藝術裝置名稱:Convergence 藝術家: Laura Haddad and Tom Drugan 地點: Rocky Ridge Recreation Facility at 11300 Rocky Ridge Rd. NW Convergence「聚合」是由2 個大型雕塑組成,每個雕塑高約 14米(45呎),寬約6米(20呎),長 約10.5米(34呎)。兩個雕塑互為 鏡像,形狀就如兩個半月亮。當年 Shane Homes YMCA特別為裝置 舉行公共藝術命名比賽,共有360 名卡加利市民參加,並接獲640 個建議。藝術家Laura Haddad和 Tom Drugan最後決定將裝置命名 為Convergence。 Convergence-consists of two monumental sculptures, each about 14 metres (45 feet) high, 6 metres (20 feet) wide and 10.5 metres (34 feet) long. The two sculptures are mirror images of each other. Over 640 suggestions from 360 Calgarians were submitted to the public art naming contest. After much deliberation, the artists, Laura Haddad and Tom Drugan, selected the name Convergence. 藝術裝置名稱:Luminous Crossings 藝術家: Cliff Garten Studios 地點: City Hall LRT Station (Macleod Tr. & 3 St. SE) 及Downtown West - Kerby LRT Station (10/11 St. on 7 Ave. SW) 位於市中心第七大道輕鐵線兩 端4個車站的Luminous Crossings 「夜光路口」由20個組件組成,當 中包括2個大型垂直雕塑和3個懸掛 作品。這些發光的雕塑與卡加利的 輕鐵系統匯集,裝置的燈光顏色會 在輕鐵到達、停靠和離開車站時轉 變,顏色變化萬千,絢麗多彩,讓 人目不暇及。 Luminous Crossings is a multi-component public artwork that provides visual continuity along the Seventh Avenue Corridor and act as an anchor of interest for those entering and leaving the core. It includes 20 discrete sculptures - two large-scale towers, plus three hanging works, on each of the four station platforms. 藝術裝置名稱:Seed Pod 藝術家: Incipio Modo 地點: Prairie Winds Park atop Toboggan Hill at 223 Castleridge Blvd. NE 「蓮蓬」Seed Pod,靈感來 自公園和社區的多元文化,提升 Toboggan Hill的觀景設施。裝置的 概念是種子坐落在山丘的中心,發 芽生長。蓮蓬為草原野花種子的庇 護所。從公園的任何地方觀看都不 能看到蓮蓬,只有徒步至山頂的遊 人才能看到。蓮蓬是一個混凝土和 顆粒狀的橢圓形結構,沉入地下。 種子雕塑放置在蓮蓬的中央,主要 參照草原野花的種子頭。藝術裝置 為公園遊人提供休憩場地聚集和休 息,停下平日急速的腳步,遠眺風景,好好放鬆,舒緩繃緊的心情。 A seed pod carried by the wind lands on the top of the hill of Prairie Winds Park. Nestled into the heart of the hill, the seed will germinate and grow. The pod is shelter to the seed of a native prairie wild flower. It is invisible from any part of the park, and only reveals itself to those who complete the trek to the top of the Tobaggan Hill. 藝術裝置名稱:Chinook Arc 藝術家: Joe O’Connell and Blessing Hancock (Creative Machines- Technical Consultant) 地點: Barb Scott Park at 12 Ave. & 9 St. SW Chinook Arc是一個互動及發 光的雕塑。裝置散發出柔和獨特的 光芒,遊人可透過動作引導色彩幻 變的光線。作品概念來自對Beltline 社區的印象—自信且充滿活力的社 區。雕塑形狀的靈感來自歷史悠久 的Beltline有軌電車路線,以及拱狀 雲天然現象。 Entertainments 樂 Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 藝術促進城市發展。公共藝術的概念,源於在公共場所展示傑出藝術家的作品,使大眾可以近距離接觸藝術,提 升生活品質。公共藝術提醒公眾意識到環境,增加質感、美感和趣味,以及反映社區價值觀。 Art promotes the development of modern, vibrant cities. Public art brings awareness of the spaces we move through, it transforms landscapes and adds texture and interest, it can express community values and has the power to shape Calgary’s image. 尋 找 卡 加 利 藝 術 裝 置 Publ ic Art in Calgary 樂 NEW 76