
廣告如有排版錯誤時,則以店內標示為準。部分商品數量有限,售完為止。福耀超市保留售賣數量的權利。 Although we strive for accuracy in both copy & illustration, unintentional error may occur, we reserve the right to correct any error. Specials available while quantites last. We reserve the right to limited quantities. PRODUCE BBQ New Zealand Lamb Shoulder 纽西兰无骨羊肩肉 Pork Jowl Steaks with Garlic Sauce 蒜香猪颈肉 Fresh Angus Beef Short Rib 新鲜安格斯牛仔骨 Chicken Leg Meat with Lemon Grass 香茅有皮鸡扒 $999 LB $999 LB $799 LB $499 LB Mini Yellow Watermelon 迷你黄肉西瓜 Hami Melon 哈密瓜 Chive Flower 韭菜花 本店有售DuBreton 有机&全自然鲜猪 2/$15 0 Jumbo Green Pepper 青椒 98¢ LB $138 LB Donut Peach 特大蟠桃 $498 LB $688 EA 廣告如有排版錯誤時,則以店內標示為準。部分商品數量有限,售完為止。福耀超市保留售賣數量的權利。 Although we strive for accuracy in both copy & illustration, unintentional error may occur, we reserve the right to correct any error. Specials available while quantites last. We reserve the right to limited quantities. PRODUCE BBQ New Zealand Lamb Shoulder 纽西兰无骨羊肩肉 Pork Jowl Steaks with Garlic Sauce 蒜香猪颈肉 Fresh Angus Beef Short Rib 新鲜安格斯牛仔骨 Chicken Leg Meat with Lemon Grass 香茅有皮鸡扒 $999 LB $999 LB $799 LB $499 LB Mini Yellow Watermelon 迷你黄肉西瓜 Hami Melon 哈密瓜 Chive Flower 韭菜花 本店有售DuBreton 有机&全自然鲜猪 2/$15 0 Green Pepper 青椒 98¢ LB $138 LB Donut Peach 特大蟠桃 $498 LB $688 EA