
西九文化區:藝術文化樞紐 長久以來,香港曾一直被嘲笑為文化沙漠,如今這裡全然是另一 副模樣。政府的願景是將這座城市打造成一個充滿活力的文化樂園,聚 集海內外藝術家及來自世界各地的遊客,相互激發靈感,共同為藝術歡 呼,於是西九文化區誕生了。 西九文化區(Westkownloon.hk)目前包括藝術公園、香港故宮博物 院、戲曲中心、M+視覺文化博物館等設施,更多項目仍在開發中。我所 到的M+和香港故宮文化博物館,其宏大的規模和豐富的內容著實令我心 曠神怡。 M+(mplus.org.hk)是亞洲第一個全球性的當代視覺文化博物館, 展出了來自亞洲及其它地區的藝術、設計、建築和動態圖像。這個設施 容納了33個畫廊、一個LED顯示系統,有一個可欣賞壯麗城市景色的屋 頂花園。 香港故宮文化博物館(hkpm.org.hk)則是研究和欣賞中國藝術和 文化的重要場所,館內展出九百多件來自故宮博物院的珍貴文物,不少 是首次在香港公開展出。我有幸觀賞了《凝視三星堆——四川考古新發 現》展覽,立足香港,看到了古代文明的輝煌,看到了它與新時代新世 界的血脈傳承。 Hong Kong was once mocked by some as being a cultural desert, but that is far from the truth today. The vision has been to build a vibrant cultural quarter, dedicated to bringing together local and international artists and audiences to be inspired and to celebrate the arts—hence the birth of the designated West Kowloon Cultural District (westkownloon.hk). Regardless of whether you are an arts and cultural enthusiast or not, this is truly an area you should not miss. The district currently includes Art Park, Hong Kong Palace Museum, Xique Centre and M+, to name a few, with many more projects under construction. I was able to spend time exploring two of them. M+ (mplus.org.hk) is Asia’s first global museum of contemporary visual culture. It features collections of art, design, architecture and moving images from Asia and beyond. There are 33 galleries, an LED display system and a roof garden with stunning city views. The Hong Kong Palace Museum (hkpm.org.hk) aims to be a prominent institution for the study and appreciation of Chinese art and culture. It showcases more than 900 treasures, most of them on loan. I was fortunate enough to catch the Gazing at Sanxingdui, showcasing new archaeological discoveries in Sichuan. A NEW CuLTuRAL Hub: WEST KoWLooN CuLTuRAL DISTRICT 香港故宮文化博物館 不少香港故宮文化博物館的展品是首次在香港公開展出。 M+是亞洲第一個全球性的當代視覺文化博物館。 The Hong Kong Palace Museum Many of the exhibits at The Hong Kong Palace Museum are displayed for the first time in the city. M+ is Asia’s first global museum of contemporary visual culture. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 67