卡加利生活百科 2022

新移民重要資訊 Important Information for Newcomers Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 加拿大憲法中的Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (加拿大 公民權利和自由憲章)依法說明及保障所有加拿大人的權利和自由,其中 包括有: ˙ 民主權利,如投票權 ˙ 法律上的權利,例如有公平審判權 ˙ 平等權利,如不受種族歧視 ˙ 原住民的權利 ˙ 遷移權利,如有權在加拿大任何地方居住和工作 ˙ 基本自由,如思想自由、言論自由及和平集會的自由 有權利的同時,當然也有責任。無論是個人還是政府都有責任專重所 有加拿大人的權利和自由,不管你是一個或一組加拿大人都不能干預其他 人的權利。因此,法庭必定遵行憲法,任何情況下都是公平處理,執行憲 法所示。 ˙ 可成為聯邦省政府和特區選舉的參選人 ˙ 以其中一種官方語言接受教育 ˙ 可申請加拿大護照 ˙ 可自由進入或離開加拿大 公民義務: ˙ 遵守加拿大的法律 ˙ 照顧自己和家人 ˙ 擔任陪審團 ˙ 投票選舉 ˙ 在社區中幫助他人 ˙ 保護加國的文化遺產和環境 參與加國事: 做加國公民不只限於投票和守法,更重要的是參與其中,這包括社區 事務,國家活動。每人各盡己能,定可令加拿大成為一個更美好的地方, 例如: ˙ 成為社區團體的一份子,如環保組織 ˙ 參與政事,成為候選人 ˙ 選舉期間擔任義工,協助所支持的候選人競選 ˙ 與鄰居守望相助 ˙ 出席會議,與其他人一起幫助解決社區內的問題 資料查詢 想獲取“怎樣成為加拿大公民”的小冊子和其他有關公民申請的資 料,可致電加拿大移民公民及公民事務處: 1-888-242-2100(免費長途電話)。加國以外人士,可向當地加拿大 領事館查詢,亦可瀏覽以下網址:http://www.cic.gc.ca索取資料。 All Canadians have certain rights and responsibilities that are based on Canadian laws, traditions and shared values. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the part of the Constitution that legally protects the basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians. Some of these rights and freedoms are: ˙ democratic rights, such as the right to vote; ˙ legal rights, such as the right to a fair trial; 公 民 的 權 利 和 義 務 Rights & Responsibi l ities of Citizenship ˙ equality rights, such as the right to protection against discrimination; ˙ mobility rights such as the right to live and work anywhere in Canada; ˙ Aboriginal peoples' rights; and ˙ basic freedoms, such as freedom of thought, freedom of speech, and freedom of peaceful assembly. Having these rights brings responsibilities for everyone in Canada. Individual Canadians and Canadian governments have the responsibility to respect the rights and freedoms of all Canadians. However, it is important to realize that the rights of a single Canadian or a group of Canadians cannot interfere with the rights of any other. For this reason, courts must interpret the Charter from time to time to be sure that it is applied fairly in all situations. Citizenship Rights Under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Canadian citizens are guaranteed the right to be a candidate in federal, provincial and territorial elections; be educated in either official language; apply for a Canadian passport; vote in federal, provincial and territorial elections and enter and leave Canada freely. Citizenship Responsibilities As Canadian citizens, we share the responsibilities to: ˙ Obeying the law; ˙ Taking responsibility for oneself and one's family; ˙ Serving on a jury; ˙ Voting in elections; ˙ Helping others in the community; ˙ Protecting and enjoying our heritage and environment. Getting Involved In Canada Being a Canadian citizen is more than voting and obeying laws. Being a citizen also means getting involved in your community and your country. Everyone has something to give to make Canada a better place. Here are some ways to participate: ˙ Join a community group such as an environmental group ˙ Volunteer to work on an election campaign for a candidate of your choice ˙ Help your neighbours - work with others to solve problems in your community ˙ Become a candidate in an election For More Information Obtain a copy of the pamphlet "How to Become a Canadian Citizen and other citizenship application information" by phone: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Call Centre at 1-888242-2100 (toll-free). Note: If you are calling from outside Canada, contact the Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate in your region. Online: Visit Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website at www.cic.gc.ca 59