
Display until May 31, 2024 $6.99 Full Steam ahead For maStercheF eric chong • 陽光照耀 GoinG Pharrell • 低調奢華 quiet luxury • • 定義肌膚光彩 DefininG Skin raDiance • • 不敗美人花 queen of flowerS • 錶上騰龍 enter the DraGon • • 遊城區滿口福 financial flavourS • 從一道龍蝦炒麵開始…… luxury living for canada's chinese elite toronto spring issue 2024


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行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃安信 Anson Wong 營運總監 Chief Operation Officer 黎文華 Raphael Lai 副總裁(商業營銷策略)、副社長及總編輯 VP, Business Solutions, Associate Publisher & Editor-in-Chief 葉子青 Leslie Yip Boucher-Harris 編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial & Art Director 寶賀施 Simon Boucher-Harris 編輯 Editor 李彩 Connie Li 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries elitegen@singtao.ca / 416-861-8168 參與 Contributors William Ha, Kenson Ho, Eve Lam, Renée Suen, Shuk Wa Tsang, Miranda Tsui 互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan 編輯 Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui 美術部 production & design 美術及製作經理 Production Manager/Art Direction 邱卓庭 Cliff Yau 美術助理 Graphic Art Assistant 陸凱茵 Gloria Luk 廣告及市場部 Advertising sales & marketing 副總裁 Vice President of Sales & Marketing 周潔華 Tina Chow 綜合媒體銷售經理 Integrated Media & Digital Sales Manager 陳雅力 Eric Chan 營業部 Advertising enquiries elitegen@singtao.ca 發行部 Circulation & Distribution 市場行銷總監 Consumer Marketing Director 奇士文 Craig Sweetman 發行助理 Circulation Officer 胡智豪 Tony Aw circulation@singtao.ca / 905-754-1548 出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版 《星尚》歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 《星尚》每年出版四期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 4 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen. Suite 201, 25 Royal Crest Court, Markham, Ontario L3R 9X4 A sing tao publicAtion luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

E L I T E G E N . C A • s p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 8 Spring Fever 燦爛春天 As we usher in the vibrant spirit of spring, it brings me immense pleasure to welcome you to our Spring 2024 issue—the first of our quarterly editions, now intricately woven into the fabric of the seasons and the dynamic world of fashion. Inside these pages you will find the best inspirations for the season, with a 26-page coverage of men’s and women’s Spring-Summer 2024 collections from the world’s hottest designers. We’re even taking you behind the scenes at Chanel’s ready-to-wear show for an exclusive glimpse into the pulse of high fashion. One of our fashion focus is Louis Vuitton’s SS24 Menswear collection, where Pharrell Williams injects fresh vitality with the striking oversized red Speedy holdall and introduces the military inspired “Damouflage” pattern. For those seeking a more understated elegance, explore the Damier-patterned suits and timeless George’s totes. Shot with a jungle setting and starring actor-model-entrepreneur Chase Tang, this feature is hot as mustard. Ah yes, we are shamelessly flaunting our obsession with food in this issue. In addition to a foodie tour in Toronto’s financial district, jetting off to Hong Kong for a taste of the renowned Food & Wine Festival alongside the city’s hottest culinary destinations, we are celebrating a decade since R&D’s Eric Chong became Canada’s first-ever MasterChef. He will be opening a second restaurant with Demon Chef Alvin Leung this year, and he spills the beans, (last food pun—I promise), in our cover feature on when it will open, where it is located, and what’s on the menu. Special thanks to Scarborough Town Centre, (STC), for supporting our cover shoot. They just celebrated their 50th anniversary, and they are as full of energy, diversity and vibrancy as ever. We also want to give a shoutout to Ikea at STC— the Dream Kitchen showroom is our dream kitchen too. Our beauty pages feature Guerlain’s new Gold Nobile Orchidée Imperiale serum and cream. I was one of the privileged few to attend the global launch event at Raffles London hotel, also known as the OWO hotel. To let our readers experience this cutting-edge radiance skincare, we have joined hands with Guerlain to present a series of masterclasses at Holt Renfrew Toronto and Vancouver. This is just one of the many exclusive experiences we are creating for you. For example, we offered 100 class kits and a total of $3,000 worth of Shiseido and Clé de Peau products in our Lunar New Year online masterclass. In February, we partnered up with Rémy Martin to invite readers to attend a special XO Opulence Revealed tasting, in celebration of the house’s 300th anniversary. More excitement will be coming soon, so be sure to sign up to become our INSIDER CLUB member for priority access to these extraordinary events, as we continue to elevate your eliteGen experience. Thank you for being part of our journey. Yours sincerely, Leslie Yip Boucher-Harris VP, Business Solutions Associate Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, eliteGen Facebook, Instagram & Twitter@leslieyip0911 隨着春天的到來,一切都恢復了活力,《eliteGen星 尚》季度版的第一期——2024年春季期刊與您見面了!我 們已經把春的悸動與時尚編織於其中,要和您分享美好季 節的喜悅。 這裡有多達26頁來自世界最炙手可熱設計師的男、 女2024年春夏系列的展示,香奈兒春夏成衣秀的獨家報 導,翻閱每一頁,您將一點一點找到春季迷人的時尚節 拍。 路易威登的2024春夏男裝系列是我們的時尚焦點之 一,在這個系列裡,您會發現紅色超大旅行包鮮活耀眼, Damouflage系列閃爍迷幻。而對於那些尋求更為低調優 雅的人,可以選擇棋盤格圖案的西裝和經典的George手 包。Pharrell Williams的設計以叢林為背景,在演員、模 特兼企業家Chase Tang的演繹下,如太陽光耀般熱情奔 放。 我們同時毫不掩飾地展示了對食物的癡迷。除了帶 您走入多倫多市中心金融區尋覓美食,飛往香港體會酒 吧、美食節的熱鬧,還與多倫多R&D餐廳的主人張華聰 一起慶祝他獲得加拿大首位「廚神」稱號十周年。他與「惡 魔廚師」梁經倫共同開設的第二家餐廳即將開業,想知道 時間、地點、特色?細讀我們的封面故事就都知道了。在 此我要特別感謝士嘉堡購物中心(STC)支持我們的封面拍 攝。剛剛慶祝了營業五十周年的STC依然多元進取、活力 四射,Ikea選擇它作為加拿大第一個入駐的商場就是最好 的證明。 我們的美容專欄同樣精彩紛呈,您會對嬌蘭的新產 品——Gold Nobile Orchidée Imperiale精華液和面霜有 全面的認識。我是少數幾個有幸參加在Raffles London酒 店(也稱為OWO酒店)全球發佈活動的嘉賓之一。為了讓 讀者體驗這一科技領先的高效護膚品,我們與嬌蘭攜手在 Holt Renfrew多倫多中心和溫哥華中心推出了大師班。這 只是《eliteGen星尚》為您打造的許多獨家體驗之一,新春 伊始,美容盛宴沒有停止,例如,我們在農曆新年開辦 了資生堂和Clé de Peau美妝線上大師班,提供了100個 免費課堂工具包和總價值3,000元的品牌珍貴產品。二月 份,我們又與「人頭馬」合作,邀請讀者參加專屬「揭秘人 頭馬XO奢華享受」品酒活動,慶祝該品牌誕生三百周年。 更多的精彩還將陸續有來,在此我誠摯邀請您註冊成 為我們的INSIDER CLUB會員,這樣您就能優先獲得以後 所有活動的參加權限。《eliteGen星尚》的多元化時尚體驗 正在不斷升級,我熱切期待與您共享。 感謝您隨《eliteGen星尚》一路前行。 publisher’s letter

Visit us at: 126 Tycos Dr, Toronto, ON M6B 1W8 647.227.3208 districthome.com Canvas Wall Art Birdie Available at DISTRICT HOME Baobab Scented Candle Oka Max10 DH Pet DH Sheep Baccarat Crystal Torch Lamp Side Table Denali Bloom Vase Myra Moon Jar Vase Alex M Dining Chair Mica Green Velvet Bench Katie Baccarat Lucky Butterfly Iridescent Clear

58 14 56 42 up front 6 團隊 Masthead 8 出版人的話 publisher's letter trend 14-35 潮流特區 woMen ss24, chanel ss24, louis vuitton Glow 36-41 定義肌膚光彩 defining skin radiance, a dior state of Mind celebrity 42 封面故事 從一道龍蝦炒麵開始...... Masterchef: eric chong shine 52-57 不敗美人花 dior, enter the dragon, ralph lauren CONTENTS

2885 Bayview Ave Unit 1, Toronto, ON M2K 0A3 I 416.222.0808 Pemberley Springs SPA EDEN, a luxury day spa in Toronto, offers the finest experience to our guests. Our elegant venue includes a cocktail bar, a tranquil courtyard, and VIP rooms with jacuzzi for couples and friends to enjoy a time of their personal indulgence perfecting a world-class spa experience during the visit. We offer a wide selection of services including facials and massages. While our treatments promote relaxation and wellness, our serene ambiance induces the escape you seek and is the ideal place for rejuvenating and keeping your mind and body in balance! Enjoy a 15% discount on your initial visit by applying the promo code "elitegen" when making a reservation over the phone or online Discount pemberleysprings.com

22 52 64 86 36 dwell 58-63 視覺盛宴 setting the table to stun, a grand railway hotel roMance Go 64-71 踏上彩虹路 a trip over the rainbow, a cultural hoMecoMing dine 72-85 遊城區滿口福 financial flavours, refine and dine, a Mixologists Marvel tech 86 加密簽章 leica M11-p automobiles 88 選購豪華v8開篷車最後召集 it's been a gas CONTENTS

Celebrating a DeCaDe of exCellenCe 昂然邁向十周年 限時訂閱優惠 Subscription offer : eliteGen.ca/subscribe • $28*/4期 • 免費送到府上 • 並自動加入eliteGen Insider Club 成為尊貴會員 *另13% HST,受若干條件限制 • $28*/4 issues • plus FREE delivery • Automatically become an eliteGen Insider Club member *Plus 13% HST, some conditions apply 廣告查詢: elitegen@singtao.ca∣416.861.8168 elitegen.ca elitegenMag @elitegenmag 為了與國際時尚圈的季節性更為同步,由 2024年起,《星尚》雜誌將轉為季刊,一年發行 四期。春夏秋冬專題雜誌,更能及時為您解讀最 新時尚潮流、推介更多季節性精品、引領最潮生 活方式,以求更加貼近您的生活,滿足您的需求。 As we approach our 10th anniversary, eliteGen will be reinvented as a quarterly publication commencing in 2024. Subscribe today to follow each season's fashion and trends, learn beauty and self-care tips as well as discover the latest and greatest in food, travel and more.

E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 14 trend

With the rise of the quiet luxury trend, understated but elevated looks dominate the catwalks for Spring/Summer. As women’s wear returns to the basics, it prompts a re-evaluation of the question: ‘Does the person make the clothes, or do the clothes make the person?’ How can you personalize your looks for the beautiful seasons? Perhaps you can find inspiration from our selection. 隨着低調奢華盛行,新季女裝亦回歸基本步,並令人重新 思考「人著衫還是衫著人」的老生常談。如何將新季女裝的 各種元素作個性化的時尚配搭?或許你能從我們的集錦中 獲得啟發。 Story | Eve Lam Photography | Featured brands E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 15

今季不少品牌都以通花喱士、鏤空細 節及立體拼貼來演繹,部分呈現出獨特的 Cut Out視效,又或無縫的層次立體感。植 物圖案喱士細節,性感且增加堆疊效果, 部分轉化為連身裙的精緻褶襇,營造呼應 季節的多樣化花花世界。 Many brands use floral lace, hollow details and three-dimensional collage to interpret the new season, some of which present unique cut-out visual effects, while others showcase seamless layering. The details of the floral motifs & lace add sensuality and enhance the layering effect, with some transitioning into exquisite pleated dresses to encapsulate a diverse floral world. 花影憧憧 loral MoTifs & lace Balmain Dior Loewe Coach Chanel Chanel Chanel E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 16 trend

輕盈透薄是向來春夏服飾的指定元 素,雪紡、輕紗、絲綢等輕盈面料用於 不同服裝單品上,營造出若隱若現又飄 逸的視效,配合柔和或粉嫩色調,成功 為春日平添夢幻感。 lightness and sheerness have always been essential elements of spring and summer fashion with fabrics like chiffon, gauze and silk used in various clothing pieces to create a delicate yet ethereal visual effect. Paired with soft or pastel shades, they successfully infuse a touch of dreaminess into springtime. Dolce & Gabbana heer luxury 輕盈飄逸 Valentino Prada Dior Chanel Emporio Armani E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 17

阡陌縱橫 all abouT The TriPes 今季曝光率高企的圖案必定是條 子,為展現個別特色,各品牌設計師盡展 創意利用條格的不同組合可能性。或粗或 幼、或橫或直,甚至交錯配搭,甚至衍生 出格紋圖案,打造出純粹又多變的視效。 striped patterns have taken the spotlight, with designers from various brands showcasing their creativity by exploring the different possibilities of stripe combinations. Whether thick or thin, horizontal or vertical, or even in intricate interplay to spawn checks, they create a pure and versatile visual effect that highlights individuality. Chanel Chanel Chanel Coach Veronica Beard Veronica Beard Veronica Beard E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 18 trend

清新俊朗 suMMer hiTe on the runways of 2024 all-white, total-look ensembles abound. Whether in soft, neutral or edgy combinations, designers have chosen to showcase the beauty of white through minimalist aesthetics. The flowing cuts and silhouettes further highlight the designers’ skill and craftsmanship. 春夏季萬物生機勃勃,因此 服飾都較為明亮多彩。2024的春 夏天橋上,可見不少純白的Total Look造型,不管是柔美、中性或 型格配搭,都選擇以簡約風展現白 色的美,流麗的剪裁與外形線條, 亦盡顯設計師的功駕。 Chanel Gucci Valentino Gucci Loewe Veronica Beard E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 19

流蘇,就像垂在Gucci的青檸色法蘭 絨大衣上那些閃閃發光的絲帶,搖曳在各 個2024年春夏女裝大秀的T台上。它們在 襯衫、連衣裙、外套和夾克上,以各種長 度和寬度或唱主角或當點綴,為整體造型 增添了一抹波西米亞魅惑。 fringes, like Gucci’s acid green gabardine coat with long sparkling fringe over a grey rib-knit shirt and burgundy shorts, swished along the runways in all lengths and widths. They adorned shirts, dresses, coats and jackets, adding a bohemian charm and a dash of razzle-dazzle to the entire looks. 搖曳翩躚 boheMian rinGes Balenciaga Dior Prada Gucci Coach Bottega Veneta Gucci E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 20 trend

赤裸告白 今季各品牌中熱褲和透視裙隨處可 見,風格之大膽可說是超越了邊界。小熱 褲勾勒出清晰的女性線條,擁抱裸露的雙 腿和無畏的自信。透視裙衫則大多採用裸 色效果和透明材質,用到薄紗、尼龍或緊 身彈力面料。 see-ThrouGh & oTPanTs The ss24 runway is alive with the allure of miniscule shorts and transparent skirts. Miniature shorts flirt with the edge of audacity, embracing the freedom of bare legs with unabashed confidence. in addition tulle, nylon, organza and tightfitting stretch fabrics are also popular materials, adding to the nude effects and flesh-toned transparencies of the collections. Stella McCartney Coach Gucci Chanel Miu Miu Isabel Marant Chanel E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 21

動感與韻律 En Plein Air Chanel’s elegantly carefree Spring-Summer 2024 Ready-to-Wear collection is an invitation to enjoy life in the fresh air Story | Leslie Yip Boucher-Harris Photography | Chanel E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 22 trend: Chanel

E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 23

歐根紗娃娃裙搭配太陽穗褶邊上衣,條紋百慕大短褲組 合敞開的雙排扣外套,模特們手插口袋悠閒漫步——休閒與 奢華氣息撲面而來。 這是對自由和運動的頌歌,並講述了一個源於努瓦依別 墅花園的故事。香奈兒藝術總監Virginie Viard明晰詮釋她的 香奈兒2024年春夏高級成衣系列。 低腰線與平底鞋相映成趣,套裝輕盈柔軟,去除了肩 章或內襯。條紋、格子和拼接圖案交織出韻律十足的視覺衝 擊,而毛巾布、粗花呢和牛仔布又在質地上營造出不同的質 感變化。一切都關乎動感:開襟衫穿出了連衣裙的飄逸與舒 適,寬腿短褲和不對稱裙擺點綴上蝴蝶結和褶襇。形狀如相 機的包包完成了這一系列的整體造型,可謂不可或缺。 在巴黎臨時大皇宮的後台,同樣彌漫着遊戲的氛圍,時 尚就是這樣影響着我們情感和態度,證據在此。 E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 24 trend: Chanel

Organza babydolls, a top in sunray pleats, striped Bermuda shorts and double-breasted jackets worn open with hands in pockets—Chanel’s Spring-Summer collection is leisure meets luxury. “[It] is an ode to liberty and to movement, and tells a story that has its origins in the gardens of the villa Noailles,” explains Virginie Viard, Chanel’s art director. Waists are low, heels are flat. Suits are lightweight with no epaulettes or lining. Stripes, checks and patchworks pack visual punch while terrycloth, tweed and denim play on texture. It is all about the motion: cardigans are worn like dresses, wide-leg shorts and asymmetrical skirts are adorned with bows and pleats. And to complete the outfit, the camera bag that is literally in the shape of a camera is a must. Backstage at the Grand Palais Éphémère, a similar atmosphere of play permeates. We think it is yet more proof that fashion influences our emotions and attitude. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 25

陽光照耀 GoinG Pharrell Story & Styling | Leslie Yip Art Director & Photographer | Simon Boucher-Harris Model | Chase Tang HMUA | Mystique Florist | Petals at Kings Square All Clothing & Accessories | Louis Vuitton 路易威登男裝創作總監Phar re l l Williams認為太陽是「普及眾生的 生命之源」,他的2024年春夏男裝 系列造型,經圖元化處理的Damoflage圖案結合經典Damier格紋和 Monogram圖案,散發出太陽的澎 湃能量。 From “Damouflage” to Damier and Speedy bags in vibrant colours, Pharrell William’s debut as creative director for Louis Vuitton’s SpringSummer 2024 Menswear collection is a case of classics gone wild E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 26 trend: Louis Vuitton

標誌性的圖案未來感和冒險精神十足。 The signature pattern in Louis Vuitton’s SpringSummer 2024 Menswear collection is futuristic and adventuresome at the same time. Pixelated Paradise E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 27

E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 28 trend: Louis Vuitton

想象一下「巴哈馬銀行家」 的做派——經典西裝外套搭 配印有保守圖案的短褲,出 入會議室或約會場所皆宜。 Think “banker in Bahamas”— the classic suit jacket with matching shorts in a conservative pattern takes you from boardroom to date night. elegantly exotic E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 29

像裙不是裙,似褲不是褲,這樣的身 影會不會讓你想起蘇格蘭高地? Not quite kilt, not quite shorts. The new silhouette harkens to the highlands but is grounded in earthy tones. a higher calling E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 30 trend: Louis Vuitton

品牌精華之作上的新玩法,也許 就是下一代的經典老花圖案。 A new play on the brands essential that could become the next classic monogram. lV for loVers E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 31

像素 格紋 迷彩?「不清不楚」之間更現魅力。 The iconic Damier squares off with Damouflage. out of the square E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 32 trend: Louis Vuitton

摩斯密碼有了另一種詮釋。 Dots and lines are not just for Morse code. Pattern Play E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 33

超大旅行包紅黃綠顏色大膽醒目,加上Super Vision太陽鏡,這個裝造格外有型。 Add a pop of colour with an oversized speedy holdall in vibrant red, yellow or green. Complete your look with the new Super Vision sunglasses, molded in rubber-effect nylon to mimic the aesthetic of iconic camera designs. need for sPeed E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 34 trend: Louis Vuitton

黑白灰的世界變得超級「酷」。 Monotone has never looked so cool. Black, white and grey E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 35

你想擁有光彩照人的肌膚嗎? 答案很可能是「是」。但肌膚光彩到底是什麼? 回想一下高中的科學課,光線在平滑、均勻、緊致和淺色表 面上反射得最好。換句話說,它們的反面就是「光陷阱」,而在 我們皮膚上的「光陷阱」,就是那些乾燥粗糙的區域、粗大的毛 孔、細紋、皺紋、鬆弛和色斑。 自古以來,我們一直在追求肌膚的光彩,古時嬌女貴婦們用 牛奶沐浴、用珍珠粉塗臉,如今嬌蘭使用一種來自喜馬拉雅地區 罕見白色蘭花的提取物,將護膚產品帶上一個新的水準——奢華 「雙嬌」包括一款精華液和一款面霜,幫助增強10種青春跡象並 喚醒6個光亮因素。 Do you want to have raDiant skin? the answer is probably “yes,” but what exactly is skin radiance? recalling high-school science class, light reflects best on surfaces that are smooth, even, taut and light-coloured. in other words, we want to avoid “light traps”. on our skin, light traps can mean dry and rough patches, large pores, fine lines, wrinkles, sagginess and discolourations. we have been in pursuit of skin radiance since antiquity, when queens bathed in milk and empresses dabbed on pearl powder. today, Guerlain has created a new ritual of a prodigious aura of youth with extracts from a rare white orchid originating in the himalayas. this new luxurious duo of a serum and a cream helps to amplify ten signs of youth and revive six factors of light. It’s all about the light 定義肌膚光彩 Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Guerlain E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 36 Glow

全新禦庭蘭花金緻煥采面霜形狀如同一個圓潤的鵝卵石。這款面霜可重複添加,瓶身由40%回收玻璃製成,更換時只需保留它的鋁蓋。 The Orchidée Impériale Gold Nobile Cream is reminiscent of a perfectly rounded pebble. (The cream is refillable and with the jar crafted from 40% recycled glass.) Only its sleek brushed aluminum cap needs to be kept. Orchidée Impériale Gold Nobile cream, 50ml | $940; 50ml refill | $800 這種產自喜馬拉雅山脈的白色蘭花金石斛,明黃花芯、 純白花瓣,非常獨特,是傳統中醫藥中使用的50種基本植物 之一,因其具有滋潤和緊致的特性,及消炎抗菌功效而備受 重視。 金石斛擁有特別豐沛的生命力,是生長在高海拔環境中 的結果。由於靠近太陽,它具有強大的光合能力,與其它植 物進行簡單的光合作用相比,它能結合數種光合作用機制, 依據環境和水分狀況來變更。這種特殊的活力令它散發出特 別的光輝——比其它白色蘭花的光線強度高出68%。 嬌蘭濃縮了來自金石斛的27種基本分子,這些分子對年 輕和提亮肌膚有顯著效益。專家提取花蕾中的幹細胞,讓它 們增殖,然後將它們進一步與三種突破性勝肽和維生素C結 合,以實現細胞再生過程。 在這個結合中,亮肌勝肽能刺激alpha晶狀體蛋白,防 止引致肌膚暗啞的蛋白質的分解和積聚。抗老勝肽別具「類 肉毒桿菌」效果,針對表情紋,減輕微收縮,回復容光煥 發。維生素C則在數個層面對付肌膚色素沉著,同時具抗衰 老功效,賦活能合成膠原蛋白的纖維母細胞。 endemic to the mountainous regions of the himalayas, the Gold nobile orchid is distinctive for its pure white petals and radiant yellow centre. it is one of the 50 fundamental plants used in traditional Chinese medicine for its healing qualities, and is particularly valued for its moisturizing and toning properties, as well as its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial prowess. this remarkable life energy is a result of its origin in a high-altitude environment. Being closer to the sun, the Gold nobile orchid developed extraordinary photosynthesis capacities. while other plants carry out simple photosynthesis, it combines several photosynthesis mechanisms that evolve according to its environment and water conditions. this exceptional vitality also brings about a special radiance—it diffuses 68 per cent more intense light than other white orchids. Guerlain’s research concentrated 27 fundamental molecules from a rare white orchid called Gold nobile that can restore aged cell so our skin can show a level of radiance that is approaching that of a youthful cell. extracts from the flower buds’ cells are then combined with a trio of active ingredients. a brightening peptide prevents the breakdown and accumulation of proteins that can cause skin dullness. another peptide delivers a “Botoxlike” effect by reducing micro-contractions in expression lines, leaving the face looking rested, smooth and toned. vitamin C is also included to act on several skin pigmentation levels and for its anti-aging effect. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 37

全新禦庭蘭花金緻煥采精華液裝在一隻珍貴的玻璃 小瓶中,外殼是個可重複更換內芯的鋁質噴霧器。 The Orchidée Impériale Gold Nobile Serum is housed in a precious glass vial, which nests inside a refillable brushed aluminum dispenser. Orchidée Impériale Gold Nobile serum, The Refill 30ml | $800 Orchidée Impériale Gold Nobile serum, Pump Bottle 30ml | $940 E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 38 Glow

DNA結構受到保護來限制衰老的發生,促進細胞代謝以 增加細胞能量,刺激膠原蛋白生成,增加肌膚明亮度,並最大 限度減少黑色素和糖化蛋白等「光陷阱」的數量和分佈,明顯 減少瑕疵,撫平皺紋。 現在,每個人都可以在日常護膚中使用嬌蘭禦庭蘭花金 緻煥采面霜和精華液,令肌膚品質大躍進。 全新禦庭蘭花金緻煥采精華是嫩肌儀式的第一步,配方 具備95%天然來源成份,並注入了白色珍珠微粒和24K金粒, 觸感如絲絨般滑溜。加上高脂質濃度,多達5種保濕成份和乳 木果油,能輕易塗抹均勻,功效和舒適感持久。 第二步是塗抹94%配方來源天然的全新禦庭蘭花金緻煥 采乳霜。這款強效護膚乳霜,其脂質基底富含「類神經醯胺」 潤膚成份,結合高濃度角鯊烷,與肌膚完美協調。它的水性基 底則含有4種保濕成份,促進保濕作用。24K金粒、能多重反 射的珍珠母貝組合構成珍貴複合物,即時融入肌膚,大幅增加 擴散光線,卻不會過度反光,能營造出金色肌理,效果透亮。 乳霜帶有一個白色玉石工具配合使用,嬌蘭美容專家研 發出了一個包括4個步驟的刮痧療程,達到煥變肌膚、提升亮 澤的效果。療程令肌膚看來平滑,感覺柔順,繃緊全消,容顏 重獲天然平衡狀態。日復一日,肌理變得細緻,色斑悄然消 退,膚色更加晶瑩剔透。 全新禦庭蘭花金緻煥采雙組合,將金石斛的功效與產品 的超級質感發揮到極致,為我們從緊致度、均勻度、絲滑度、 光亮度,全方位打造青春完美肌膚。 the structure of cellular Dna is protected to limit the onset of senescence. Cellular metabolism is boosted, stimulating collagen and increasing luminosity. Light traps such as melanin and glycated proteins are minimized, visibly reducing blemishes and smoothing out the complexion. now, everyone can take an elevated approach to their skincare routine with the new orchidee imperiale Gold nobile serum and cream duo. the radiance ritual begins with the serum, which contains 95 per cent natural ingredients. infused with white micro-pearls and 24-carat gold particles, this powerful light diffuser feels light and airy, yet velvety and creamy when applied. with no less than five humectants and shea butter, it glides effortlessly over the skin for long-lasting comfort and effect. Day after day, the skin regains its qualities of perfection: skin texture is refined, pigmentation spots are reduced and the complexion becomes brighter and more transparent. next, apply the orchidee imperiale Gold nobile Cream. the highly concentrated yet 94-per-cent natural formula is enriched with a “ceramidelike” emollient combined with a high concentration of squalane, plus four humectants to promote hydration. it is also enriched with a precious complex of 24-carat gold particles and a duo of multi-reflective mother-of-pearl that instantly fuses with the skin, multiplying the diffusion of light without adding excessive shine. the result is a golden texture with a transparent, luminous finish. the cream comes with a white jade gua sha tool. using a four-step massage technique developed by Guerlain’s expert spa facialists, skin features look smoother, tension is removed and the face regains its radiance. Day after day, the skin is transformed, glowing with an aura of gold and light. By combining the power of the Gold nobile orchid with an ultra-sensorial texture, the orchidee imperiale Gold nobile duo targets key youth processes, such as firmness, density, structure and evenness, to transform our skin into a perfect canvas for radiance. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 39

La Collection Privée Christian Dior “New Look”, 125 ml | $420 新時代新風貌 A Dior State of Mind The iconic New Look silhouette is now a new scent Story | Leslie Yip Boucher-Harris E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 40 glow

1947年,Christian Dior首次推出他的時裝系列,運用肩部柔 美、上身豐腴、腰肢纖細、裙裾寬大的新穎曲線設計,以「新風 貌」徹底重塑女性輪廓,使之成為革命性的全新潮流。 如今,77年過去了,Dior的剪裁依然在秀台、紅毯和街頭備受 推崇。它依然充滿現代感,精緻的細節和深思熟慮的設計將其奢華 傳統代代相傳。 Dior香水創意總監Francis Kurkdjian將「新風貌」描述為「一 種心境」,這種「新風貌」出現在了最新La Collection Privee典藏 香氛系列中。 「Christian Dior當初希望香水能夠呈現出他時裝的氛圍,這是 我們堅守的初衷。」Kurkdjian說,「我希望以一種完全大膽的風 格,延續時裝和香水之間的完美關係,用我的香水回應當今『新風 貌』的風骨、新意和精髓。」 乳香發揮着雙重作用,傳達清新和神秘的氣息,而溫暖的琥珀 香則增添了感性的柔和。令人驚訝的是香薰從人們熟悉的花香跳入 清新流暢的醛香,閃爍的香氣讓人想起森林苔、柑橘皮、晚香玉、 香草豆和甜木草的味道,帶上了一種超現代的光滑金屬質感,擔得 起「新風貌」之名。 「對我來說,典藏香氛系列代表着一個獨特的表達領域,將 時裝和香水的宇宙緊密聯繫在一起。因為在Dior,每個世界彼此相 依,和諧共存。」Kurkdjian強調說,「一件時裝的結構映射到香水 的成份中,而織物的流動由原材料來定義。我創作的每一件新作品 都源於對Dior歷史的發掘,它的幻想世界,它的價值觀,及它的傳 承和審美規範,都已經根植在我們的新時代中。」 In 1947, Christian Dior unveiled his inaugural collection, debuting the iconic “New Look.” This revolutionary style, characterized by rounded shoulders, a defined waist and a luxuriously voluminous skirt, marked Dior’s ascent as an iconic figure in 20th-century couture. Now 77 years later, the Dior silhouette is still celebrated everywhere: on catwalks, red carpets and in the street. Evolving through time, it is still brilliantly contemporary, and minute detailing and thoughtful design speak to its heritage of luxury. Dior Parfums creation director Francis Kurkdjian describes the New Look as “a state of mind,” and to mark his first project with Dior’s La Collection Privée, he has choosen to give New Look a new scent. “To be true to Christian Dior, who wanted his perfumes to provide an olfactory reflection of his couture,” Kurkdjian says. “I wanted to continue that perfect synergy between couture and fragrance, in a completely audacious style. I therefore aimed to create a perfume that echoes the spirit, the nuances and the essence of today’s New Look.” Frankincense plays a dual role to convey freshness and mystical accents, while a warm amber accord adds a sensual softness. The surprise element is shifting from expected floral notes to an aldehyde. The radiant sparkling notes suggest forest moss, citrus peel, tuberose, tonic beans and sweet clover, with a sleek metallic tang that feels ultra modern. It certainly wears its name well. “For me, La Collection Privée embodies a unique field of expression, linking the couture and perfume universes closely together, because at Dior, one cannot exist without the other,” explains the creative director. “The structure of a garment mirrors the composition of a perfume and the flow of fabric reflects the constraints of raw materials. “Each new creation that I compose explores the history of our House, its imaginary worlds, its values and the aesthetic codes of its heritage, transposed into our era.” Dior香水創意總監Francis Kurkdjian。 Dior Parfums creation director Francis Kurkdjian. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 41

A decade on from Masterchef, Eric Chong continues to be at the forefront of Toronto dining, with a new restaurant and pending fatherhood on the horizon, things certainly haven’t slowed down for the gastro-star Story & Styling | Leslie Yip Boucher-Harris Photography & Art Director | Simon Boucher-Harris Assistant | Hale Ho HMUA | Mystique Wardrobe: Stars, Lululemon, Nike and Zara at Scarborough Town Centre (STC) Location: IKEA Canada at STC Strauss Red Label DoubleBreasted Plaid Blazer (Grey) $147.50 Modango Solid Cash/Cotton Turtleneck Knit (Black) $69.99 Both from Stars at STC Full Steam ahead For maStercheF eric chong 從一道龍蝦炒麵開始…… E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 42 Cover Story

張華聰這個名字可能聽起來陌生,但只要說起加拿大知名烹飪 真人秀《廚神大戰》(MasterChef)第一季產生的首個「廚神」就是 他,很多人會恍然大悟。一轉眼十年過去,《eliteGen星尚》最近訪 問到他,當初的22歲毛頭小夥,剛剛升級當爸爸了!更重要的是,十年 間他將自己的烹飪事業做得風生水起。 This year marks the 10th anniversary of Eric Chong’s epic win in the first-ever MasterChef Canada. Many readers may still remember the dreamy look on the faces of the judges when they tasted his nowinfamous lobster chow mein. After he won the title, he was invited by one of the judges in the competition, three-starred Michelin chef Alvin Leung, to open a restaurant together. Their R&D restaurant in Toronto’s Chinatown wowed the city with its modern-style Chinese cuisine. When the Michelin guide finally came to Canada in 2022, R & D won the coveted Michelin Bib Gourmand recognition, two years in a row. But the young chef is not complacent. He recently announced that a second restaurant is coming, and we are already salivating. Where will it be? What will he be serving? When will it be open? Textured Knit Crewneck Sweater (Heathered Blue Chill) $148 Commission Long-Sleeve Shirt (Enzyme Dye Mineral Blue) $118 ABC Slim-Fit 5 Pocket Pant (Warpstreme) $138 Lululemon at STC Paint Sneakers $69.90 Zara at STC E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 43

New Venture Rain Coat (Raw Linen) $199 Sojourn Fleece-Lined Knit Jacket (White) $148 ABC Slim-Fit 5 Pocket Pant (Warpstreme) $138 Lululemon at STC Zara Paint Sneakers $69.90 Zara at STC E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 44 Cover Story

初代「廚神」十年熱愛始終不變 eG:2024年是你在首屆加拿大《廚神》比賽中獲勝的十周 年。你在IG上曬出的最新照片看上去獎盃有些發黃了。發生了什 麼?是陽光還是廚房油漬所致?主辦方會寄給你一座新獎盃嗎? 哈哈,這個問題很有趣。它只是被太陽曬黃了。我從未把 它帶到餐廳,實際上很長一段時間都放在我父母家,因為我之前 住公寓。在多倫多買房後,才把它拿回來。它沒幾年就變成金色 了,我確實與主辦方溝通過,但他們說製作新獎盃我要自己付 錢,那就算了,金色很獨特,也不錯! eG:說到IG,為什麼選擇@wok_lobster作用戶名? 我覺得這個用戶名很好玩,而且我在《廚神》比賽中獲勝的 關鍵是用炒鍋做了一道龍蝦炒麵,所以這個用戶名很合適我。 eG:你製作龍蝦炒麵的秘訣是什麼?十年過去,你的這道 菜有什麼變化嗎? 這道菜要想味道濃郁,烘烤龍蝦肉之外的部分,拿它們熬醬 汁這個步驟非常重要。然後當然是有嚼勁的麵條,自製且新鮮的 最好。另外一個關鍵是要用炒鍋來炒,這樣才有足夠的鑊氣。多 汁的龍蝦肉自然是重點,蔬菜、香料等其它食材可以由廚師根據 自己的想法添加。 實際上,我們在餐廳不提供這道菜,因為從餐廳的角度來 看,執行起來有些困難。我們的菜單上取而代之的是@WOK_ LOBSTER,這道龍蝦菜是一個更加精緻的版本。我們用足龍蝦的 每個部分,以不同的方式來烹製,然後放在玻璃罩下,用蘋果木 屑來煙熏。 eG:您說直到現在你依然喜歡龍蝦。現在你能用哪 些方式烹飪龍蝦? 實際上,烹飪一種食材的方式幾乎是無限 的,黃油水煮龍蝦、烤龍蝦、炒龍蝦、油炸龍蝦 及龍蝦刺身都是我很喜歡的烹飪方式。 在這裡我分享一個龍蝦菜譜。 LET’s finD ouT? eG: We were so excited to hear that a second restaurant is coming, but before we get to that, we saw a post showing that your MasterChef trophy has turned all yellow. What happened? Yes, i thought it was quite funny. it simply got sun stained. it was already turning golden after a couple of years. i told the organizers, but they said i had to pay for a new one to be made and i wasn’t willing to pay the price. i think the gold look makes it unique! eG: Why did you choose @wok_lobster as your instagram handle? i just thought it was a funny handle and since i won MasterChef Canada by cooking lobster chow mein in a wok. eG: What is the secret to your lobster chow mein? Are you still making it the same way now? first there must be a deep lobster flavour. i achieve that by roasting the shells and the bodies. next, we need some nice al-dente egg noodles, best if they are freshly home-made. How you cook it is important too—definitely use a wok to coat the noodles with the delicious sauce and to ensure lots of wok hei, a signature smokiness imparting from a hot wok. succulent lobster meat is a must, and then add your own spin. You can experiment with different vegetables, spices and aromatics in the lobster sauce. We actually don’t serve that dish at the restaurant because it was a bit too difficult to execute from a restaurant point of view, (shelf stability, profitability and the labour involved). We have another lobster dish on R&D’s menu called @WoK_LoBsTER, which is a much more refined version. We use every single part of the lobster, but cook each part in a different way. Then we smoke the whole dish under a cloche with apple woodchips. eG: You tell us that the lobster is still your favourite ingredient. What other ways do you like to prepare it? There are unlimited amount of ways to cook something. My top five favourite ways of eating lobsters probably are, in no particular order, butter poached, grilled, stir-fried, deep-fried and raw, as in sashimi. Here is a lobster recipe that is very easy for eliteGen readers to cook at home. Textured Knit Crewneck Sweater (Heathered Blue Chill) $148 Commission Long-Sleeve Shirt ABC Slim-Fit 5 Pocket Pant Nike at STC E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 45

Scoop Floral Print Shirt (Cream) Upon request Point Zero Half-Zip Textured Sweater (Cream) $60 Bertini Check Pants (Grey) Upon request Stars at STC E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 46 Cover Story

DEEp fRiED LoBsTER WiTH BLACK BEAn sAuCE RECipE Black Bean Stock: Ginger (155g), shallots (105g), Garlic (105g), scallions (100g), Thai Chili (2g), fermented Black Bean (100g), sesame oil (75g), shao Hsing wine (250g), Water (1000g), Chicken powder (15g) 1. sauté the Ginger, shallots, Garlic, scallions, Thai Chili in sesame oil 2. Deglaze with shao Hsing 3. Add remaining ingredients and simmer for 30 minute 4. strain through a fine mesh strainer Black Bean Sauce: fresh Ground pork (100g), Lee Kum Kee Black Bean Garlic sauce (75g), Black Bean stock (390g), White pepper (1g), Black pepper (1g), sugar (40g), Water + 20g Corn starch (30g) 1. sauté the ground pork on high heat with a little bit of oil until fully cooked and in small pieces 2. Add remaining ingredients and bring to a boil while whisking Assembly: 1. Chop the fresh lobster into large pieces and coat in corn starch 2. Deep fry until golden brown at 375˚f 3. Allow excess oil to drain then toss the lobster in a wok with the black bean sauce 4. Toss until lobster is coated and serve (can garnish with crispy garlic or scallions) eG: Thank you for sharing the recipe! Black bean sauce is a very typical Cantonese sauce. Did you come across this condiment from your family meals? My mom is from Guangzhou. My dad’s family is from Kuching, Malaysia. My grandfather used to be a dim sum chef, but he retired when i was quite young, so i never got to dine at his restaurant. However, he started teaching me how to make dim sum when i was six years old. Every time i visited him, i would watch him cook, and he would always take the time to show me how and explain what he was doing. eG: Why was your dad against you becoming a chef? My mom is also a phenomenal cook and i learned a lot from her as well. My dad just wanted his son to take a career path that would give the best chances for a good living. in his eyes, it meant becoming a doctor, lawyer or engineer. i am thankful he pushed me to complete my engineering degree because my education has been vital to my success today. ironically, i won’t want my son to become a chef when he grows up! 豉汁醬炒龍蝦 步驟一:製作豉汁 食材:薑(155克)、紅蔥頭(105克)、大 蒜(105克)、青蔥(100克)、泰國辣椒(2克) 、豆豉(100克)、芝麻油(75克)、紹興酒(250 克)、清水(1,000克)、雞精(15克) 油燒熱,將薑、紅蔥頭、大蒜、青蔥、泰國辣 椒入鍋翻炒;淋入紹興酒;然後加入其餘食材,小 火煮30分鐘;用紗網過濾出湯汁。 步驟二:製作豉醬 食材:新鮮豬肉末(100克)、李錦記蒜蓉豆 豉醬(75克) 、豉汁(390克)、白胡椒(1克)、 黑胡椒(1克)、白糖(40克)、清水(30克,加 入20克玉米澱粉) 油燒熱,下豬肉末炒碎炒熟,加入其餘食材, 攪拌、煮沸。 步驟三:烹製龍蝦 將新鮮龍蝦切成大塊,裹上玉米澱粉,在375 華氏度的油中炸至金黃;撈出瀝油;龍蝦入鍋加入 豉醬翻炒,炒至均勻,即可上桌,可用蔥、蒜加以 點綴。 eG:這個龍蝦菜譜裡用的佐料豉汁醬是典型的 粵菜醬料,是你跟家人學來的嗎? 我媽媽來自廣州,爸爸來自馬來西亞。其實我 外公在我很小的時候就退休了,所以我從未在他的 餐廳裡就過餐。但從我6歲起,他就開始教我做點 心。每次去他家,我最喜歡的就是看他做飯,他總 是一邊做一邊告訴我為什麼要這樣,而且教我怎麼 操作。 eG:你爸爸以前不支持你做廚師,為什麼? 我媽媽也是一位非常出色的廚師,我也從她那 裡學做菜。但我爸爸只想讓他兒子選擇一條可以過 上好生活的職業道路,在他看來,首選是醫生、律 師或工程師。 但我很感激他督促我完成了化學工程學位,如 果沒有這個學位,我不可能有今天。這個教育基礎 對我的成功至關重要,所以我一點也不後悔當初學 工程。但很諷刺的是,我現在似乎並不希望我的兒 子將來以廚師為業! E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 47

Basic Slim Fit T-Shirt $39.90 Patch Bomber Jacket $39.99 Baggy Fit Jeans $79.90 Zara at STC E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 48 Cover Story

REBEL AnD DEMon: R & D AT 241 spADinA Very soon after Chong won the title of MasterChef, he partnered up with Demon Chef Alvin Leung to open R & D in Chinatown. The name has two layers of meaning. first, it stands for rebel and demon. Leung is obviously the demon, while Chong is the rebel who broke away from the norm and left a career path he spent four years in study. it also stands for research and development—what a coincidence that they were both engineers before becoming chefs. eG: When the restaurant opened, Chinatown was not as gentrified as today. Why did you choose to open there? To be honest, we were just in love with the space. it had everything we were looking for: a massive space with tall ceilings, beautiful wooden floors, an open kitchen and a basement with walk-in coolers. We knew we could transform it into something magical. We were not too worried about the location itself since we felt that if the food was good enough, people would travel for it. it was also great being so close to all the Chinese markets! eG: There are many great Chinese eateries in the GTA. What makes yours unique? it’s true that there are many great Chinese eateries, but not a lot of fusion ones. R&D is an approachable restaurant for people to explore the tastes of Asia. We do not claim to offer authentic Asian cuisine. Rather, we like to use premium ingredients and add an Asian twist to it, or take Asian classics and add a modern spin. for example, we make our char siu with iberico pork, the wagyu equivalent of pork. or, we take a classic like peking Duck and brine it for 24 hours, dry-age it for two weeks, slow cook it for three hours and then baste it with hot oil to crisp the skin. eG: if you had not won the $100,000 from MasterChef Canada, would you still be a restaurant chef-owner today? Absolutely not, but it is not all about the money. if i didn’t win, i would not have the title of being Canada’s first MasterChef. The notoriety and title alone have opened many doors for me, jumpstarting my career. for example, i don’t think i would have a working relationship with Michael Bonacini and Alvin Leung, let alone a joint business. Also, if i lost, i don’t think i would have the mental fortitude to pursue this career. i mean, i still have imposter syndrome now. How would i feel if i didn’t win? 唐人街上的「叛逆與魔鬼」 eG:你贏得廚神頭銜後不久,就與「惡魔廚師」梁經倫合 作在多倫多的241 Spadina Ave開了一家餐廳,名叫R&D。餐廳名 是什麼意思? 為什麼選擇在唐人街開餐廳? R&D是「Rebel & Demon」的簡寫,是「叛逆與魔鬼」的意 思。梁經倫是「惡魔」,我是「叛逆」,因為我脫離了常規,花 了4年讀化學工程,卻沒有選擇那條職業道路。 唐人街當時還沒有完成翻新,所以與其它傳統餐館相 比,R&D似乎有些特立獨行。老實說,當時讓我們喜歡並作出決 定的是空間——高高的天花板、漂亮的木地板、開放廚房,空間 寬闊,地下室還有個步入式冷庫,一切都正合我們心意。 我們並不太擔心位置本身,因為我們覺得如果食物足夠美 味,就能吸引食客,再加上「惡魔廚師」梁經倫的名氣很大。 eG:是什麼讓R&D在大多倫多地區眾多的中餐館中脫穎而 出? 大多倫多地區確實有許多出色的中餐館,但融合風格的卻不 多。R&D並不標榜自己提供正宗的亞洲美食,我們只是使用優質 的食材,並為其添加一些亞洲風味,或者將亞洲經典菜肴進行現 代改良。例如,我們使用最高級的黑毛豬豬肉製作叉燒;或者拿 北京鴨來醃製24小時,風乾2周,再慢燉3小時,最後淋上熱油使 鴨皮金黃酥脆。 eG:如果沒有從《廚神》比賽中贏得10萬元,你是否會做廚 師開餐廳? 絕對不會。錢不是決定性的因素,但如果我沒有贏,就不會 有「加拿大首位廚神」的頭銜。「廚神」為我在烹飪事業上打開 了許多大門,例如,與Michael Bonacini和梁經倫建立關係,甚 至與他們有生意往來,如果我輸了是不可能發生的。而且我覺得 我應該缺乏足夠的精神力量,在比賽失敗後仍然堅持去追求廚師 這條職業道路。你相信嗎?我到現在還有種幻覺,覺得自己是在 冒名頂替! E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 49

Nike Sportswear Tech Men’s Therma-FIT Loose Insulated Jacket (Cargo Khaki) $220 Nike Sportwear Tech Fleece Men’s Joggers (Medium Olive) $120.99 E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 50 Cover Story

AKin: A nEW fRonTiER on Winter solstice day in 2023, Chong posted a photo of himself and Leung holding a key. The caption read: “Got the keys to the new restaurant today!” This post set instagram on fire and has received more than 7,000 likes to date. eG: We did some online sleuthing and found out that it is going to be a tasting menu-only, fine-dining establishment in Colborne Lane. Can you tell us about the location and timing of your new restaurant? i am excited to be partnering up with Leung again to open our second restaurant. This time, we were happy with both the space and the location. Colborne Lane is a great location for a reservations-based destination restaurant. it is located in the centre of Toronto, (near King and Church), so people from all around the GTA can come. it is also an up-and-coming street: piano piano just opened up next door. We are aiming to open the restaurant in June. We really want to push to be open by that date because Michelin is every september. i haven’t heard of a restaurant getting Michelin recognition in less than three months, so if we open in July or August, we will most likely not receive any recognition for 2024. eG: What will be the name for the new restaurant? it will be called aKin. The word means similar of nature or character, which fits our vision well. We plan to serve modernized dishes with a special twist. for example, we will be doing a new take on the omurice. instead of an omelette, it will be a warm porcini sabayon; instead of a typical gravy, it will be a rich bordelaise. We will be using premium Japanese rice infused with wagyu beef as our rice part of the dish. so in essence it is similar to an omurice, just different. aKin can also mean related by blood. Although Leung and i are not related by blood, we are essentially family at this point. Lastly, the reason the K is capitalized in the name is because my grandfather’s first name is Kin (full name Kin Hung ng). He was a huge inspiration to me. eG: You are expecting your first baby boy in february. How do you expect to juggle between being a father and running two restaurants? Where there is a will, there is a way… Jokes aside, i have an extremely loving and supportive wife who has always understood my long hours. i will be taking a month off work once my son is born and then juggling between the two restaurants while being a father when the time comes. i’m used to very little sleep, so i hope all these years of training will finally pay off! My dad always told me to “work yourself out of a job” and only recently do i understand what he meant. i have since fortunately built a team that i can rely on. if i were still in the kitchen with lots of cooking responsibilities, i would never have the time to open a second restaurant or maybe even do this interview! eG: Any plans to expand your culinary kingdom beyond Toronto? i try not to get too far ahead of myself. if the opportunity presents itself, of course we would consider it. However, my friends and family are in Toronto and i am a very hands-on chef. for now, i am happy with keeping my businesses in ontario, but you never know! With special thanks to scarborough Town Centre (sTC), the largest shopping centre in the eastern Greater Toronto Area, offering a premier shopping experience with 250 stores and over 30 dining options, including flagship stores of sephora, Zara, as well as Michael Kors, Coach, Lululemon and more. Recently, sTC celebrated its 50th anniversary with the arrival of iKEA, its first location within a retail shopping centre in Canada. sTC offers visitors access to every imaginable essential for modern living and is a distinct blend of energy, ethnicity, ingenuity and creativity that is at the heart of this community. 新餐廳aKin即將開業 eG:你和梁經倫合作的第二家餐廳即將開業。何時開 業?為什麼選在Colborne Lane? 我們合作的第二間餐廳屬於豪華中餐廳,將開在 Colbourne Lane,那裡彙集了不少著名餐廳。這次,我們 對空間和位置兩者都非常滿意。Colborne Lane位於多倫多 市中心,是市民和遊客彙集的地方,這裡還有未來的加拿 大Google總部。 我們的目標是在6月開業,因為米芝蓮評選是每年9 月,如果等到7月或8月才開業,一間營業不到3個月的餐 廳是很難獲得米芝蓮認可的。 eG:新餐廳為什麼取名aKin? 「aKin」這個詞的本意是「相似的、類似的」,我 們想用它來表達一種理念——遵從它的本源,但大膽加以 變化。譬如說我們的蛋包飯,與其說它是個煎蛋捲,不如 說是一個牛肝菌沙巴雍。我們用濃鬱的波爾多醬汁取代了 典型的肉汁,蛋捲裡的米飯是加入了和牛的最好日本米。 因此,從本質上講,這是個與傳統相似但創新滿滿的蛋包 飯。 「aKin」還有一層意思是「血緣相關」。我和梁經倫 儘管沒有血緣關係,但從某種程度上來說,我們現在是一 家人。 在「aKin」 中,K是大寫的,這是因為我外公名字Kin Hung Ng中的Kin,他對我的生活和事業來說意義非凡。 eG:你的小寶寶二月份出生,祝賀你!你覺得自己怎 麼才能既經營好兩個餐廳,又做個好爸爸,如何平衡經營 者和廚師兩重身份? 有志者,事竟成,哈哈!我有個非常愛我並且支持我 的妻子,她一直理解我長時間工作。在兒子出生後,我會 休一個月假,準備好奔波忙碌兼顧兩頭。好在我早已習慣 了少睡眠的生活,希望這些年練就的功力能發揮作用。 早期的時候做到平衡很難,我爸爸給我的指導是:以 「使自己沒有工作可做」為目標,我直到最近才理解他的 意思。幸運的是,我現在有一個可以依賴的團隊,不必親 自下廚。如果我仍然在廚房掌勺烹飪,開設第二家餐廳就 會是個天方夜譚。 eG:你有沒有未來把餐廳開遍加拿大,甚至世界各地 的想法? 到世界各地經營餐廳不好說,我試着不要過於超前考 慮。如果機會出現,當然我們願意擴張,只是我的朋友和 家人都在多倫多,我又是個喜歡親力親為的人。我目前專 注于安省。不過,未來的事誰能說得準呢? 特別致謝士嘉堡購物中心。 這個大多倫多地區東部最大的購物中心有250個商店及 30個餐飲場所,其中包括Sephora、Zara旗艦店,Michael Kors,Coach,Lululemon等,給消費者帶來最佳購物體 驗。這個今年邁入50周年的購物天堂,將迎來Ikea加盟,這 是Ikea在加拿大首次進駐一個零售商場。 訪問士嘉堡購物中心,感受最新生活潮流,將夢想、 活力和創新相互交融,這個社區的心臟把我們緊緊聯繫在一 起。 E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 51