89. What are some responsibilities of the federal government? 聯邦政府負有那些職能? National defence 國防 Foreign policy 外交政策 International trade 國際間貿易 Navigation 航運 Currency 貨幣 Citizenship 公民事務 Criminal law 刑事法 90. What are some responsibilities of provincial governments? 省級政府負有那些職能? Education 教育 Health care 醫療保健 Natural resources 天然資源 Highways 公路 Property and civil rights 物業和民事權利 91. What are some responsibilities of local or municipal governments? 本地或市級政府負有那些職能? Urban/regional planning 城市/地區規劃 Streets and roads sanitation (such as garbage removal) 街道衛生(例如垃圾清理) Snow removal 鏟雪服務 Firefighting 消防 Recreation facilities 康樂設施 Urban transit, and some local health and social services 公共交通和部分地區保健及社會服務 92. Which two responsibilities do the federal and provincial governments share jurisdiction over? 那兩項責任是由聯邦政府及省政府共同管轄? Agriculture and immigration. 農業及移民。 93. What is Canada's system of government? 加拿大的政府體制是什麼? Federal state, parliamentary democracy, and constitutional monarchy. 聯邦政體、國會民主制度、君主立憲。 94. What is the main responsibility for the Members of Parliament? 國會議員的主要職責是什麼? Passing laws, approving and monitoring expenditures. 他們主要負責通過法律、審批和監察國家開支。 95. What are the three parts of Parliament? 加拿大國會有那三個部份? The Queen, the Senate, and the House of Commons. 女皇、上議院及下議院。 96. What is a Cabinet Minister? 何謂內閣部長? A Cabinet Minister is chosen by the Prime Minister to run the federal government departments. Most of the Cabinet Ministers are from among members of the House of Commons. 內閣部長是由總理挑選出來負責管理聯邦政府部門。內閣部長大多數 由下議院的議員充任。 97. How are Senators chosen? 上議院議員是怎樣挑選出來的? Appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister. 由總理建議,總督任命。 98. How long do senators serve? 上議院議員的任期有多長? They serve until the age of 75. 他們可以服務到75歲。 99. How are Members of Parliament chosen?國會議員是怎樣選出來的? They are elected by voters in their local constituency (riding). 由選民從他所在的選區中投票選出。 100. What do you call a law before it is passed? 當一個法例未被通過之前,它叫什麼? A bill. 議案。 101. A bill must be passed by which two chambers before it becomes a law in Canada? 在加拿大,一個議案必須經過那兩個議院的審批通 過才能正式成為法律? Both the House of Commons and the Senate consider and review a bill before it is passed. 在議案通過之前必須經過下議院和上議院的考慮和複核。 102. Who is the current Head of State of Canada? 現任的加拿大國家元首是誰? Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. 伊麗沙伯二世女皇陛下。 新移民重要資訊 Important Information for Newcomers Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 75. What UN peacekeeping missions did Canada participate in? 加拿大參加了聯合國哪些維持和平行動? The missions in Egypt, Cyprus, Haiti, former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. 分別發生在埃及、塞浦路斯、海地、前南斯拉夫和阿富汗的維持和平 行動。 76. In the 1960s, Québec experienced an era of rapid change. What was this called? 魁北克省在二十世紀六十年代經歷了急劇變化,這期間被稱為什麼? The Quiet Revolution. 寂靜革命。 77. What does the Official Languages Act of 1969 guarantee? 一九六九年通過的《官方語言法》保障了什麼? French language rights and services in the federal government across Canada. 保障法語在整個加拿大的聯邦政府中的語言權利及使用。 78. What is the significance of the discovery of insulin by Sir Frederick Banting? 班廷爵士發現胰島素的重大意義是什麼? Insulin is a hormone to treat diabetes that has saved 16 million lives worldwide. It is a great achievement for Canadian scientists. 胰島素是一種治療糖尿病的賀爾蒙,它令全球逾一千六百萬的糖尿病 人得到醫治。這是加拿大科學家的重大成就。 79. Why did Terry Fox begin a cross-country run? 為什麼 Terry Fox 發起了橫越全國的跑步? To raise money for cancer research. 為癌症研究籌募捐款。 80. What is the name of one of the greatest hockey player of all time who played for the Edmonton Oilers from 1979 to 1988? 加拿大有史以來最偉大的一位冰球球員於1979年至1988年效力於愛 民頓的油人隊,他的名字是什麼? Wayne Gretzky. 威尼.格拉斯基 81. Who invented the worldwide system of standard time zones? 誰發明了世界標準時區系統? Sir Sandford Fleming. 桑福德.弗萊明爵士。 82. Who invented phone? 誰發明了電話? Alexander Graham Bell. 亞歷山大.格雷厄姆.貝爾。 83. Who invented snowmobile? 誰發明了摩托雪橇? Joseph-Armand Bombardier. 約瑟夫.阿爾芒.龐巴迪爾。 84. What did SPAR Aerospace/National Research Council invented? 航空航天/國家研究理事會發明了什麼? Canadarm. 加拿大太空臂。 85. Give an example of where English and French languages have equal status in Canada. 列舉一個在加拿大英語和法語享有同等地位的例子。 In the Parliament of Canada. 在加拿大的國會。 86. List some ways in which you can protect the environment. 列舉一些保護環境的方法。 Compost and recycle. 堆肥及回收。 Conserve energy and water. 節約能源和水。 Walk or join a car pool. 步行或汽車共乘。 E. How Canadians Govern Themselves 加拿大政府 87. What are the three levels of government? 加拿大有那三級政府架構? Federal, provincial or territorial, and municipal. 聯邦政府、省或特區政府和市政府。 88. What does it mean to say that Canada is a constitutional monarchy? 加拿大是君主立憲制的意思是什麼? Canada's Head of State is a hereditary Sovereign (Queen or King), who reigns in accordance with the Constitution: the rule of law. The Sovereign is a part of Parliament. 加拿大的國家元首是世襲的君主(女皇或國王),他們依照憲法的法律 精神實施統治。君主是國會的一個組成部分。 55