
東方之珠風采依然 A CulturAl HomeComing revisiting Hong Kong’s international flair Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Kenson Ho, Hong Kong Tourism Board 闊別香港已有1 1年,重遊故 里,我的心情既緊張又興奮。逗留時 間雖短暫,但它的新發展、豐富多元 的國際美食、充滿活力的夜生活,及 迷人美景給我不斷的驚喜,令我感慨 萬千。 如我所料,香港有着永恆的演 變,總是令人欣喜及鼓舞。政府為保 護城市的歷史,及促進和培育藝術文 化作出了巨大努力。時代變遷,我的 故里仍然保持着世界頂尖大都會的氣 場,仍然是全球遊客的嚮往之地。 It had been 11 years since I last visited my hometown of Hong Kong, so you can imagine how excited and eager I was when I started my trip. During my short stay, I was pleasantly surprised and impressed by some of its new developments, the tremendous and expansive international gastronomic offerings, the vibrant nightlife and its spellbinding beauty. As with many fast-moving cities, change is inevitable, but I am appreciative of Hong Kong’s efforts to preserve the city’s history, promoting and nurturing its art and culture. Hong Kong has remained one of the major tourist destinations in the world and its world-class metropolitan flair is renowned. 幻彩詠香江 Aqua Luna SOL E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 66 GO