Alberta Information 亞伯達省資訊 Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 亞伯達省長者福利 低收入的長者可以獲得經濟援助,用於幫助他們支付每月的生活消費。 申請資格 •年滿65歲(福利金可能從您65歲生日的當月開始發放) •申請前需在亞伯達省連續居住最少3個月 •加拿大公民或永久居民 •符合財務方面的要求 •領取加拿大政府的養老保障金(Old Age Security Pension) 如果您和/或您的配偶/伴侶選擇推遲領取養老保障金(OAS),您就沒有資格 享有長者經濟援助計劃。 新移民亞伯達省的居民申請資格 • 65歲生日當月 • 在亞伯達省永久居留3個月(例如,如果您於7月15日搬到亞省, 則有資 格在同年10月1日領取福利金) 如何確定福利金額 一般而言,年收入為$29,285或以下的獨身長者,以及合計年收 入$47,545 或以下的長者夫婦,可能有資格領取福利金。這些收入水平僅 供參考,適用於那些領取全額養老保障金的長者。 合資格獲得的福利金額由以下因素決定: •您和配偶/伴侶的收入總和,無論年齡大小 •您是否領取聯邦政府的養老保障金(例如:在加拿大已住滿10年) •您的居所類別 •您的婚姻/同居狀況 收入因素 - 依據您去年的總收入(1月至12月)來結算。 輔助住宿福利為居住在指定輔助式生活居所或長期護理機構中的合資 格長者提供每月住宿費。另外還有額外住宿補貼支持符合條件的長者申 請。 如何申請 1. 閱讀長者經濟援助信息手冊。2. 完整填寫有關申請表格。3. 提交您 和配偶/伴侶(如果適用)的出生證明,並附上以下任何一份文件的複印 本: 加拿大出生證或受洗證書、有效的加拿大駕照執照或亞省身份證、加 拿大入境文件、加拿大公民身份證明、永久居民卡或護照。4. 郵寄或傳真 填寫完整的申請文件傳真至780-422-5954或郵寄至: Alberta Seniors and Housing Seniors Financial Assistance P.O. Box 3100 Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4W3 詳情請瀏覽或致 電 1-877-644-9992 聯系亞伯達省支持聯絡中心。 亞伯達省日常生活工具資助 亞伯達省日常生活工具資助 (AADL) 可以協助長期殘疾、慢性病或終 身疾病者維持獨立生活。 AADL為合資格人士提供基本醫療設備和用品的 資金援助。申請者需通過衛生保健專業人員評估來獲得AADL計劃的醫療 設備和用品資助等。您收到的政府福利金額取決於您符合的類別:「支付 部份費用」或「豁免費用」。 支付部份費用:合資格者需支付25%的資助福利金,每戶每年最高可 達$500(每年年度7月1日至6月30日)。 豁免費用:低收入或獲得收入資助者,費用豁免。政府可支助費用達100%。 AADL資助範圍包括: •背部和腹部支撐輔助用品 •壓力襪和服裝 •訂製鞋類 •助聽器和FM系統 •氧氣 •助行車和助行器 •輪椅和輪椅配件 詳情請瀏覽: Seniors with low-income can get financial assistance to help with monthly living expenses. To be eligible for the Alberta Seniors Benefit you must : •be 65 years of age or older (benefits may start the month of your 65th birthday) •have lived in Alberta for at least 3 months immediately before applying • be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident • receive the OAS pension from the Government of Canada •meet financial eligibility criteria If you and/or your spouse/partner have chosen to defer or delay receipt of Old Age Security (OAS), you are not eligible for seniors financial assistance programs. To be eligible for New Alberta residents • the month of your 65th birthday • the month following 3 months of permanent residency in Alberta How your benefit is determined In general, a single senior with an annual income of $29,285 or less, and senior couples with a combined annual income of $47,545 or less, may be eligible for a benefit. For seniors whose income includes full Old Age Security pension. The amount of benefit is determined by: • your income, combined with your spouse/partner's income, regardless of age • whether you receive the federal Old Age Security pension (i.e., have lived in Canada for 10 years) • your accommodation category • your marital/cohabitation status Your income information is needed each year to accurately calculate your benefits. The Supplementary Accommodation Benefit supports eligible seniors who reside in a designated supportive living or long-term care facility with monthly accommodation charges. How to apply 1. Read the information booklet 2. Complete the application package 3. Include supporting documents with your application. Date of birth validation must be submitted for you and your spouse/partner (if applicable). Attach a photocopy of one of the following documents: Canadian birth or baptismal certificate; Valid Canadian driver's license or Alberta identification card; Canada Entry Documents; Canadian Citizenship Document; Permanent Resident Card; Passport 4.Completed applications may be faxed to 780-422-5954 or mailed to: Alberta Seniors and Housing, Seniors Financial Assistance P.O. Box 3100 Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4W3 For more information, please visit OR call Alberta Supports Centre at 1-877-644-9992. Alberta Aids to Daily Living Benefit Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL) assists Albertans living with lon-term disability, chronic illness, or terminal illness in maintaining independence. AADL provides funding for basic medical equipment and supplies that help meet professionally assessed needs. Assessments made by health care professionals determine what medical equipment and supplies an Albertan can receive through the AADL program. The amount of government benefits you receive depends on which category you are in: cost-share payment or cost-share exempt. Cost-share payment: Albertans pay 25% of the cost of the benefit, up to a maximum of $500 per family per benefit year (July 1 to June 30). Cost-share exempt: Low-income Albertans or those with income assistance are exempt from the cost-share payment. The government may cover up to 100% of the cost of the benefit. What benefits are offered by AADL? Alberta Aids to Daily Living provides a wide range of benefits includes: •Back and abdominal supports•Compression stockings and garments• Custom-made footwear•Hearing aids and FM systems• Oxygen•Walkers and walking aids•Wheelchairs and wheelchair accessories For details, please visit 亞 伯 達 省 長 者 福 利 金 計 劃 Alberta Seniors Benefit 72