伍子明 電話:(416) 606-8332 Website: www.paulng.com E-mail: info@paulng.com The Horse connects with the Tiger into Golden Connection. Hence your people relations would greatly improve. There would be plenty of opportunities. You would favour moving around. Your intuition would be strong. Your finances and authority would advance. WORK - You favour work with mobility, such as logistics, trading, sales, and marketing. Human Resources is also favourable. Work to do with philosophy or religions is also good for you. If you are in management, this would be a smooth year for you. WEALTH - Your finances would improve, especially if you are in a position of authority. If your work involves intuition or investments, you should see good results. RELATIONS - The golden connection would naturally bring you fantastic people relationship. If you are married, you should be more loving. If you are still single, you may consider getting married. HEALTH - Your overall health would be good. Just be careful of muscle strains at times. 2022壬寅水虎年 流年預測 O二壬午年生人 平輩緣佳,朋友眾多。讀書得力。 九O庚午年生人 意氣風發,打工者有晉升機會,自僱者宜擴展。未婚者可婚。 七八戊午年生人 勞中生財,多勞多得。已婚的男性馬人多得妻助。未婚的馬人比去年順利。 六六丙午年生人 權力增升,責任加重。故須多注意休息和運動,提防意外。 五四甲午年生人 退休年紀了,宜放鬆一下,多外出遊玩。 四二壬午年生人 老而彌堅,朋友眾多。可以多參加社團活動,快快樂樂。 三O庚午年生人 須多注意肺腎健康。多運動、多休息。 Highlights of Horse of Individual Years 2002 - You would get along well with your peer group. You would gain more new friends. Your studies would be good. 1990 - This is a year for you to advance. If you are employed, you may get promoted. If you have a business, try to expand it. If you are single, consider getting married. 1978 - Although you need to work hard, the results should be rewarding. If you are a married man, you may get much help from your wife. Singles would fare better than the past year. 1966 - Your authority would advance forward. There would heavier responsibility. Hence you should rest and exercise well. Beware of accidents. 1954 - You should retire. Relax more and do more leisure travels. 1942 - Although you are getting older, your health would stay good. You should have a good circle of friends. Enjoy your community activities. 1930 - You should pay attention to your lungs and kidneys wellbeing. Exercise and rest well. 2002 1990 1978 1966 1954 1942 1930 馬人和虎三合,人緣佳,多有助力。流年主動,靈感也強,財運特佳。權力也增強。 利流動性質行業,如物流、貿易、買賣、人事等。也宜哲學和宗教有關之工作。管理階層尤其順利。 財運亨通,以權生財,尤其利以靈感投資更具成果。 三合之年,人緣佳。已婚者更恩愛。未婚者可以考慮結婚。 整體頗強健。但須防意外拗傷。 總論 事業 財祿 感情 健康 馬Horse 馬 (以五★為最高) 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 多個吉星助力,整體運勢較 過去一年發生大逆轉,事 業發展如日中天,再加上屬馬人本身很 有上進心,自然能過得順風順水。 屬馬人與屬虎人本身關係友好,踏 入虎年自然更有優勢,此外,今年會有 不同吉星進駐,故新的一年無論事業、 人際關係及健康等方面整體也有所提 升,可令運勢更上一層樓。如吉星「三 台」有步步高陞之意,虎年的事業發展 稱心如意,尤其打工一族將有明顯陞 遷。「將星」代表領導才能得以發揮,此 星也有堅毅不屈、發奮圖強之意,因此 虎年個人鬥志旺盛、魄力十足,有望於 職場上光芒四射。同時,屬馬人本身上 進心強,只要是交代給自己的任務,都 會努力用心的做好。不過,在工作中要 注意低調行事,凡事不能太過於高調張 揚。平時還要學會與人為善,與同事建 立一個良好的合作關係,這樣職場之路 才能夠更加順利。 財運整體上不錯,對於職場中奮鬥 的屬馬人來說,正財收入穩定,事業的 提升也預示著收入會提高。理財方面, 在專業人士的帶領下,屬馬人 嘗試新的理財項目,收入不錯。 不過雖然錢財來的快,但是也要珍惜, 平時消費要節制一些,對於那些沒有必 要的東西盡量不要購買,多為以後做打 算,以備不時之需。 感情與人際關係較往年融洽,這一 年屬馬人很忙,有伴者無法平衡事業和 感情的天秤,相處時間和溝通時間少, 沒有大矛盾,也沒有情感互動。除此之 外,受到凶星的影響,屬馬情緒波動較 大,遇事容易消極,情緒不紊,常常庸人 自擾。把簡單的事想的複雜,不懂得換 位思考,這些都會稱為感情順利發展的 阻礙。切記理性分析問題,不要因為個 人情緒影響大局分析。 健康運勢一般,容易胡思亂想,體 質較虛弱者,不宜前往偏遠僻靜的廟宇 及墳場。屬馬人忙碌的同時一定要保重 身體,只有身體健康,才有精力應付工 作和危機。可以多參加婚慶喜宴,增強 好運。有時間亦要多陪伴家人,多 出去走走看看,吸收大自然的正能 量。 事業 ★★★★ 財運 ★★★ 健康 ★★ 愛情 ★★★ ■屬馬的劉濤很有上進心, 今年事業發展更是如日中天。 14 壬寅虎年生肖運程特刊 2022 Year of Tiger Chinese Zodiac Magazine 事業發展如日中天