
DNA結構受到保護來限制衰老的發生,促進細胞代謝以 增加細胞能量,刺激膠原蛋白生成,增加肌膚明亮度,並最大 限度減少黑色素和糖化蛋白等「光陷阱」的數量和分佈,明顯 減少瑕疵,撫平皺紋。 現在,每個人都可以在日常護膚中使用嬌蘭禦庭蘭花金 緻煥采面霜和精華液,令肌膚品質大躍進。 全新禦庭蘭花金緻煥采精華是嫩肌儀式的第一步,配方 具備95%天然來源成份,並注入了白色珍珠微粒和24K金粒, 觸感如絲絨般滑溜。加上高脂質濃度,多達5種保濕成份和乳 木果油,能輕易塗抹均勻,功效和舒適感持久。 第二步是塗抹94%配方來源天然的全新禦庭蘭花金緻煥 采乳霜。這款強效護膚乳霜,其脂質基底富含「類神經醯胺」 潤膚成份,結合高濃度角鯊烷,與肌膚完美協調。它的水性基 底則含有4種保濕成份,促進保濕作用。24K金粒、能多重反 射的珍珠母貝組合構成珍貴複合物,即時融入肌膚,大幅增加 擴散光線,卻不會過度反光,能營造出金色肌理,效果透亮。 乳霜帶有一個白色玉石工具配合使用,嬌蘭美容專家研 發出了一個包括4個步驟的刮痧療程,達到煥變肌膚、提升亮 澤的效果。療程令肌膚看來平滑,感覺柔順,繃緊全消,容顏 重獲天然平衡狀態。日復一日,肌理變得細緻,色斑悄然消 退,膚色更加晶瑩剔透。 全新禦庭蘭花金緻煥采雙組合,將金石斛的功效與產品 的超級質感發揮到極致,為我們從緊致度、均勻度、絲滑度、 光亮度,全方位打造青春完美肌膚。 the structure of cellular Dna is protected to limit the onset of senescence. Cellular metabolism is boosted, stimulating collagen and increasing luminosity. Light traps such as melanin and glycated proteins are minimized, visibly reducing blemishes and smoothing out the complexion. now, everyone can take an elevated approach to their skincare routine with the new orchidee imperiale Gold nobile serum and cream duo. the radiance ritual begins with the serum, which contains 95 per cent natural ingredients. infused with white micro-pearls and 24-carat gold particles, this powerful light diffuser feels light and airy, yet velvety and creamy when applied. with no less than five humectants and shea butter, it glides effortlessly over the skin for long-lasting comfort and effect. Day after day, the skin regains its qualities of perfection: skin texture is refined, pigmentation spots are reduced and the complexion becomes brighter and more transparent. next, apply the orchidee imperiale Gold nobile Cream. the highly concentrated yet 94-per-cent natural formula is enriched with a “ceramidelike” emollient combined with a high concentration of squalane, plus four humectants to promote hydration. it is also enriched with a precious complex of 24-carat gold particles and a duo of multi-reflective mother-of-pearl that instantly fuses with the skin, multiplying the diffusion of light without adding excessive shine. the result is a golden texture with a transparent, luminous finish. the cream comes with a white jade gua sha tool. using a four-step massage technique developed by Guerlain’s expert spa facialists, skin features look smoother, tension is removed and the face regains its radiance. Day after day, the skin is transformed, glowing with an aura of gold and light. By combining the power of the Gold nobile orchid with an ultra-sensorial texture, the orchidee imperiale Gold nobile duo targets key youth processes, such as firmness, density, structure and evenness, to transform our skin into a perfect canvas for radiance. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 39