
一枚族盾徽 一套餐具杯盤之上鐫刻有由楓葉、鑽石、蜻蜓和銀匠工具組成 的家族盾徽,頂上佇立着一隻小鳥。它出自哪個品牌?其實這還用問 嗎?當然是蒂芙尼啦。如此開宗明義的圖案,儼然就是蒂芙尼的族徽 啊。 Lauren Santo Domingo去年一到蒂芙尼擔任家居部門藝術總監, 就開始構思從品牌豐富的歷史和卓越的藝術精品中找題材找靈感。今 次的餐具系列最新出品就講述了一個貫穿蒂芙尼歷史的故事。 看看這個家徽盾牌:楓葉是向蒂芙尼從紐約發源的尋根式致敬; 銀匠工具明示品牌馳名全球的製作工藝;寶石強調蒂芙尼的品牌特 色,蜻蜓是要勾起人們對一百多年前那盞蜻蜓台燈的回憶,這些經典 元素都被品牌座右銘「Return to Tiffany」擁抱起來。而最引人注目的 一定是盾牌頭頂的那只小鳥,在品牌的所有製作中,還有哪款比藝術 大師Jean Schlumberger的Bird on a Rock更有名?巨大黃鑽上的婷婷 小鳥有誰不認識?盾徽所示,只此蒂芙尼一家。 coaT oF arMS Tiffany & co. showcases an unmistakable design in its latest home collection. The family crest, comprised of maple leaves, diamonds, dragonfly and silversmith tools, is engraved on cups and plates, with a small bird perched on top. The Tiffany crest, a modern-day coat of arms, tells a tale of the brands journey through time. It is a tale adorned with the maple leaf, a nod to Tiffany’s new York roots; silversmith tools, embodying the craftsmanship that defines the house; gemstones, the precious jewels that have adorned Tiffany’s creations through the ages; an archival dragonfly that pays homage to the famous Tiffany lamps and the motto ‘return to Tiffany’. The centerpiece of this narrative is the enchanting Bird on a rock, Jean Schlumberger’s iconic creation from the 1960s. This exquisite brooch, a masterpiece in its own right, perches atop the shield against a backdrop painted in the vibrant orange and blue hues of new York city’s official flag. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 61