每年四月中至十月中是到洛磯山脈參觀Athabasca 冰川的好日子,您將會在那裡獲得一生中獨一無二的 體驗。旅客將會坐上一架可以在濕滑冰川上穩定行走的遊覽車,觀賞冰川不同的位置。在這段約 80分鐘的旅程中,車上的專業導遊將會為旅客講述冰川的形成過程及冰川特別的地方。 The Icefields Parkway runs from Lake Louise to Jasper and is one of the most beautiful drives in Canada. This 230-kilometer stretch of highway leads past lakes, mountains, glaciers and waterfalls. The Columbia Icefield, which is the largest icefield in the Rockies. Take a Glacier Adventure tour and board an Ice Explorer - a huge vehicle specifically designed to take on the icefield terrain - and head out onto the Athabasca Glacier where you can walk on ice up to 360 m (1,180 ft) thick. 千年冰原 Icefields Parkway and Columbia Icefield Entertainments 樂 Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 是一個風景如畫的小鎮,坐落在美麗的洛磯山脈,距離班芙國家公園僅有5分鐘 車程。加上充滿活力,擁有悠閒的氛圍,是探索加拿大洛磯山脈的熱門場所。 Canmore周圍環繞著雄偉的山脈和美麗的高山湖泊,加上滑雪、激流泛舟和洞穴探險等冒險 活動,將讓您在Canmore享受一個難忘的旅程。 Surrounded by majestic mountains and beautiful alpine lakes, Canmore is the starting point for a variety of tours, which will take you to Banff, Lake Louise and the Icefields Parkway. For the outdoor enthusiast, skiing, whitewater rafting and cave exploring are among the many organized adventures that will make your stay in Canmore a trip to remember. Canmore 有機認證的農場,是加拿大為數不多的向日葵迷宮之一。 向日葵種植在農場上,花開的季節通常在8月中旬至9月。迷 宮分佈在8英畝的土地上,有一個新建立的柳樹迷宮。他們還種植了3英畝的花卉和蔬菜可供自 己採摘購買。 Bowden SunMaze - in the certified organic fields of Eagle Creek Farms and is one of Canada’s few Sunflower Mazes. Sunflowers are planted on the farm and the bloom typically begins around mid-August until mid-September. The maze is spread out across eight acres withA newly established willow tree maze. They also grow three acres of u-pick flowers and vegetables for purchase. Bowden SunMaze & Eagle Creek Farms 網址 : http://sunmaze.ca 亞伯達省的一個小鎮,位於卡加利市區以西18公里,沿1A高速公路行駛。 2017年人口26,320人。Cochrane是為冒險愛好者及喜愛在美麗自然環境人士尋求 樂趣,更可讓大家享受家庭樂,是休閒和放鬆的好去處。距離卡加利僅20分鐘路程,離班芙不到 一小時車程,擁有連綿起伏的山麓和雄偉的洛磯山脈的壯麗景色,結合西方傳統和現代化便利設 施。別忘了品嚐Cochrane在亞伯達省最著名的冰淇淋。 Cochrane is a town in the Canadian province of Alberta which is located 18 km west of the Calgary city limits along Highway 1A. With a population of 26,320 in 2017. Cochrane is a recreation playground for families, adventure enthusiasts and those seeking rest and relaxation in a beautiful natural setting. Only 20 minutes from Calgary and less than an hour from Banff, with spectacular vistas of the rolling foothills and majestic Rocky Mountains, Cochrane combines a proud western heritage with all the modern conveniences required for a great vacation. Don't forget to taste Cochrane's the most famous ice cream in Alberta. 網址 : www.cochranetourism.ca Cochrane 從卡加利東部延伸至加拿大洛磯山脈的前方。九個省級公園和50多個休閒地 點,荒野和自然區域提供戶外探險和受保護的野生動物棲息地。在該地區的西部邊緣,有農場和 牧場,讓Kananaskis Country稱為陡峭山峰的天堂。Peter Lougheed省立公園是Kananaskis其中 的主要著名旅遊好去處,是那些熱愛大自然愛好者特別響往之地。 The Kananaskis region stretches from east of Calgary to the front ranges of the Canadian Rockies. Nine provincial parks and over 50 recreation, wilderness and natural areas provide outdoor adventures and protected wildlife habitat. At the western edge of the region, farms and ranchlands give way to craggy peaks in the mountain paradise known as Kananaskis Country. Peter Lougheed Provincial Park is one of the main highlights of Kananaskis, particularly for those who want to spend some time immersed in nature. 網址 : www.albertaparks.ca/kananaskis-country.aspx Kananaskis 88