樂 Entertainments Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 沿著世界上最長的Luge軌道飛行1.8公里(5905呎)! Skyline Luge 是一種獨特的輪式重力騎行,可讓駕駛員在專用軌道上完全控制下 降。這個充滿樂趣的冒險活動位於Winsport,適合所有年齡的駕駛 員! 電話 : 403-776-0617 地址 : Canada Olympic Park, 88 Canada Olympic Rd. SW 網址 : www.skylineluge.ca Downhill Karting by Skyline Luge Calgary - soar 1.8 km (5905 feet) down the world's longest Luge track! Skyline Luge is a unique wheeled gravity ride that provides riders full control over their descent on purpose-built track. Located at Winsport, this fun-filled adventure activity is suitable for riders of all ages! Downhill Karting by Skyline Luge Calgary 在卡加利西部的山腳下,聳立著外觀奇特的WinSport塔樓,這裡 是卡加利奧林匹克公園的所在地。1988年,這裡是第十五屆冬季奧運 會的主要場地。 WinSport提供各種冬季和夏季活動,包括山地單車、滑雪、冰 球、戶外露營、溜冰、雪橇、高空滑索、雪橇、雪管、運動訓練等。 電話 : 403-247-5452 地址 : 88 Canada Olympic Rd. SW, Calgary 網址 : www.winsport.ca WinSport - In the foothills of the mountains to the west of the city rise the strange-looking towers of WinSport, home to the Calgary Ol ymp i c Pa r k . I n 1988, this was the primary site for the XV Olympic Winter Games. WinSport offers a variety of winter and summer act ivi t ies including: mountain biking, skiing, hockey, o u t d o o r c amp s , skat ing, bob sled, zipl ine, toboggan, snow tube, sports training and more. WinSport 位於加拿大的洛磯山脈的山麓小丘,在阿伯達省的卡加利城市 以內。這個獨特的建築場館,精彩的跳馬表演競賽,吸引全球的觀 眾。一年365日開放,加上那裏熱騰騰的咖啡和他們親切的工作人 員歡迎你。 電話 : 403-974-4200 地址 : 18011 Spruce Meadows Way SW, Calgary 網址 : www.sprucemeadows.com Spruce Meadows - is located in the foothills of the majestic Canadian Rockies, wi thin the ci ty of Calgary, Alberta. This picturesque complex has captivated the worldwide audience of the sport of show jumping. Explore Spruce Meadows, where the coffee pot is always on and a warm smile from our friendly staff will always welcome you - 365 days of the year. Spruce Meadows 加拿大國家音樂中心於2016年開幕!探索160,000平方呎的設 施,分別有五層展覽廳,講述加拿大音樂故事;在加拿大名人堂慶祝 音樂偶像,通過互動樂器裝置搖滾,並在音響室內唱歌。請瀏覽網站 了解更多有關特別旅遊和入場的資料。 電話:403-543-5115 地址 : 850 - 4 St. SE, Calgary 網址 : www.studiobell.ca Studio Bell - The National Music Centre's Studio Bell opened in 2016 on Canada Day, July 1, 2016. Explore 160,000 squarefoot facility, five floors of exhibitions that tell the story of music in Canada, celebrate music icons in the Canad i an Ha l l s of Fame, rock out with our interactive i n s t r u m e n t instal lat ions and sing along in our sound booths. Visit t he webs i t e f o r more information on special tours and admission. Studio Bell 音樂中心 83