
全新禦庭蘭花金緻煥采面霜形狀如同一個圓潤的鵝卵石。這款面霜可重複添加,瓶身由40%回收玻璃製成,更換時只需保留它的鋁蓋。 The Orchidée Impériale Gold Nobile Cream is reminiscent of a perfectly rounded pebble. (The cream is refillable and with the jar crafted from 40% recycled glass.) Only its sleek brushed aluminum cap needs to be kept. Orchidée Impériale Gold Nobile cream, 50ml | $940; 50ml refill | $800 這種產自喜馬拉雅山脈的白色蘭花金石斛,明黃花芯、 純白花瓣,非常獨特,是傳統中醫藥中使用的50種基本植物 之一,因其具有滋潤和緊致的特性,及消炎抗菌功效而備受 重視。 金石斛擁有特別豐沛的生命力,是生長在高海拔環境中 的結果。由於靠近太陽,它具有強大的光合能力,與其它植 物進行簡單的光合作用相比,它能結合數種光合作用機制, 依據環境和水分狀況來變更。這種特殊的活力令它散發出特 別的光輝——比其它白色蘭花的光線強度高出68%。 嬌蘭濃縮了來自金石斛的27種基本分子,這些分子對年 輕和提亮肌膚有顯著效益。專家提取花蕾中的幹細胞,讓它 們增殖,然後將它們進一步與三種突破性勝肽和維生素C結 合,以實現細胞再生過程。 在這個結合中,亮肌勝肽能刺激alpha晶狀體蛋白,防 止引致肌膚暗啞的蛋白質的分解和積聚。抗老勝肽別具「類 肉毒桿菌」效果,針對表情紋,減輕微收縮,回復容光煥 發。維生素C則在數個層面對付肌膚色素沉著,同時具抗衰 老功效,賦活能合成膠原蛋白的纖維母細胞。 endemic to the mountainous regions of the himalayas, the Gold nobile orchid is distinctive for its pure white petals and radiant yellow centre. it is one of the 50 fundamental plants used in traditional Chinese medicine for its healing qualities, and is particularly valued for its moisturizing and toning properties, as well as its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial prowess. this remarkable life energy is a result of its origin in a high-altitude environment. Being closer to the sun, the Gold nobile orchid developed extraordinary photosynthesis capacities. while other plants carry out simple photosynthesis, it combines several photosynthesis mechanisms that evolve according to its environment and water conditions. this exceptional vitality also brings about a special radiance—it diffuses 68 per cent more intense light than other white orchids. Guerlain’s research concentrated 27 fundamental molecules from a rare white orchid called Gold nobile that can restore aged cell so our skin can show a level of radiance that is approaching that of a youthful cell. extracts from the flower buds’ cells are then combined with a trio of active ingredients. a brightening peptide prevents the breakdown and accumulation of proteins that can cause skin dullness. another peptide delivers a “Botoxlike” effect by reducing micro-contractions in expression lines, leaving the face looking rested, smooth and toned. vitamin C is also included to act on several skin pigmentation levels and for its anti-aging effect. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 37