Important Information for Newcomers 新移民重要資訊 Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 第一步,當然是入紙申請。 接到申請表後,有關官員會核查表格及所 有附件,確定你的移民狀況,覆實你有否犯罪紀錄,確定你是否符合成為 公民的資格。要成為加拿大公民,申請人須具備以下條件: •是加拿大永久居民,可以合法居住 •年滿18歲或以上的人士獨立申請 • 18歲以下兒童可隨父親或母親一起入紙申請,或在滿足一定的條件下, 由父母或法定監護人代表小孩單獨進行申請 • 在入紙申請公民前的五年內,在加拿大住滿1095天。計算居住時間要 視乎申請人的移民身份,若是作為永久居民在加拿大居住,則按實際居 住的日子計算;而作為臨時居民身份在加拿大居住的時間,例如國際留 學生,工作簽證等,則以2天計算為1天,最多可計算到365天。 •在入紙申請公民前的五年內,已有三年報稅 • 能說英文或法文,年屆18至54歲之間的申請人需在申請時提交文件證 明其語言程度 •知道加拿大的歷史、地理、政府架構及公民的權利和義務 在COVID-19疫情之前,申請處理通常需要12個月的時間 來處理。 期間必須讓加拿大移民、難民和公民部(IRCC) 有閣下的準確地址,以便聯絡。但由於COVID-19,完 成審核申請需要更長的時間。當審核完成,申請人將收 到Acknowledgement of receipt (AOR) 確認收據附有Unique client identifier (UCI)客戶標識符於AOR信函或電子郵件。並可能會在幾周內 被邀請參加公民考試。大約在考試前1到2周,申請人將收到通知,知 會筆試或面試的日期、時間和地點。 入籍考試學習指引﹕ 問題內容著重於加拿大人的權利和責任以及加拿大的歷史、地理、經 濟、政府、法律和象徵。從《發現加拿大:公民權利和責任》(Discover Canada:The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship) 一書中靈活出 題,以測試考生對公民權利及義務的瞭解有多少。 網上公民入籍考試: 因應COVID-19疫情的影響,IRCC於2020年11月26日啟動一個新的虛 擬網絡平台用於公民入籍考試。 網絡測試的格式與現場測試相同,共20條題目中須答對15題,限時30 分鐘。申請人也可以等待現場考試的時間,但目前尚未能得知何時會恢復 現場考試。 瞭解更多詳情,請登錄加拿大政府網頁 immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/canadian-citizenship/becomecanadian-citizen/citizenship-test/online.html 考畢入籍試後: 加拿大移民難民及公民事務處會知會申請人的考試結果,如果是合格 的話,你會收到一份Notice to Appear To Take The Oath of Citizenship(公 民宣誓通知書),知會你舉行宣誓儀式的日期、時間和地點。儀式內,你會 正式宣誓成為加拿大公民,簽署及獲發加拿大公民証書。申請人可邀請親 友出席儀式,一同分享這個重要的時刻,特別的日子。 When you apply for citizenship, officials will check your documents, confirm your immigration status and verify whether or not you have a criminal record. They will also make sure you meet the requirements of citizenship. To apply for citizenship, you must have permanent resident status and your status must not be in question. Adults make their own application. Minors under age 18 may apply with either one of the parents, or their parents or legal guardian may apply for them on their behalf if applicable. You have lived in Canada for 3 out of the last 5 years (1,095 days) and have filed your taxes, if you need to. Applicants between age 18 to 54 are required to speak either English or French and know Canada's history, geography, system of government and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Your application usually takes 12 months to process before COVID-19. But due to COVID-19, it will take longer to complete your application . You’ll get an acknowledgement of receipt (AOR) or email after your application has been checked that it’s complete. Your unique client identifier (UCI) is in the AOR letter. And you may be invited to take the citizenship test within weeks. About 1 to 2 weeks before the test, the Citizenship office will send you a notice with the date, time and location. About The Citizenship Test You will be asked 20 questions about the rights and responsibilities of Canadians and Canada's history, geography, economy, government, laws and symbols. The test questions is based on the official citizenship study guide: Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citi-zenship. Online Citizenship Test Due to COVID-19 pandemic affect, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) launched a new virtual platform for online citizenship tests on November 26, 2020. The format of the online test will be the same as the in-person test, with 20 questions and 30 minutes to complete them. You need to get 15 correct answers to pass the test. IRCC said in an online notice that people do not need to reach out to the department, those invited to take the online test will be notified by email. People can also wait to take the test in-person, but no date has been set yet for resuming that process. For more information, please visit Government of Canada webpage canadian-citizenship/become-canadian-citizen/citizenship-test/online.html After The Test The citizenship office will inform you about the results of your test. If you are successful, you will receive a "Notice to Appear to Take the Oath of Citizenship" telling you the date, time and place of the citizenship ceremony, the final step in becoming a Canadian citizen. At the ceremony, you will take the Oath of Citizenship, sign the oath form and receive your Canadian Citizenship Certificate. You are encouraged to bring your family and friends with you to share this occasion. 入 籍 申 請 成 為 加 拿 大 公 民 Applying for Citizenship NEW 50