
一曲青花瓷 路易威登去年在米蘭設計周上就有一系列驚豔之作顯露出品牌對 開發家居市場野心勃勃,這才過去不到一年,它的首個餐具系列就接 踵而來了。 沒有人會否認,老花圖案是路易威登最負盛名的品牌標誌。這 個餐具系列包括瓷盤、玻璃杯和玻璃瓶,由原本三個特別系列組成永 久的系列。它的餐盤採用利摩日白瓷製成,字母組合花朵是所有設計 的核心,由此變幻出整齊精緻的圖案。白藍色調突顯了花卉的圖形設 計,呈現出超白背景上微妙的水彩效果,同時為品牌的傳統經典加上 了一抹極簡主義現代風格。 與餐盤搭配的Twist Glass水杯、水瓶,以寶石藍、琥珀色、翡翠 綠和威尼斯紅的水晶玻璃呈現出迷人色調,與青花瓷完美契合。特別 水杯紋路的設計照舊由品牌標誌性的花朵圖案變幻而來,從底部的花 卉升騰而起的螺旋線條充滿動感,給人帶來視覺和触覺的雙重愉悅。 而由穆拉諾玻璃工藝大師Simone Cenedese操刀製作的彩色花卉水 瓶,與水杯和諧搭配,而且上面還帶有「Louis Vuitton Paris」的品牌 標誌。 Blue and WhITe PorcelaIn louis Vuitton showcased a stunning series of works at Milan design Week last year, revealing the brand’s ambitious entry into the home décor market. In less than a year, its inaugural tableware collection has followed suit. no one can deny that the Monogram pattern is louis Vuitton’s most renowned brand emblem. at the core of the tableware, crafted in limoges porcelain, lies the brand’s iconic monogram flower with a contemporary touch. The white-and-blue colour scheme accentuates the graphic elaboration of the flower, revealing subtle watercolour effects against an ultra-white background. The Twist Glass and Flower carafe, available in crystal-clear and enchanting shades, transforms the Monogram flower into a whirl of hand-blown pieces. The rich colours set off the delicate and elegant simplicity of the blue-and-white porcelain. The whirling shape rising from the flower at the glass’s bottom, stimulates both our visual and tactile senses. crafted with the expertise of Murano glassmaker Simone cenedese, the Flower carafe features a Monogram flower at the base with the words “louis Vuitton Paris” delicately engraved. E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 60 Dwell