樂 Entertainments Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 加拿大班芙國家公園中最大的城鎮,人口約1萬人。坐落於亞伯達 省西南洛磯山脈中。班芙距離卡加利市以西約135公里處,加拿大橫 貫公路旁。班芙往西58公里則是著名的路易斯湖。班芙是著名的度假勝地,並且周 圍山巒與溫泉也廣受歡迎。它是重要的戶外活動區,主要活動有步行,登山、滑雪 等。 Banff National Park is Canada's oldest national park, located in the Rocky Mountains 130 kilometers west of Calgary in the province of Alberta. The area encompasses some spectacular mountain scenery, major ski resorts, beautiful lakes, and the tourist town of Banff. Wildlife is abundant here, with grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, caribou, and elk, many of which are frequently sighted along the main highway through the park. Hiking is one of the main summer activities in Banff. 班芙 Banff 亞伯達省班芙國家公園內的一個著名的旅遊勝地,在卡加利以西 180公里,此地風景秀麗的路易斯湖而得名。路易斯湖三面雪山環抱, 湖水碧綠如翡翠,來自冰河融雪。面對白雪皚皚的雪山和碧綠湖水,矗立著一所豪 華的大酒店,那就是班芙溫泉酒店的姐妹,路易斯湖城堡酒店。 Lake Louise is famous for its beautiful turquoise colored water that reflects the surrounding mountains and Victoria Glacier on the far shore. It is located just a short drive north of the town of Banff. From the grand Chateau Lake Louise, there are fabulous views directly across the lake. From the lakeside path, there are popular hiking trails leading either up the mountain side or beyond the lake towards the glacier. Soar to an elevation of 2,088 m (6,850 ft) on the Lake Louise Gondola for some of the best grizzly bear viewing opportunities in the Canadian Rockies. 路易斯湖 Lake Louise 被巍峨的山峰,海綠色的湖泊和原始的荒野圍繞着。賈斯珀位於 愛民頓以西約362公里(225英里),班芙以北約290公里(180英里)。乘坐 Jasper SkyTram可欣賞到六座山脈,冰川湖泊的壯麗景色,Athabasca河蜿蜒穿過 下面山谷的小鎮。 A friendly mountain town surrounded by soaring peaks, sea-green lakes and untouched wilderness. Jasper is approximately 362 kilometres (225 mi) west of Edmonton and 290 kilometres (180 mi) north of Banff. Ride the Jasper SkyTram for stunning views of six mountain ranges, glacial fed lakes, with the Athabasca River winding past the town in the valley below. 賈斯珀國家公園 Jasper National Park 全新建造的冰川天空步道,位於加拿大洛磯山的心臟地帶,讓您體 驗走在懸崖邊上的刺激感受。冰川天空步道的懸崖高達918呎。在這裏 有瀑布、野生動物、化石以及令人歎為觀止的壯闊景觀。往下看,可見到幾千年歷 史的地貌痕跡;往上看,可見到冰川。在這裏可以探索世界上獨特的生態系統,動 植物為適應艱難環境不斷演化。進入冰川天空步道還可讀到相關故事。冰川天空步 道的玻璃地面設計,讓您可以俯視近300米深的冰川山谷以及急流瀑布。冰川天空步 道讓您對大自然的美麗有更深入的體驗,給您帶來他處無法體驗得到的難忘回憶。 Step out on a cliff-edge walkway where giant glaciers perch above you and the spectacular Sunwapta Valley spreads out below. The Glacier Skywalk experience features waterfalls, wildlife, fossils and more on an exciting 1-kilometre walkway that leads to a platform where glass is all that separates you from a 918 feet (280 m) drop. The walk is presented in an interpretive storytelling format that will connect you to the natural world in a deep and meaningful way. 冰川天空步道 Glacier Skywalk 亞 伯 達 省 好 去 處 Alberta Attractions 87