
視覺盛宴 Setting the table to stun Designer tableware ranges that elevate your dining experience Story | Connie Li Photography | Louis Vuitton, Tiffany & Co. 我們一日三餐的杯盤碗碟造型雖有變化和創新,但無論如何萬變 不離其宗,對於其裝飾圖案的創作和挑選應該才是讓設計師們絞盡腦 汁的地方吧。在過去幾個月,不少奢侈品牌推出了它們的家居餐具系 列最新製作,在無限放大品牌的辨識度上,可謂各顯其能。 一串金珍珠 縱觀Dior的歷史,把金色玩出了令人難以想象的花樣——無限魅 惑的L’Or de J’adore香水就是例證,誰叫Dior這個名字裡含「金」呢。 藝術家Jean-MichelOthoniel曾為L’OrdeJ’adore香水的誕生打造了 引起轟動的雕塑作品《金色玫瑰》,隨後又設計出Perles餐具系列。他 說:「旋轉閉合的花瓣設計,靈感源自L’Or de J’adore的金色香水瓶。」 這些盤碟圖案珠飾相互纏繞,交織成一朵優雅的玫瑰,突顯精緻 的曲線。金色在這裡得到了廣泛的應用,作為Dior的經典符號熠熠生 輝。 In the past few months, several luxury brands have launched new tableware collections as part of the spring refresh, showcasing their signature styles in various ways. Gold Pearl echoing his exceptional work known as The Gold Rose, created to celebrate Francis Kurkdjian’s new perfume l’or de J’adore, JeanMichel othoniel thought up the Perles collection for dior. It is adorned with designs evoking the gilded bronze sculpture created by the French artist. In his sketches, a multitude of pearls intertwine to form the delicate curves of an airy rose. These dynamic motifs punctuate a set of essential pieces that include a presentation dish subtly embellished with a 24-carat gold border, as well as dinner, dessert and bread plates. The symbolism here of gold, dior’s iconic code, highlights more than ever the brand’s timeless audacity and inventiveness. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 59