2022 Chinese Zodiac Magazine

芋頭去皮及刨絲。 Peel and shred the taro. Step 1 Step 2 把芋絲放進大碗,加入粘米粉、 糯米粉、胡椒粉、五香粉、白芝 麻拌勻。 Pu t t he t a r o sh r eds i n a large bowl, add the rice flour, glutinous rice f lour, pepper powder, f ive spice powder, white sesame and mix well. Step 4 把適量芋絲揉成小球,放入火鍋 隔篩。 Knead the taro shreds into small balls and put them in the hot pot sieve. Step 3 小鍋以大火燒熱油。 Heat oil in a small pot over high heat. Step 5 Step 6 撈起芋蝦,放到廚房紙上。 Pick up the taro balls and put them on the kitchen paper. Step 7 轉大火,芋蝦回鍋炸10秒。 Turn to high heat and deepfry the taro balls again for 10 seconds. Step 8 撈起芋蝦,放到廚房紙上,吸去 多餘油分。 Transfer the taro bal l s to k i t chen pape r t o abso r b excess oil. 放進熱油炸二十秒至定型,將芋 蝦脫出,炸至金黃。 Put them in the hot oil for 20 seconds until the shape is set, remove the taro bal ls, and deep-fry until golden. ZODIACCAL,HSE39505,#1 Fri Dec 03 2021 14:37:26 GMT-0800 恭祝華社各界 花開富貴 龍馬精神 卡城華人耆英會 仝人敬賀 地址:111 Riverfront Ave SW, Calgary AB T2P 4Y8 電話:403-269-6122 網站:www.cceca.ca ZODIACCAL,HSE39522,#1 Wed Dec 29 2021 13:03:55 GMT-0800 Email: jmdesigncalgary@gmail.com 電話 : (403)606-9338 政府註冊 ● 專業水平 ● 商業住宅 ● 設計裝修 ● 手工精細 ● 質量保証 Since HK 1958 CAD 1995 36 壬寅虎年生肖運程特刊 2022 Year of Tiger Chinese Zodiac Magazine