2022壬寅虎年十二生肖運程 2022壬寅虎年十二生肖運程 The Brave Rhinoceroses The ancient people believed that the horn of the rhinoceros had psychic powers, and that the rhinoceros was so big and strong that it could ward off evil spirits! A pair of rhinoceroses looking at the big treasure on the top of the mountain, and bravely surmounting the peak side by side, make an inspirational scene of The Brave Rhinoceroses. People born in a year of the Mouse will have a bunch of inauspicious stars in their life cycle this year. Therefore, it will be hard for you to achieve your full potential by making progress in work. To avoid bad luck, you can place The Brave Rhinoceroses ornament in the southeast or at desk. Auspicious and Bad Locations The three best directions of the people born in the year of the Rat are Southeast, West and East directions. It will be good to place the bed, the working table and the sofa at these three locations in order to coincide with the good fortunes from these locations. Should it be difficult to shift the furniture to these three directions, it is advisable to at least avoid placing these three most important furniture on either directions of the South and Southwest where the directions are the most inauspicious. Please note that above mentioned pertains only for the people born in the year of the Rat and not for the other zodiac groups. Auspicious and Bad Color Combinations Red, blue and yellow are the best colors for the people born in the year of the Rat. The use of these colors to decorate the rooms of the house or office or on dressing attire will help to enhance the good fortune in the year. Avoid the use of the color green. Lucky numbers The lucky numbers are 2 and 6. Affectionate Swans A pair of beautiful and affectionate swans and a pair of Mandarin ducks are swimming in the blue waves. The scene means that they are in love and will be together for a long time. The two pairs, together with two parallel lotus flowers floating on the surface of the water, make a warm scene of Affectionate Swans. People born in a year of the Ox will have the “Pink Phoenix”, a lucky star of love, in their life cycle this year. Your fortune will be looking up with a happy love life. If you want to enhance your fortune, you can place the Affectionate Swans ornament in the west or bedside. Auspicious and Bad Locations The three best directions of the people born in the year of the Ox are West, East and Northeast. It will be good to place the bed, the working table and the sofa at these three locations in order to coincide with the good fortunes from these locations. Should it be difficult to shift the furniture to these three directions, it is advisable to at least avoid placing these three most important furniture on either directions of the Southwest and North where the directions are the most inauspicious. Please note that above mentioned pertains only for the people born in the year of the Ox and not for the other zodiac groups. Auspicious and Bad Color Combinations Blue, yellow and red are the best colors for the people born in the year of the Ox. The use of these colors to decorate the rooms of the house or office or on dressing attire will help to enhance the good fortune in the year. Avoid the use of the color white. Lucky numbers The lucky numbers are 4 and 7. 鼠MOUSE 牛OX 吉凶方位:屬鼠的人今年的三個生旺吉方,是東南、西方及東方;若能把 睡床、工作檯和沙發擺放在屋內這三個方位上,便可符合這生肖今年的 風水趨吉之道,有助改善流年運程。 倘若未能如此,最少亦要把這三種最重要的傢俱避開南方及西南,以符 合避凶之道。 以上所提出的吉凶方位,是純以生肖屬鼠的人來計算;而與其它生肖無 關,請勿混淆。 吉凶顏色:屬鼠的人今年的生旺顏色是紅、藍以及黃色;若能利用這些顏 色來佈置房間、或配襯衣物,這會對改善流年運程大有幫助!屬鼠的人今 年最忌綠色,最好盡量避免使用。 吉數:屬鼠的人今年的生旺數字是二及六。 吉凶方位:屬牛的人今年的三個生旺吉方,是西方、東方及東北;若能把 睡床、工作檯和沙發擺放在屋內這三個方位上,便可符合這生肖今年的 風水趨吉之道,有助改善流年運程。 倘若未能如此,最少亦要把這三種最重要的傢俱避開西南及北方,以符 合避凶之道。 以上所提出的吉凶方位,是純以生肖屬牛的人來計算;而與其它生肖無 關,請勿混淆。 吉凶顏色:屬牛的人今年的生旺顏色是藍、黃以及紅色;若能利用這些顏 色來佈置房間、或配襯衣物,這會對改善流年運程大有幫助!屬牛的人今 年最忌白色,最好盡量避免使用。 吉數:屬牛的人今年的生旺數字是四及七。 勇 闖 高 峰 年 年 同 心 古人認為犀牛的角有通靈功效,而且 犀牛身軀粗壯龐大,力量無堅不摧,故 此既能通靈,而且又可辟邪!一對犀牛 望著山頂上的大元寶,奮勇並肩衝上高 峰,組合而成勇闖高峰的勵志景象。 屬鼠的人,今年命宮中凶星混雜,故此 工作進展往往節外生枝,而且人事紛爭 又將接連而來,備受掣肘,以致難以盡 展所長!若要趨吉避凶,可在東南擺放 一座勇闖高峰作為勵志吉祥物。 美麗而多情的天鵝,以及喜歡雙雙對對 的鴛鴦在碧波暢泳,心心相印,長相廝 守。一對天鵝,一對鴛鴦,再加浮在水 面上的兩朵並蒂蓮花,因蓮蓮與年年同 音,故此三者組成年年同心的溫馨景 象。 屬牛的人,今年紅鸞照命,流年運勢大 有起色,工作進展暢順,感情生活將會 多姿多釆,如魚得水,但祇可惜財運似 是而非!若要趨吉避凶,可在西方擺放 一座年年同心作為吉祥物。 宋韶光著:虎年運程 / Extracted from 2022 the Year of the Tiger written by Rocky Siu Kwong Sung 李氏珍藏(龍城商場)提供 / Provided by Lee's Oriental Arts(Dragon City Mall) 電話 / Tel:403-233-8733 宋韶光著:虎年運程 / Extracted from 2022 the Year of the Tiger written by Rocky Siu Kwong Sung 李氏珍藏(龍城商場)提供 / Provided by Lee's Oriental Arts(Dragon City Mall) 電話 / Tel:403-233-8733 50 壬寅虎年生肖運程特刊 2022 Year of Tiger Chinese Zodiac Magazine