卡加利生活百科 2022

樂 Entertainments Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 臨弓牧場省立公園(Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park)公園的主要 部分位於弓河北岸,位處洛磯山景郡境內。公園的東端和西端,分別 跨入卡加利市和Cochrane境內。 該公園的土地擁有跨越數千年的豐富歷史。2006年Harvie家族慷 慨捐贈了3,247英畝的土地予亞省政府。在2008年4月正式成為省級 公園。是研究、教育、公共娛樂和享受的絕佳場所。 Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park - The majority of this provincial park is located on the north bank of the Bow River within Rocky View County. Portions of the eastern and western extremeties of the park are located within the City of Calgary and the Town of Cochrane respectively. The lands of Glenbow Ranch have a rich history that spans thousands of years. In 2006, 3,247 acres of land were generously donated to the Alberta Government by the Harvie Family. It was formally established as a Provincial Park in April of 2008. The Park i s an extraordinary place for research, education, public recreation and enjoyment. 臨弓牧場省立公園 為加拿大西部最大規模的博物館。遊客可在一個地方,同時欣賞 著各種藝術及歷史的展覽。博物館因翻修而暫時關閉,計劃於2024年 年中重新開放。 電話 : 403-268-4100 地址 : 130 - 9 Ave. SE, Calgary 網址 : www.glenbow.org Glenbow Museum - The largest museum in Western Canada. Visitors can enjoy art and historical exhibitions all under one roof. Museum was closed for renovations and scheduled to reopen on mid-2024. Glenbow 博物館 是一個面積很大的室內家庭娛樂中心,內有很多適合所有年齡段 的活動!計有蹦床、攀岩牆、躲避球和許多首屈一指的娛樂設施!那 裏還舉辦生日派對和團體活動。 電話 : 403-879-2148 地址 : #105, 572 Aero Dr. NE 及 5342 - 72 Ave. SE, Calgary 網址 : www.flyingsquirrelsports.ca Flying Squirrel Trampoline Park - is a huge indoor family fun centre with plenty of activities and attractions for all ages! They have trampolines, climbing walls, dodge balls and lots of premiere entertainment! They al so do bi r thday parties and group events. 飛鼠彈床中心 把歷史帶到現在! 讓你置身於1875的城堡、1888營房、1906大宅 及互動展覽館,會晤歷史人物,觀聽起床響號和升旗禮,接觸昔日服 飾和手工藝,認識百多年前的卡城。全年開放,每日上午9時至下午5 時(除新年復活節,聖誕節,聖誕前及次日)。 電話 : 403-290-1875 地址 : 750 - 9 Ave. SE, Calgary 網址 : www.fortcalgary.com Fort Calgary Historic Park - Bringing History to Life! Spend a day in the life of Calgary in 1875. Meet historic characters from Calgary's past and participate in reveille and flag-raising. Take part in costumed interpretation, handso n a c t i v i t i e s a n d historic crafts in the 1 8 7 5 F o r t , 1 8 8 8 Barracks, 1906 Deane House mansion and interactive Interpretive Centre all on the site of the or iginal For t Calgary. 卡加利堡 將1914的加拿大人生活重現眼前。你可漫步在1910大街時,讓新 鮮的麵包香把你帶到亞伯達麵包店,跳上隆隆聲的蒸汽火車上及登上 古色古香的渡輪,加上穿著古裝的講解員,令你對從前的卡加利留下 深刻印象。另外為慶祝農產品豐收的季節,每年與卡加利農產品營銷 協會合作,舉辦為期兩天的傳統公園豐收傾銷活動。 電話 : 403-268-850 地址 : 1900 Heritage Dr. SW, Calgary 網址 : www.heritagepark.ab.ca Heritage Park Historical Village - All the sights and sounds of pre1914 life are recreated at Canada's largest living historical village. S t r o l l down Ma i n Street 1910 and let the aroma of freshly baked bread draw you into the Alberta Bakery. Ride the rails behind a thundering s team l ocomot i ve and ride on the oldfashioned Ferris wheel. And, of course, their costumed interpreters will delight you with a truly memorable impression of Calgary's past. In order to celebrate the harvest season of agricultural products, Heritage Park cooperates with the Calgary Produce Marketing Association, hosts a two-day Heritage Park Harvest Sale each year. 加拿大最大的歷史村 81