
1947年,Christian Dior首次推出他的時裝系列,運用肩部柔 美、上身豐腴、腰肢纖細、裙裾寬大的新穎曲線設計,以「新風 貌」徹底重塑女性輪廓,使之成為革命性的全新潮流。 如今,77年過去了,Dior的剪裁依然在秀台、紅毯和街頭備受 推崇。它依然充滿現代感,精緻的細節和深思熟慮的設計將其奢華 傳統代代相傳。 Dior香水創意總監Francis Kurkdjian將「新風貌」描述為「一 種心境」,這種「新風貌」出現在了最新La Collection Privee典藏 香氛系列中。 「Christian Dior當初希望香水能夠呈現出他時裝的氛圍,這是 我們堅守的初衷。」Kurkdjian說,「我希望以一種完全大膽的風 格,延續時裝和香水之間的完美關係,用我的香水回應當今『新風 貌』的風骨、新意和精髓。」 乳香發揮着雙重作用,傳達清新和神秘的氣息,而溫暖的琥珀 香則增添了感性的柔和。令人驚訝的是香薰從人們熟悉的花香跳入 清新流暢的醛香,閃爍的香氣讓人想起森林苔、柑橘皮、晚香玉、 香草豆和甜木草的味道,帶上了一種超現代的光滑金屬質感,擔得 起「新風貌」之名。 「對我來說,典藏香氛系列代表着一個獨特的表達領域,將 時裝和香水的宇宙緊密聯繫在一起。因為在Dior,每個世界彼此相 依,和諧共存。」Kurkdjian強調說,「一件時裝的結構映射到香水 的成份中,而織物的流動由原材料來定義。我創作的每一件新作品 都源於對Dior歷史的發掘,它的幻想世界,它的價值觀,及它的傳 承和審美規範,都已經根植在我們的新時代中。」 In 1947, Christian Dior unveiled his inaugural collection, debuting the iconic “New Look.” This revolutionary style, characterized by rounded shoulders, a defined waist and a luxuriously voluminous skirt, marked Dior’s ascent as an iconic figure in 20th-century couture. Now 77 years later, the Dior silhouette is still celebrated everywhere: on catwalks, red carpets and in the street. Evolving through time, it is still brilliantly contemporary, and minute detailing and thoughtful design speak to its heritage of luxury. Dior Parfums creation director Francis Kurkdjian describes the New Look as “a state of mind,” and to mark his first project with Dior’s La Collection Privée, he has choosen to give New Look a new scent. “To be true to Christian Dior, who wanted his perfumes to provide an olfactory reflection of his couture,” Kurkdjian says. “I wanted to continue that perfect synergy between couture and fragrance, in a completely audacious style. I therefore aimed to create a perfume that echoes the spirit, the nuances and the essence of today’s New Look.” Frankincense plays a dual role to convey freshness and mystical accents, while a warm amber accord adds a sensual softness. The surprise element is shifting from expected floral notes to an aldehyde. The radiant sparkling notes suggest forest moss, citrus peel, tuberose, tonic beans and sweet clover, with a sleek metallic tang that feels ultra modern. It certainly wears its name well. “For me, La Collection Privée embodies a unique field of expression, linking the couture and perfume universes closely together, because at Dior, one cannot exist without the other,” explains the creative director. “The structure of a garment mirrors the composition of a perfume and the flow of fabric reflects the constraints of raw materials. “Each new creation that I compose explores the history of our House, its imaginary worlds, its values and the aesthetic codes of its heritage, transposed into our era.” Dior香水創意總監Francis Kurkdjian。 Dior Parfums creation director Francis Kurkdjian. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 41