
Ralph Lauren’s evocative timepieces reflect the time-honored bond between horse and rider Story | Connie Li Photography | Ralph Lauren 一位運動員騎在馬背上揮舞馬球杆準備擊球的剪影,對追 求時尚的人士一定不會陌生。Ralph Lauren對馬匹和馬上運動的 熱愛全部凝聚在這個品牌logo之中。於2009年首次推出的Ralph Lauren馬鐙腕錶系列Stirrup Watches Collection就捕捉到了品牌 馬術傳承的精髓。 對於這個腕錶系列,品牌創始人曾經說過:「我要創造 一些標誌性和永恆的東西,同時向馬術的優雅和美麗致敬。」 在迎來馬鐙系列15周年慶之際,品牌推出了兩個新款式Stirrup Petite-Link和Stirrup Small,兩款錶都鑲嵌有一排精緻的鑽石。 Stirrup Petite-Link的錶殼尺寸僅為23.30mm x 27mm,非 常貼合女性手腕。它不僅有整齊排列的鑽石為馬鐙形錶殼鑲上 了閃亮耀眼的邊框,更有由84顆鑽石交織成的手鏈與之交相輝 映。環環相結的鏈條就是一條珠寶手鏈,扭扭曲曲之間營造出明 明暗暗的光影效果,同時確保與手腕的無縫貼合,提供最佳的舒 適度。 You won’t be unfamiliar with the logo—a polo player on horseback, often depicted in motion while holding a mallet. Ralph Lauren’s love for the horse and the sport of polo is reflected by this equestrian motif. This harmonious association is prominently showcased through the Stirrup watch collection, a line of timepieces that epitomizes Lauren’s passion for equestrian style. The intention behind this collection launched in 2009 was to create something iconic and timeless, while paying homage to the elegant equestrian heritage. The stirrup-shaped silhouette serves as a poignant reminder of the grace and beauty of horseback riding. As the Stirrup Watches Collection marks its 15th birthday, the brand introduces two new additions to this iconic line—the Stirrup Petite-Link and the Stirrup Small, both adorned with a row of exquisite diamonds. The Stirrup Petite-Link, with its modest 23.30mm by 27mm case, is designed specifically for the female wrist. This timepiece juxtaposes the iconic stirrup-shaped case with a bracelet inspired by fine jewelry. The intertwining links, set with 84 diamonds, create a captivating play of light, while ensuring optimal comfort with a seamless fit to the wrist. 馬 不 停 蹄 Saddle p E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 56 shine