
如今,歷史建築中融入了現代潮流,時尚名牌紛紛入駐,與酒 店法式風格一脈相承的路易威登自然不遑多讓,去年更是將其位於 酒店一樓的店面進行了翻新裝修。 路易威登加拿大旗艦店位於Fairmont酒店底層,新的店面在 設計上大大加強了螺旋樓梯的視覺效果,以它充滿時尚感的木製工 藝,將一樓、二樓的女性和男性兩個世界連接在一起。店面空間不 僅突出品牌「旅行藝術」核心,更將現代風格的繪畫藝術融入其 間,增加了店面的藝術氛圍。 來自世界各地的繪畫和設計點綴在每個區域,將溫哥華的自然 之美和豐富多彩的文化元素帶入了室內。一些作品是專門為這間店 定製的,其中包括私人購物間中意大利畫家Isadora Capraro的畫 作。這幅畫線條流暢、色彩豐富,與背景牆的曲面渾然天成。它的 前方是琥珀色的Hélène de Saint Lager咖啡桌,上方是似銀鷹展翅 的Henri Bursztyn吊燈,路易威登的匠心與藝術家的創意熔煉出一個 令人駐足讓人流連的藝術空間。 新店內還有出自加拿大藝術家的專門定製作品。生活在 Musqueam、Squamish和Tsleil-Waututh原住民區的溫哥華本地年輕 藝術家Scott Sueme,為新店創作了一幅幾何三維畫。另一幅由滿地 可藝術家Heidi Spector的糖果色條紋畫,繪製在俄羅斯樺木上,並 塗上樹脂。兩件作品都用作裝飾貨品展架,為購物氛圍鍍上了一層 藝術色彩。 店鋪所有的新構想、設計都是為了更加貼合酒店氛圍,同時進 一步凸現路易威登的經典與創新。在今年新年季,店鋪的賣品就包 括滑雪系列和農曆新年膠囊系列,及其它經典單品。店鋪的訂製服 務也可謂登峰造極,不但有現場燙印服務,讓客戶有機會個性化訂 製各種皮革製品,還專門聘請了一位駐店工匠,前往巴黎培訓後, 將客製化設計應用在品牌歷史悠久的硬質行李箱上。此外,香水櫃 台還提供香水和古龍水瓶的客製化雕刻服務。 Today, modern trends seamlessly blend with the historic architecture, attracting fashionable brands to set up shop. Louis Vuitton, in keeping with the hotel’s French style, stands out. The newly redesigned store on the hotel’s ground floor is not only aligned with the hotel’s ambiance, but also exemplifies the brand’s dedication to craftsmanship and cuttingedge design. Inside the store, a grand circular staircase takes centre stage, serving as a focal point for the warm and timeless design. Masterfully crafted, it’s a testament to the skills of local artisans. It seamlessly connects the first and second floors, each dedicated to showcasing the Women’s and Men’s universes, respectively. Fittingly, the interiors celebrate the Art of Travel at the heart of both Louis Vuitton and the premises. Fine art and design from across the world accent every section, all brimming with a luminous kaleidoscope of colours that reflect the city’s unparalleled natural beauty. Several pieces were commissioned specifically for the store, including a painting by Italian artist Isadora Capraro that was designed with remarkable ingenuity to hang on a curved wall. Undulating with prismatic waves, the Capraro is flanked by an amber-coloured Hélène de Saint Lager coffee table and a poetic Henri Bursztyn chandelier. Canadian artists are also a key focus. Montreal-based Heidi Spector’s bold, striped composition was created on Russian birch and then coated in resin to create a confection-like surface. A geometric, threedimensional canvas by local artist Scott Sueme is another standout custom creation. Raised in Vancouver on the unceded traditional territory of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Nations, Sueme’s works explore the intersection of quality and perception of colour. Featuring seasonal collections such as the chic LV Ski and Lunar New Year capsules, alongside signature Louis Vuitton pieces, the Louis Vuitton Hotel Vancouver store also provides bespoke customization options from on-site hot-stamping, perfume bottle engraving and hosts a LV Paris apprenticed artisan for personalization of the Maison’s historic hardsided trunks. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 63