卡加利生活百科 2022

Entertainments 樂 Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 圖片來源:City of Calgary網站 https://www.calgary.ca/csps/recreation/public-art.html 藝術裝置名稱:Wolfe and the Sparrows 藝術家: Brandon Vickerd 地點: Inglewood, near the SW corner of the 12 St. Bridge 位於Inglewood的Wol fe and the Sparrows是Branden Vickers於2019年 建造的鑄銅雕塑,雕塑靈感來自John Massey Rhind於1898年雕刻的James Wolfe將軍雕像。 Wo l f e將軍是一位英國陸軍將領, 他在1759年的亞伯拉罕平原戰役中率領 英國軍隊戰勝法國軍隊。Wolfe and the Sparrows 遠看只是一座用青銅鑄造的傳 統紀念碑,好像沒甚麼特別,但當走近雕 塑時,就會發現不同之處。慢慢發現雕塑 有一群麻雀爆發出來,扭曲Wolfe的頭部 和肩膀。 Rhind 的原作用麻雀進行改造,麻雀是一種原產於英格蘭的鳥 類,Wolfe將軍的出生地。這座公共藝術品為傳統紀念碑如何反映和慶 祝歷史時刻提供嶄新視角。 Wolfe and the Sparrows is located in Inglewood, it is a cast bronze sculpture built by Branden Vickers in 2019. The sculpture is inspired by an existing statue of General James Wolfe, sculpted by John Massey Rhind in 1898. General Wolfe was a British army general who lead the British army to victory over the French army during the Battle of the Plains of Abraham in 1759. From a distance, Wolfe and the Sparrows is just a traditional monument which is cast in bronze. But as you move closer, it is revealed to be different. A flock of sparrows explodes from the figure, distorting Wolfe’s head and shoulders. Rhind’s original piece is transformed with sparrows, a bird species native to England, General Wolfe’s place of birth. This public art offers a new perspective on how traditional monuments reflect and celebrate moments from our history. 藝術裝置名稱:Versus 藝術家: Craig Le Blanc (The White Studio), Mentee Artist - Kathryn Blair 地點: New Brighton Athletic Park. 130 Ave. and 52 St. SE. Versus位於New Br ighton Athletic Park,作品主旨並非要產 生分裂感或好鬥感,而是以引人 入勝和標誌性的方式確定體育活 動的本質。大型鋼雕塑為Versus 的縮寫,代表與競爭對手對立或 在團隊的框架內挑戰自己。 An abb r ev i a t i on o f t he term 'versus' is located in New Br ighton Athlet ic Park , the work is an icon for competition, operates as a landmark for the park and district, and serves as a social and interactive element for teams, friends, and patrons. The simple act of standing on either side of the form will endure as an engaging yet clarified image of competition. 藝術裝置名稱:Benches 藝術家: Karen Ho Fatt 地點: Rundle LRT Station Rundle是卡加利最古老的社區之 一,擁有豐富的多樣性和種族群體。 社區人士透過他們的移民、友誼和熱 情好客的故事聯繫在一起。Rundle 輕軌站是一個使用率很高的交通樞 紐,每天為超過10,000名乘客提供 服務。它是東北區最繁忙及最古老的 車站之一。Rundle社區的多樣性以梳化呈現,隱喻和象徵社區熱情好 客。世紀以來,傢俱的歷史是跨文化和全球聯繫。在製作傢俱時藉鑑 其他文化的圖案、符號和技術並融入他們自己的設計是很普遍。 藝術品分為三種風格: - 傳統風格的長櫈代表那些社區生活了很長時間的人,以及與年長的親 戚和他們一起生活的移民家庭。 - 過渡風格的作品代表在新舊時代之間穿梭的人,它連接新舊。外觀反 映東亞的傳統和起源。藤條風格在熱帶、加勒比海和世界各地都有發 現。 - 現代風格的作品在外觀上既有趣又俏皮。它反映在加拿大出生的年輕 一代和社區的新移民。 Rundle is one of the older communities in Calgary and is rich in diversity and ethnic mix. The people of the community are connected through their stories of immigration, friendships and hospitality. Rundle LRT station is a highly used hub which services over 10,000 customers every day. It is one of the busiest and oldest stations in the North East. The concept was to create three public art benches for the newly renovated Rundle LRT station. Rundle’s diversity is expressed in the form of the humble sofa; a metaphor and symbol for community and hospitality. The benches have three styles: tradition style, transitional style and modern style which represent different generations living in the community. 藝術裝置名稱:Flock 藝術家: Laura Haddad and Tom Drugan 地點: Shane Homes YMCA at Rocky Ridge 藝術家被要求創作一件藝術品,該 藝術品將要對自然環境作出反應,並且 創立能夠反映社區、景觀和設施特性的紀 念性及標誌性體驗。Flock 位處建築物和 設施前方濕地之間。從遠處看,這件藝術 品就像一群從濕地飛向天空的鳥兒。 The artists were asked to create an artwork that would be responsive to the natural environment, and create memorial, iconic experiences that reflect the identity of the community, landscape, and facility.The site chosen for Flock was the gathering spot between the building and the wetland in front of the facility. When seen from a distance, the artwork appears to be a flock of birds rising from the wetland into the sky. 78