeping cabin. Argo Bar The Murray E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 71