Federal Information 聯邦資訊 Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 Canada's Head of State Canada became a country in 1867 when the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia decided to join together. The rest of Canada's provinces and territories joined Confederation at later dates. Canada is a constitutional monarchy, which means that the Queen or King of United Kingdom as the Head of State. Formally, Queen Elizabeth II is described as being Canada’s Head of State, and is a symbolic figure of political authority. While the prime minister is called the Head of Government who is the actual ruler of the country.The Queen 加拿大國家元首 加拿大於1867年7月1日組成聯邦,最早由安大略 省、魁北克省、紐賓士域省和新斯高省加入,成為一 個國家。其後加拿大其他省份和行政區陸續加入。 加拿大是君主立憲制,英國女王或國王為加拿大 國家元首。目前伊麗莎白女王二世是加拿大國家元 首,但她在加拿大是政治權威的象徵人物。而總理是 最高行政首長,是國家的實際執政者。 聯邦設有一名總督,10個省份各有一名省督,3 個地區各有一名專員。他們代替女王行使權力。這些 職位主要是榮譽性的。 總督或者其代表以英國君主的名義批准議會通過的法律,召集或解散 議會,宣讀國情咨文,簽署某些和國家有關的文件,主持某些宣誓儀式。 加拿大政治體制 加拿大的政府體制由議會組成,議會由三個部分組成:君主、參議院 和眾議院,它們共同努力制定新的法律。 聯邦政府負責管理國家的業務。它通常由擁有最多民選代表的政黨組 成,由總理領導。 政府的三個部門是:行政部門、立法部門和司法部門。 他們共同管理 加拿大。 行政 -(政府)是決策部門,由君主(由總督代表),總理和內閣組成。 立法 - 國會為加拿大立法機關,由任命的參議院和當選眾議院組成。 參議院有105個席位,這些席位由總督根據總理的建議任命, 任期至75歲。眾議院由338名國會議員組成,他們由加拿大公 民在大選中和補選選舉產生。 司法 - 是一系列獨立的法院,負責解釋其他兩個部門通過的法律。 三級政府 加拿大有三級政府 - 聯邦,省或地區,以及市政府。每政府層面在國 內有不同的責任和不同的角色。根據1867年頒行的加拿大憲法,國家總 理領導設在加拿大首都渥太華的聯邦政府。它負責國防和國際事務,如國 防、外交、就業保險、貨幣、銀行、聯邦稅、郵政服務、航運、鐵路、電 話和管道、土著土地和權利、以及刑法。一般來說,聯邦政府處理影響整 個國家的法律。 省和地區政府 - 加拿大有10個省和三個地區。每個省由省長領導,並 有該省選舉立法機關。他們負責教育、醫療、社會服務、地方法院、地方 機構以及交通、農業、資源管理和環境。 市長領導市政府 - 他們負責公共交通、消防、當地警察、城市街道、 公園和其他當地事務。 is represented by a governor general at the federal level and by 10 lieutenant governors, one per province. The three ter r i tor ies each have a commissioner representing the Queen. They mainly have a ceremonial role. The governor general summons and dissolves Parliament, reads the speech from the throne, signs certain state documents and presides over certain swearing-in ceremonies. Canada's Political System Canada's system of government consists of the Parliament which has three parts: the Monarch, the Senate and the House of Commons which all work together to create new laws. Government is responsible for managing the business of the country. It is usually formed by the political party that has the most elected representatives, and it is led by the prime minister. The three branches of government are: the executive, legislative and judicial branches. They work together to govern Canada. • The executive branch (Government) is the decision-making branch, made up of the Monarch (represented by the Governor General), the Prime Minister, and the Cabinet. • The legislative branch (Parliament) is the law-making branch, made up of the appointed Senate and the elected House of Commons. In Parliament, Senate has 105 seats which is comprised of Senators who are appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister and serve until age 75. And the House of Commons consists of 338 members of elected by Canadian citizens in general elections and by-elections. • The judicial branch is a series of independent courts that interpret the laws passed by the other two branches. Three levels of Government Canada has three levels of government - federal, provincial or territorial, and municipal. Each level of government has different responsibilities and a different role to play in the country. According to the Canadian Constitution of 1867, the Prime Minister heads the federal government based in Ottawa, the capital city of Canada. It is responsible for national and international matters, such as national defence, foreign affairs, Employment Insurance, currency, banking, federal taxes, postal services, shipping, railways, telephones and pipelines, Aboriginal lands and rights, and criminal law. In general, the federal government deals with laws that affect the whole country. Provincial and territorial governments - There are 10 provinces and three territories in Canada. Each province is led by a Premier and has its own elected legislature. They are responsible for education, medical care, social services, local courts, local institutions, as well as transportation, agriculture, resource management, and environment. Mayors lead municipal governments. They are responsible for public transportation, firefighting, local police, city streets, parks and other local matters. 加 拿 大 政 治 體 制 Canada's Pol itical System 74