
With the rise of the quiet luxury trend, understated but elevated looks dominate the catwalks for Spring/Summer. As women’s wear returns to the basics, it prompts a re-evaluation of the question: ‘Does the person make the clothes, or do the clothes make the person?’ How can you personalize your looks for the beautiful seasons? Perhaps you can find inspiration from our selection. 隨着低調奢華盛行,新季女裝亦回歸基本步,並令人重新 思考「人著衫還是衫著人」的老生常談。如何將新季女裝的 各種元素作個性化的時尚配搭?或許你能從我們的集錦中 獲得啟發。 Story | Eve Lam Photography | Featured brands E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 15