
香港當然也是個充滿活力的美食大舞台,吸引了國際知名廚 師前來助陣,2023年已有78家餐廳登上了《米芝蓮香港指南》。下 面這幾家餐廳我一定要推薦給大家。 Feuille(Feuille.hk)是一家法國餐廳,由大廚David Toutain 主理,以大自然為靈感的品嚐菜單來演繹時令法國美食。 Café Bau(lubuds.com/cafe-bau-wan-chai)餐館名取自香 港的標誌性花卉洋紫荊。米芝蓮星級大廚Alvin Leung與LUBUDS F&B Group開展從農場到餐桌的合作,提供以「替換」、「更新」和 「維護」為特色的美食。 Nira(K11 Musea商場內)是第一家名店的姊妹店,由著名 的泰國廚師Thitid Ton Tassanakajohn和商業夥伴Rungroj Tao Ingudananda掌舵,他們是曼谷屢獲殊榮的餐廳Le Du的幕後策 劃者。Niras與Le Du有着相同的DNA,提供與Le Du相同的菜單。 該菜單為Le Du在2019年摘得第一顆米芝蓮星。 Mora(Mora.com.hk)的超季節性菜單以大豆為特色,菜餚 源自主廚Vicky Lau的法式結合中式烹飪,透過對大豆的豐富處理 來突出珍貴食材的美味。 麗思卡爾頓酒店內的天龍軒(Tinlungheen.com)是米芝蓮 二星級粵菜餐廳,位於麗思卡爾頓酒店102層,可俯瞰香港絕美天 際線。除提供正宗粵菜及粵式精緻點心、優質茗茶外,還推出米芝 蓮(Degustation)8道菜品嚐菜單。 Hong Kong also has a vibrant culinary scene that has attracted internationally renowned chefs. In 2023, Michelin Guide Hong Kong recognized 78 restaurants. Here are some of my selections. Feuille (feuille.hk) is a French restaurant that celebrates seasonal cuisine with a nature-inspired tasting menu under the guidance of chef David Toutain. It emphasizes sustainable, locally sourced ingredients. Café bau (lubuds.com/cafe-bau-wan-chai) is named after the bauhinia flower, Hong Kong’s iconic floral emblem. Michelin-starred chef Alvin Leung’s farm-to-table collaboration with LubuDS F&b Group embraces local ingredients and eco-consciousness. It offers soulful cuisine focussed around a motto of “Replace, Renew and Maintain.” Nira, in K11 Musea, is the first sister outpost helmed by acclaimed Thai chef Thitid Ton Tassanakajohn and business partner Rungroj Tao Ingudananda, the masterminds behind the award-winning Le Du restaurant in bangkok. Niras shares the same DNA of Le Du and offers the same renowned menu that earned Le Du its first Michelin star in 2019. The hyper-seasonal menu at Mora (mora.com.hk) is defined by the versatility of soy — a pinnacle ingredient in the Asian culinary tradition. Stemming from chef Vicky Lau’s French x Chinese cooking roots, Mora’s dishes are categorized by texture, with recipes that highlight precious ingredients through the manipulation of soy. Tin Lung Heen (tinlunghee.com) is a two-star Michelin Cantonese restaurant located on Level 102 of the Ritz Carlton Hotel that offers breathtaking views. It features fine dining, traditional Cantonese cuisine and exquisite dim sum selection paired with premium teas. It also offers a Michelin Degustation eight-course gourmet menu. AN INTERNATIoNAL CuLINARY DESTINATIoN 國際美食目的地 天龍軒 Mora Feuille Nira Tin Lung Heen E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 70 GO