
DEEp fRiED LoBsTER WiTH BLACK BEAn sAuCE RECipE Black Bean Stock: Ginger (155g), shallots (105g), Garlic (105g), scallions (100g), Thai Chili (2g), fermented Black Bean (100g), sesame oil (75g), shao Hsing wine (250g), Water (1000g), Chicken powder (15g) 1. sauté the Ginger, shallots, Garlic, scallions, Thai Chili in sesame oil 2. Deglaze with shao Hsing 3. Add remaining ingredients and simmer for 30 minute 4. strain through a fine mesh strainer Black Bean Sauce: fresh Ground pork (100g), Lee Kum Kee Black Bean Garlic sauce (75g), Black Bean stock (390g), White pepper (1g), Black pepper (1g), sugar (40g), Water + 20g Corn starch (30g) 1. sauté the ground pork on high heat with a little bit of oil until fully cooked and in small pieces 2. Add remaining ingredients and bring to a boil while whisking Assembly: 1. Chop the fresh lobster into large pieces and coat in corn starch 2. Deep fry until golden brown at 375˚f 3. Allow excess oil to drain then toss the lobster in a wok with the black bean sauce 4. Toss until lobster is coated and serve (can garnish with crispy garlic or scallions) eG: Thank you for sharing the recipe! Black bean sauce is a very typical Cantonese sauce. Did you come across this condiment from your family meals? My mom is from Guangzhou. My dad’s family is from Kuching, Malaysia. My grandfather used to be a dim sum chef, but he retired when i was quite young, so i never got to dine at his restaurant. However, he started teaching me how to make dim sum when i was six years old. Every time i visited him, i would watch him cook, and he would always take the time to show me how and explain what he was doing. eG: Why was your dad against you becoming a chef? My mom is also a phenomenal cook and i learned a lot from her as well. My dad just wanted his son to take a career path that would give the best chances for a good living. in his eyes, it meant becoming a doctor, lawyer or engineer. i am thankful he pushed me to complete my engineering degree because my education has been vital to my success today. ironically, i won’t want my son to become a chef when he grows up! 豉汁醬炒龍蝦 步驟一:製作豉汁 食材:薑(155克)、紅蔥頭(105克)、大 蒜(105克)、青蔥(100克)、泰國辣椒(2克) 、豆豉(100克)、芝麻油(75克)、紹興酒(250 克)、清水(1,000克)、雞精(15克) 油燒熱,將薑、紅蔥頭、大蒜、青蔥、泰國辣 椒入鍋翻炒;淋入紹興酒;然後加入其餘食材,小 火煮30分鐘;用紗網過濾出湯汁。 步驟二:製作豉醬 食材:新鮮豬肉末(100克)、李錦記蒜蓉豆 豉醬(75克) 、豉汁(390克)、白胡椒(1克)、 黑胡椒(1克)、白糖(40克)、清水(30克,加 入20克玉米澱粉) 油燒熱,下豬肉末炒碎炒熟,加入其餘食材, 攪拌、煮沸。 步驟三:烹製龍蝦 將新鮮龍蝦切成大塊,裹上玉米澱粉,在375 華氏度的油中炸至金黃;撈出瀝油;龍蝦入鍋加入 豉醬翻炒,炒至均勻,即可上桌,可用蔥、蒜加以 點綴。 eG:這個龍蝦菜譜裡用的佐料豉汁醬是典型的 粵菜醬料,是你跟家人學來的嗎? 我媽媽來自廣州,爸爸來自馬來西亞。其實我 外公在我很小的時候就退休了,所以我從未在他的 餐廳裡就過餐。但從我6歲起,他就開始教我做點 心。每次去他家,我最喜歡的就是看他做飯,他總 是一邊做一邊告訴我為什麼要這樣,而且教我怎麼 操作。 eG:你爸爸以前不支持你做廚師,為什麼? 我媽媽也是一位非常出色的廚師,我也從她那 裡學做菜。但我爸爸只想讓他兒子選擇一條可以過 上好生活的職業道路,在他看來,首選是醫生、律 師或工程師。 但我很感激他督促我完成了化學工程學位,如 果沒有這個學位,我不可能有今天。這個教育基礎 對我的成功至關重要,所以我一點也不後悔當初學 工程。但很諷刺的是,我現在似乎並不希望我的兒 子將來以廚師為業! E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 47