
今季不少品牌都以通花喱士、鏤空細 節及立體拼貼來演繹,部分呈現出獨特的 Cut Out視效,又或無縫的層次立體感。植 物圖案喱士細節,性感且增加堆疊效果, 部分轉化為連身裙的精緻褶襇,營造呼應 季節的多樣化花花世界。 Many brands use floral lace, hollow details and three-dimensional collage to interpret the new season, some of which present unique cut-out visual effects, while others showcase seamless layering. The details of the floral motifs & lace add sensuality and enhance the layering effect, with some transitioning into exquisite pleated dresses to encapsulate a diverse floral world. 花影憧憧 loral MoTifs & lace Balmain Dior Loewe Coach Chanel Chanel Chanel E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 16 trend