2022 Chinese Zodiac Magazine

伍子明 電話:(416) 606-8332 Website: www.paulng.com E-mail: info@paulng.com This is a year of romance for you. You would get along well with people. Public relations, sales and marketing are good for you. You would have a clear mind. Hence analytical work is favourable. WORK - You favour work that deals with people, such as marriage arrangement. Good ones also include enter tainment, manpower agency, etc. Analytical work is also good for you. WEALTH - Your finances would be stable. RELATIONS - Your people relationships are extraordinary. However, there may still be occasional people conflicts. Hence stay low and humble. HEALTH - Overall, you are healthy. Just pay more attention to your liver and kidneys. 2022壬寅水虎年 流年預測 九九己卯年生人 凡事辛勞。須防感情波動和爭拗。 八七丁卯年生人 多合之年,工作宜外不宜內。可以擴大朋友圈子。 七五己卯年生人 權力增長,打工者易升遷,從商者可以擴展。 六三癸卯年生人 人緣大好,尤其有異性助力。事業暢順。 五一辛卯年生人 已過古稀之年,人緣仍佳,宜多參加團體活動更佳。 三九己卯年生人 多注意身體健康,凡事多放下,頤養天年便是。 Highlights of Rabbit of Individual Years 1999 - You may need more effort at work. There may also be instability in your relations involving arguments. Keep your cool. 1987 - You would connect well with people. Out of office work would be better for you than inside. Try to expand your circle of friends and contacts. 1975 - Your authority would improve. If you are employed, you have a good chance to be promoted. If you are self-employed, consider expanding your business. 1963 - Your outstanding people relationship would help your work. You would get much help from the opposite gender. This is a good year for you. 1951 - Even at this senior age, your people relationships remain good. You should participate in more social activities to stay agile. 1939 - You should let go of any worries and material gains. Work on your health and enjoy your long life. 1999 1987 1975 1963 1951 1939 兔人本年多桃花,人緣佳,宜公關和買賣生意。頭腦清晰,也可做分析性質行業。 大利與人事有關之行業,如婚嫁、娛樂、中介等。也利分析性質工作。 財運平穩,無大起伏。 桃花旺,人緣佳。但須防人事爭拗。 身體還算安好。但須防肝腎問題。 總論 事業 財祿 感情 健康 兔Rabbit 兔 (以五★為最高) 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 運勢開始回升,感情運較旺 盛,有條件者適宜舉辦結 婚、置業或添丁等人生喜事,人逢喜事精 神佳,也能增強正能量氣場。 屬兔的人今年命宮中吉星寥寥,故此 流年運勢平平無奇,若要有所作為,必須 經過一番艱苦的奮鬥掙扎。 事業發展整體比較穩定,在工作當中 雖然沒有貴人相助,但是屬兔人自身能力 比較出眾優秀,能夠獨當一面,許多困難 都會得到解決,並且憑藉自己的努力付出 取得一定的成就,不僅在職場當中擁有一 定的地位,還能夠得到其他人的尊重與擁 護。 由於做事兢兢業業,年尾將會有豐碩 收穫,但卻需防被人暗中掠奪成果,做事 最好能夠親力親為,只有這樣才會避免被 人暗中破壞。 財運頗為樂觀,正財有吉星照耀,收 入水漲船高,還會有額外的收益。不過本 年度晦氣凶星影響之下開銷也很大,總是 會有意外時間來臨,比如跌倒摔傷,或者 器具出現嚴重損壞等,都會損失一筆不小 的金錢。所以說,日常生活中去 高處或者上下樓梯要格外小心。家 中的電器以及貴重物品要定期保養檢查, 若是工作中用到的重要器具更是要注意 維護,免得意外狀況發生導致錢財受損。 健康運勢並不理想,在「晦氣」「飛 刃」等凶星的負面影響下,健康和安全運 勢同時存在威脅。這一年要警惕疾病的發 生,這一年會受到不少小疾病的困擾,比 如咳嗽、感冒、發燒、腸胃不適、消化不良 等。另外,出外有招災破財的危機,駕車 人士更是要加倍留意安全。 感情方面,運勢平穩且呈現上升趨 勢,是桃花旺盛的一年。在「太陽」吉星和 「咸池」桃花的幫助下,事業上的喜訊能 夠帶動不少桃花,單身人士有望獲得一段 職場戀情,遇到短暫姻緣。不過鏡花水月 難以長久,還是應該保持理智,不可因感 情而懈怠工作。此外,未婚情侶今年適宜 做結婚、生子打算,可延續喜慶吉利的運 勢,為順利邁入本命年做準備。已婚人士 更是要警惕牆外桃花的干擾,把控好 自己的身心,以免做出後悔莫及之 事。 事業 ★★★ 財運 ★★ 健康 ★★ 愛情 ★★★★ ■屬兔的李易峰今年運勢回升, 特別感情運旺盛。 8 壬寅虎年生肖運程特刊 2022 Year of Tiger Chinese Zodiac Magazine 吉星高照桃花增喜