
流蘇,就像垂在Gucci的青檸色法蘭 絨大衣上那些閃閃發光的絲帶,搖曳在各 個2024年春夏女裝大秀的T台上。它們在 襯衫、連衣裙、外套和夾克上,以各種長 度和寬度或唱主角或當點綴,為整體造型 增添了一抹波西米亞魅惑。 fringes, like Gucci’s acid green gabardine coat with long sparkling fringe over a grey rib-knit shirt and burgundy shorts, swished along the runways in all lengths and widths. They adorned shirts, dresses, coats and jackets, adding a bohemian charm and a dash of razzle-dazzle to the entire looks. 搖曳翩躚 boheMian rinGes Balenciaga Dior Prada Gucci Coach Bottega Veneta Gucci E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 20 trend