
遊子之心 A Grand Railway Hotel Romance LV’s redesign of their elegant Vancouver space offers unparralelled style and service Story | Connie Li Photography | Louis Vuitton 旅遊住宿、逛街購物、欣賞歷史建築、網紅地點打卡……,無 論你是出於什麼目的,人在溫哥華,沒可能不去都市車水馬龍之中 的Fairmont酒店。 擁有「都市城堡」美譽的Fairmont酒店,是加拿大標誌性的大 鐵路酒店之一,從1939年到如今,見證了溫哥華近百年的歷史變 遷。這座法式城堡風格的建築,尖塔、石像和華麗的細節都為人津 津樂道,是溫哥華引以為傲的一顆歷史文化建築明珠。 When in Vancouver, a visit to the bustling Fairmont Hotel in the heart of the city is simply unavoidable. This historic hotel with marvellous architecture is also a shopping centre and an Instagram-worthy spot. Being a”Castle in the City”, the Fairmont stands as one of Canada’s iconic grand railway hotels, witnessing nearly a century of Vancouver’s historical transformations since 1939. This French castle-style building, adorned with spires, statues and exquisite details, is a cherished gem in Vancouver’s cultural and historical landscape. E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 62 Dwell