Entertainments 樂 Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 這36公頃野生自然保護區內,可沿著河畔樹林,寧靜湖泊,在2千 米的步行徑上觀看超過270種雀鳥,347多種植物和哺乳動物。全年日 間時間開放,歡迎公眾免費入場。 電話 : 403-221-4500 地址 : 2425 - 9 Ave. SE, Calgary Inglewood Bird Sanctuary and Nature Centre - This 36-hectare wildlife reserve offers more than two kilometres of level walking trails throughout the riverine forest, by the flowing river and alongside a peaceful lagoon. More than 270 species of birds, 21 species of mammals and 347 species of plants have been recorded at the Sanctuary and Nature Centre. The public is welcome to visit the Sanctuary during daylight hours, year-round. Admission is free. 英格塢鳥類保護區 鐵馬火車公園是由亞省示範工程學會於1971年創建及營運,位於 Airdrie,公園內的微型火車,軌道和園景代表著從大草原到沿海的加拿 大太平洋鐵路(CPR)。1:8的模型火車,由柴油或蒸氣推動,坐上火車, 在這1.6公里的旅程讓你感受到加拿大西部為先驅者的日子。旅程帶你 跨過山丘,經過高架橋,穿過隧道,欣賞不同景色。 電話 : 403-948-2601 地址 : Railway Gate SW, Airdrie 網址 : http://www.ironhorsepark.net/ Iron Horse Park - The park is owned and operated by the Alberta Model Engineering Society, which was incorporated in 1971. It is located at Airdrie. The miniature trains, track and landscape at Iron Horse Park represent the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) from the prairies to the coast. Take the 1.6 km interpretive journey aboard one of the 1/8th scale diesel or steam locomotives at the park and get a feeling of what the railway was like in Western Canada during the pioneer days. The journey will take you over h i l l s , a c r o s s t r e s t l e s a n d through tunnels across the varied landscape. 鐵馬火車公園 是一個佔地50英畝的大型綠地,公園位於卡加利市中心以北,弓 河的一個島上,毗鄰Eau Claire市場。通過三座人行天橋與主要地方 相連,提供步行和騎單車區,以及在夏季舉行的戶外音樂會和戲劇表 演。在公園東端重新營造了濕地環境。加拿大鵝和野鴨是公園內常見 的鳥類。 地址 : 698 Eau Claire Ave. SW, Calgary Prince’s Island Park - is a large 50-acre green space located to the north of downtown Calgary. Set on an island in the Bow River, the park is adjacent to Eau Claire Market. Connected to the mainland by three pedestrian bridges, the park offers walking and biking areas, as well as outdoor concerts and plays during the summer months. The eastern end of the island re-creates a wetland environment. Canada geese and mal lard ducks are common birds found in the park. 王子島公園 由卡加利市政府建造,市民可步行和騎單車經和平橋橫跨弓河, 到達Sunnyside社區。它已成為市中心核心地區的文化地標。該橋由西 班牙建築師Santiago Calatrava設計,於2012年3月24日開放使用。 它與世界上大多數橋樑不同,這行人天橋令人印象深刻的長度在 弓河上沒有支撐。建築師的計劃中未包含任何柱或電纜,因為鋼結構 旨在支撐自身的重量。 電話 : 403-268-2489 地址 : Memorial Dr. NWandBowRiver west of Prince's IslandPark Peace Bridge was built by The City of Calgary, is a bridge that accommodates people walking and cycling across the Bow River, connecting the community of Sunnyside. It has become a cultural icon within the downtown core. The bridge, designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, opened for use on March 24, 2012. Unlike most bridges in the world, the impressive length of the pedestrian bridge stretches unsupported across the Bow River. No beams or cables were included in the architect’s plans, as the steel structure was designed to support its own weight. 和平橋 82