樂 Entertainments Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 The artwork is an interactive, illuminated sculpture that emits a soft, internal glow. The concept reflects our impressions of Beltline as a well defined, confident and vibrant community. The shape draws inspiration from the historic Beltline Streetcar loop that once encircled the neighbourhood, as well as the Chinook arch phenomenon that periodically blankets the sky. 藝術裝置名稱:Dance 藝術家: Vahe Tokmajyan - Lead artist 地點: South side of 17 Ave. SE between 30 St. SE & 31 St. SE (3111 International Ave. in front of the Nyla beauty supplies building ) 舞蹈是一種表演藝術,使用身 體完成各種優雅或高難度的動作。 舞蹈是許多文化的核心,與人類 歷史一樣悠久。位於Uni ty Park的 Dance是Vahe和他的藝術家團隊合 作建造,將舞蹈作為一種跨越所有 文化的常見社會表達形式。藝術裝 置代表與舞者共舞,交織的動作展 示身心的參與,體現舞蹈的樂趣。 舞者將他們的動作和手勢與音樂的 節奏結合,創造出一個互相交替的 表演。 Dance is at the core of many cu l tures and i s as o ld as the history of humanity. Vahe and his multidiscipl inary team of artists have partnered to develop an art piece that celebrates dance as a common form of social expression across all cultures. It represents a partner dance in which their intertwined movements showcase the engagement of mind and body and reflect the joy of dance. 藝術裝置名稱:Original Centre Street Bridge Lion 藝術家: James Thomson 地點: Rotary Park. Overlooking Centre Street Bridge 位於Rotary Park的Original Cen t re St ree t Bridge Lion (中 央街大橋獅子雕 塑)擁有百年歷 史,原本安裝在 中央街大橋東北 側,獅子雕塑在維修和維護後,於2018年搬遷至Rotary Park展出,俯 瞰中央街大橋。在公園可以看到四獅並立的景象,新舊獅子雕塑作個 對比,歷史的交替。 The Original Centre Street Bridge Lion in Rotary Park is an original lion from the northeast side of the Centre Street Bridge. After repairs and conservation, the preserved century-old sculpture was moved to Rotary Park in 2018, on the bluff overlooking four recast bridge lions on Centre Street Bridge. It shows a contrast between the old and new lion sculptures, and the connection between our city’s past, present and future. 藝術裝置名稱:WATERSHED+ Dale Hodges Park 藝術家: Sans façon 地點: 2123-52 St. NW 位於Dale Hodges Park的 WATERSHED+ Dale Hodges Park前身為Klippert碎石坑,市政 府購買土地以恢復該區的環境健 康,且意識到可以利用雨水管道 將未經處理的雨水輸送到弓河。 該項目是公園、水資源和公共藝 術的獨特結合。 項目從概念到創作經過多重 考驗,將藝術家納入基礎設施 設計團隊是公共藝術項目管理 的一種創新的方法。Sans façon (WATERSHED+的首席藝術家團 隊)與工程師、景觀設計師和顧 問合作和溝通,創造一個獨特而 引人入勝的休憩地方。 Dale Hodges Park is the site of the former Klippert gravel pit. The City purchased the land to restore the environmental health of the area, and realized an opportunity to address the stormwater pipes carrying untreated stormwater into the Bow River. This project is a unique collaboration between Parks, Water Resources and Public Art. 藝術裝置名稱:Recollections, Topiary and Topiary Quilts 藝術家: Jim Hirschfield & Sonya Ishii 地點: McKnight/Westwinds CTrain station NE Recollections, Topiary and Topiary Quilts是個由3個 藝術品組成的公共藝術裝置, 包括月台和玻璃候車亭(回 憶)、廣場(樹型藝術)和停 車場(造型藝術畫作)。雖然 每件藝術品都是獨立的作品, 但這些作品在視覺和概念上是 互相聯繫的。 回憶從概念上講,彩色的 圓形形狀附有圖片,表達卡加 利市民的驕傲和自由精神。輕 鐵站廣場極具現代感的樹型藝 術則代表大自然,雕塑的圓形 形狀與月台玻璃候車亭的彩色 玻璃圓圈圖案互相呼應。造型 藝術畫作與廣場的獨立雕塑建 立視覺聯繫,設計極盡心思, 呼應著玻璃候車亭的設計。 This public art project includes components in three locations - the platform and glass shelters (Recollections), the plaza (Topiary) and the parking area (Topiary Quilts). While each work of art has the capacity to stand alone, the pieces are also visually and conceptually linked to one another. 77