
中環的魅力和繁華蜚聲世界,許多歷史建築被保存下來並 重新定義。中環街市(centralmarket.hk)是我此行必訪之地, 這個有80年歷史的公共市場重現活力,成為零售和活動中心。 而最吸引我的是位於核心黃金地段的大館(taikwun.hk)。這個 獨特的低層建築群被列為法定古蹟,現在是一個展覽場地。我 在這裡品嚐蘭芳園的奶茶、泰昌的蛋撻、公利的甘蔗汁,在大 排檔吃速食,一時樂不思蜀。 坐落於Victoria Dockside的K11 MUSEA也是我漫步的一個 目的地。這個文化/零售區,有主題旅遊、永續發展主題樂園和 250多個知名品牌店,其中亞洲最大的MoMA Design Store和 英國以外第一家Fortnum & Mason商店,為我帶來了以文化為 焦點的獨特購物體驗。 Central district, the most glamorous and busy district, has many historical monuments that have been preserved and redefined. Start off from Central Market (centralmarket.hk), an 80-year-old public market now revitalized into a retail and activity centre. I explored the site of Tai Kwun (taikwun.hk), a unique cluster of relatively low-rise buildings sitting in a prime location in the heart of Central. The Declared Monuments is an exhibition site now. The largest Man Mo temple built in 1847 is also worth visiting. I made stops there to sample the milk tea at Lan Fong Yuen, egg tart at Tai Cheong, sugarcane juice at Kung Lee and a quick meal at the Dai Pai Dong. K11 MuSEA in Victoria Dockside is another worthwhile destination. This cultural-retail area offers themed tours, a sustainability-themed park and more than 250 renowned brands. Notably, it houses the largest MoMA Design store in Asia and the first Fortnum & Mason store outside the uK, providing me with a unique shopping experience that seamlessly integrates into local culture. 漫步中環 WALK ARouND CENTRAL 大館 文武廟 元創方 泰昌的蛋撻 蘭芳園 Taikwun Man Mo Temple Former Police Married Quarters. Egg tart at Tai Cheung. Lan Fong Yuen K11 Musea E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 69