2022 Chinese Zodiac Magazine

ZODIACCAL,HSE39431,#1 Mon Jan 10 2022 11:00:47 GMT-0800 tions? d are subject to its 45810 (01/2020) Buying your first home? Lots of questions? I've got answers. Iris Wai Ho Ki Mortgage Specialist 403-680-9789 iris.ki@rbc.com Personal lending products and residential mortgages are offered by Royal Bank of Canada and are subject to its standard lending criteria. ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. 45810 (01/2020) Buying your first home? Lots of questions? I've got answers. Iris Wai Ho Ki Mortgage Specialist 403-680-9789 iris.ki@rbc.com Personal lending products and residential mortgages are offered by Royal Bank of Canada and are subject to its standard lending criteria. ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. 45810 (01/2020) Bu ing your first home? Lots of questions? I've got answers. Iris Wai Ho Ki Mortgage Specialist 403-680-9789 iris.ki@rbc.com Personal lending products and residential mortgages are offered by Royal Bank of C nada and are subject to its standard lending criteria. ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. 45810 (01/2020) RBC 有專為加拿大新移民而設的特別計劃。 我們提供的房屋貸款方案選擇眾多,而且利率吸引, 定能配合您的預算、境況和目標。詳情請與我聯絡。 祁蔚荷 Bu ing yo r first h ? L ts of questi ns? I'v t a swers. Iris Wai Ho Ki Mortgage Specialist 403-680-9789 iris.ki@rbc.com Personal lending products and residential mortgag s are offered by Royal Bank of C ad and are subject to its standard lending criteria. ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. ZODIACCAL,HSE39498,#1 Fri Dec 03 2021 11:46:24 GMT-0800 物業管理服務範圍 代客管理商住樓房、招租、甄選租客、釐定合約 定期收租及提供電腦月結報告 定期巡視物業,安排清潔維修 廿四小時聯絡服務,方便業主及住客 可代業主呈報有關稅項,無後顧之憂 物業投資,生意買賣,免費估價,取價公道, 服務熱誠 Residential Broker 地產代理 Commercial Agent 商業代理 Commissioner for Oaths 監誓專員 ICI Specialist 生意買賣 李欽豪Edmond Lee (403) 870-8888 sunflowerdevelopment@gmail.com 商業買賣 國、粵、潮或英語查詢 300, 358-58 Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2H 2M5 Tel: (403) 252-8686 / (403) 252-3188 Fax: (403) 259-6369 E-mail: sunflowe@telus.net 昇華地產物業管理公司 邁向34周年多謝客戶多年來支持 我們繼續竭誠為您服務 恭賀新禧 吉祥如意 31 壬寅虎年生肖運程特刊 2022 Year of Tiger Chinese Zodiac Magazine