
Christian Dior曾感歎:「花兒是世間幸運的存在。 」在他眼裡,花之皇后非玫瑰莫屬,母親Madeleine悉 心料理的家族玫瑰園是他最喜愛的地點之一,他在諾曼 第的童年洋溢着玫瑰馥鬱的芳香。 玫瑰柔和的色調充滿幸福與柔美,鮮嫩的花瓣就是 優雅的象徵,是Dior打造女人花的靈感源泉。 經典玫瑰花朵作為Dior配飾的設計核心,再次在 La Rose最新製作中被精雕細刻,玫瑰標識更顯細緻耀 眼。為了更彰顯首飾的現代時尚感,設計師運用抽象手 法重新詮釋玫瑰的每一處細節——Bois De Rose新作採 用黃金、玫瑰金或白金鑲嵌鑽石,營造出花莖上的棘 刺,纏繞在手指、頸部或手腕上,其中更是有首次面世 的手鐲版本;Diorette新作則以高級珠寶彩漆打造繽紛明 麗色調,加以寶石點綴,花蕊花瓣都層次分明線條柔和 流暢。 盤桓的枝莖、生動的棘刺、俏麗的花朵,無論是單 戴還是疊搭,都成就了春天明麗綻放的女人花。 “Fortunately, there are flowers,” as Christian Dior said. In his eyes, the queen of blooms, the one that perfumed his childhood in Granville Normandy, was none other than the rose. Among his favourite places was the family rose garden, patiently tended by his mother, Madeleine. The rose’s grace inspired Dior to create femmes-fleurs while its hues evoked “the gentlest of colours ... the colour of happiness and femininity.” Classic rose blossoms, perennial symbols of timeless beauty, take centre stage once again in Dior’s latest La Rose collection. The iconic rose insignia, meticulously sculpted, adds a touch of sophistication. More contemporary than ever, the Bois De Rose pieces reinterpret every detail in a virtuoso flourish of abstraction. The thorns along the stems have been artfully recreated from gold, rose gold or platinum and wistfully adorned with diamonds. These delicate creations, including the bracelets introduced for the first time, elegantly wrap around fingers, necks or wrists. The Diorette pieces take a different approach, utilizing a unique enamel to produce a vivid spectrum of colours. Accented with diamonds, the distinct layers and soft, flowing lines of the petals and stamen create a captivating visual harmony. Curving stems, animated thorns and charming blooms, whether worn individually or paired together, the La Rose collection brings to life the vibrant blossoming of a woman in spring. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 53