
你想擁有光彩照人的肌膚嗎? 答案很可能是「是」。但肌膚光彩到底是什麼? 回想一下高中的科學課,光線在平滑、均勻、緊致和淺色表 面上反射得最好。換句話說,它們的反面就是「光陷阱」,而在 我們皮膚上的「光陷阱」,就是那些乾燥粗糙的區域、粗大的毛 孔、細紋、皺紋、鬆弛和色斑。 自古以來,我們一直在追求肌膚的光彩,古時嬌女貴婦們用 牛奶沐浴、用珍珠粉塗臉,如今嬌蘭使用一種來自喜馬拉雅地區 罕見白色蘭花的提取物,將護膚產品帶上一個新的水準——奢華 「雙嬌」包括一款精華液和一款面霜,幫助增強10種青春跡象並 喚醒6個光亮因素。 Do you want to have raDiant skin? the answer is probably “yes,” but what exactly is skin radiance? recalling high-school science class, light reflects best on surfaces that are smooth, even, taut and light-coloured. in other words, we want to avoid “light traps”. on our skin, light traps can mean dry and rough patches, large pores, fine lines, wrinkles, sagginess and discolourations. we have been in pursuit of skin radiance since antiquity, when queens bathed in milk and empresses dabbed on pearl powder. today, Guerlain has created a new ritual of a prodigious aura of youth with extracts from a rare white orchid originating in the himalayas. this new luxurious duo of a serum and a cream helps to amplify ten signs of youth and revive six factors of light. It’s all about the light 定義肌膚光彩 Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Guerlain E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 36 Glow