
今年品牌非常進取,推出兩款設計截然不同的龍年錶。Luna Magna採用蛋白石製的偏心時分盤,配襯6點位的立體球形月相, 而纏繞在時分盤左右的金龍,則以5N紅金手工雕製,其動作、神 情、鱗片,以至龍爪的手工都極為精細,栩栩如生。黑色版本的錶 盤和月相以縞瑪瑙製,藍色版本就以帶有紋理的彼得石製作。 採用傳統中央時分針格局的Perpetual Moon,錶盤上半部幾乎 全被巨形月相顯示佔據,下半部分則鑲有4N玫瑰金龍。錶盤以藍或 黑色砂金石製作,巨形月亮以白色貝母製。由於月亮、月相顯示上 的大熊星座和仙后座,以及錶盤上的幾棵傘松均塗上超級夜光,在 暗黑環境中會發光。錶底有月相指示器,具備90小時動力儲備。 Corum今年一次過為充滿玩味的Bubble系列推出兩款龍年錶, 其中Dragon的設計一如以往,以傳統2N鍍金金龍圖案配以貝母製 月亮,而Dragon Eye的設計則極為大膽,錶盤運用特殊金屬鑄造技 術,配合人手彩繪,製作出炯炯有神的龍眼睛,再配合Bubble招牌 的誇張半球形錶鏡,令龍眼睛更見霸氣。 Arnold & Son is marking 2024 with two versions of Luna Magna Red Gold “Year of the Dragon”. One features a moon crafted from polished red gold and pietersite. The second version has a red gold and black onyx moon. The pietersite and black onyx are also used to create the background dial area surrounding the time and moon phase indications. Perpetual Moon 41.5 Red Gold “Year of the Dragon” has two versions, each with a large, panoramic moon illuminating a nocturnal garden setting and a sinuous rose gold (4N) dragon. The backdrop to this scene is made from aventurine. Black or blue, the glass sparkles with metallic powder. In the background stand a few stone pines with gnarled branches evoking the dragon’s shape. Corum animates the dial of two limited-edition Bubble models for the Chinese New Year. The golden dragon’s head and torso of the Bubble 47 Dragon are applied to the upper half of the black dial, with its powerful claws resting on the moon at 9 o’clock. The Bubble 47 Dragon Eye zooms in on the dragon’s glaring red eye. Like a cat’s eye, the large bloodshot iris has a vertical pupil. 錶殼 Case: 44 mm, 18-carat red gold (5N) 機芯 Movement: Calibres A&S1021 Manual 限量 Edition: Black or Blue, 8 pieces each 錶殼 Case: 41.5mm red gold 機芯 Movement: A&S1512 Manual 限量 Edition: Black or Blue, 8 pieces each 錶殼 Case: 47mm PVD stainless steel 機芯 Movement: CO 082 Automatic 限量 Edition: 88 pieces each edition Arnold & Son | Luna Magna Red Gold "Year of the Dragon" Arnold & Son | Perpetual Moon 41.5 Red Gold "Year of the Dragon" Corum | Bubble 47 Dragon Bubble 47 Dragon Eye Bubble 47 Dragon Perpetual Moon 41.5 Red Gold Bubble 47 Dragon Eye Luna Magna Red Gold E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 55