
初代「廚神」十年熱愛始終不變 eG:2024年是你在首屆加拿大《廚神》比賽中獲勝的十周 年。你在IG上曬出的最新照片看上去獎盃有些發黃了。發生了什 麼?是陽光還是廚房油漬所致?主辦方會寄給你一座新獎盃嗎? 哈哈,這個問題很有趣。它只是被太陽曬黃了。我從未把 它帶到餐廳,實際上很長一段時間都放在我父母家,因為我之前 住公寓。在多倫多買房後,才把它拿回來。它沒幾年就變成金色 了,我確實與主辦方溝通過,但他們說製作新獎盃我要自己付 錢,那就算了,金色很獨特,也不錯! eG:說到IG,為什麼選擇@wok_lobster作用戶名? 我覺得這個用戶名很好玩,而且我在《廚神》比賽中獲勝的 關鍵是用炒鍋做了一道龍蝦炒麵,所以這個用戶名很合適我。 eG:你製作龍蝦炒麵的秘訣是什麼?十年過去,你的這道 菜有什麼變化嗎? 這道菜要想味道濃郁,烘烤龍蝦肉之外的部分,拿它們熬醬 汁這個步驟非常重要。然後當然是有嚼勁的麵條,自製且新鮮的 最好。另外一個關鍵是要用炒鍋來炒,這樣才有足夠的鑊氣。多 汁的龍蝦肉自然是重點,蔬菜、香料等其它食材可以由廚師根據 自己的想法添加。 實際上,我們在餐廳不提供這道菜,因為從餐廳的角度來 看,執行起來有些困難。我們的菜單上取而代之的是@WOK_ LOBSTER,這道龍蝦菜是一個更加精緻的版本。我們用足龍蝦的 每個部分,以不同的方式來烹製,然後放在玻璃罩下,用蘋果木 屑來煙熏。 eG:您說直到現在你依然喜歡龍蝦。現在你能用哪 些方式烹飪龍蝦? 實際上,烹飪一種食材的方式幾乎是無限 的,黃油水煮龍蝦、烤龍蝦、炒龍蝦、油炸龍蝦 及龍蝦刺身都是我很喜歡的烹飪方式。 在這裡我分享一個龍蝦菜譜。 LET’s finD ouT? eG: We were so excited to hear that a second restaurant is coming, but before we get to that, we saw a post showing that your MasterChef trophy has turned all yellow. What happened? Yes, i thought it was quite funny. it simply got sun stained. it was already turning golden after a couple of years. i told the organizers, but they said i had to pay for a new one to be made and i wasn’t willing to pay the price. i think the gold look makes it unique! eG: Why did you choose @wok_lobster as your instagram handle? i just thought it was a funny handle and since i won MasterChef Canada by cooking lobster chow mein in a wok. eG: What is the secret to your lobster chow mein? Are you still making it the same way now? first there must be a deep lobster flavour. i achieve that by roasting the shells and the bodies. next, we need some nice al-dente egg noodles, best if they are freshly home-made. How you cook it is important too—definitely use a wok to coat the noodles with the delicious sauce and to ensure lots of wok hei, a signature smokiness imparting from a hot wok. succulent lobster meat is a must, and then add your own spin. You can experiment with different vegetables, spices and aromatics in the lobster sauce. We actually don’t serve that dish at the restaurant because it was a bit too difficult to execute from a restaurant point of view, (shelf stability, profitability and the labour involved). We have another lobster dish on R&D’s menu called @WoK_LoBsTER, which is a much more refined version. We use every single part of the lobster, but cook each part in a different way. Then we smoke the whole dish under a cloche with apple woodchips. eG: You tell us that the lobster is still your favourite ingredient. What other ways do you like to prepare it? There are unlimited amount of ways to cook something. My top five favourite ways of eating lobsters probably are, in no particular order, butter poached, grilled, stir-fried, deep-fried and raw, as in sashimi. Here is a lobster recipe that is very easy for eliteGen readers to cook at home. Textured Knit Crewneck Sweater (Heathered Blue Chill) $148 Commission Long-Sleeve Shirt ABC Slim-Fit 5 Pocket Pant Nike at STC E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 45