
香港有很多經典古蹟,是這個國際大都會豐富而悠久歷史文化的最 好見證。如今,很多古跡經過活化,被賦予了新的意義。我之所見,是 傳統與現代的共榮,是對歷史文化全新而優雅的詮釋。 太平山頂就是個例證,山頂纜車是香港著名的纜索鐵路,自1888年 開始運營,載客前往淩霄閣,在那裡吃喝玩樂,俯瞰香港美景。淩霄閣 摩天台428提供絕妙的360度城市及週邊地區景觀——香港的天際線永遠 在變,無論何時,它的美都令人驚歎。 「幻彩詠香江」航遊(Aqualuna.com.hk),是我體驗中西新舊共 冶一爐的另一種方式。登上經典「張寶仔」中式觀光船,開始45分鐘航 遊,暢遊維多利亞港,欣賞全球最大型的燈光音樂匯演,陶醉在燈影、 光電、音樂中,同時流覽城裡鱗次櫛比的摩天大樓,還有比這更美好的 享受嗎? Even with the numerous changes, you can still experience some of the classic monuments that Hong Kong has to offer, elegantly revamped with a new meaning. The Peak Tram and Sky Terrace is an example. Its famous funicular railway operating since 1888 takes passengers to The Peak Tower, a popular tourist destination with dining, shopping and panoramic views. Sky Terrace 428 offers stunning 360-degree views of the city and surrounding areas. The skyline is forever changing, but the wow factor always remains. Aqua Luna SoL (aqualuna.com.hk) offers another way to experience the blend of old and new. Indulge in a mesmerizing 45-minute cruise on an authentic Chinese Junk, where I witnessed an awe-inspiring spectacle of lights, lasers and music that illuminated the harbour and the city’s majestic skyscrapers. 中西新舊共冶一爐 WHERE EAST MEETS WEST, AND oLD MEETS NEW 「幻彩詠香江」航遊暢遊維多利亞港。 從太平山頂盡覽香港天際線。 維多利亞港中式帆船。 Indulge in a mesmerizing 45-minute cruise to explore Victoria Harbour. The Skyline from The Victora Peak. An authentic Chinese junk in Victoria Harbour. E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 68 GO