亞省有26個由政府資助的專上院校,其中包括: There are 26 publicly funded post-secondary institutions in Alberta. They include: 全面的學術和研究型大學 - 提供一系列學術和專業課程,並且具有很 強的研究重點。 Comprehensive academic and research universities - offer a range of academic and professional programs, and have a strong research focus. They are Athabasca University, University of Alberta, University of Calgary and University of Lethbridge. 綜合性社區大學 - 計劃為學生做好了工作或進一步學習的準備 Comprehensive community colleges - which programs prepare students for work or further learning. They are Bow Valley College, Grande Prairie Regional College, Keyano College, Lakeland College, Lethbridge College, Medicine Hat College, NorQuest College, Northern Lakes College, Olds College, Portage College and Red Deer College. 獨立的學術機構 - 主要提供文科、科學和教育課程 Independent academic institutions - primarily provide liberal arts, science and education programs.They are Ambrose University, Burman University, Concordia University of Edmonton, The King's University and St. Mary's University. 理工學院 - 提供行業和職業培訓,包括學徒制和持續教育 卡加利5間大學 5 Universities in Calgary are: ˙University of Calgary ˙Mount Royal University ˙Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) ˙Ambrose University ˙St. Mary's University Education 育 Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 Polytechnic institutions - provide industry and career training, including apprenticeship and continuing education. They are Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) and Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT Polytechnic). 專門的藝術和文化機構 - 專注於美術和文化 Specialized arts and cultural institutions - focus on fine arts and culture. It has Banff Centre. 本科大學 - 專注於本科水平的教育和應用研究 Undergraduate universities - focus on undergraduate level education and applied research.They are Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts), Grant MacEwan University and Mount Royal University. AOGCAL,HSE39414,#1 Wed Nov 24 2021 10:37:03 GMT-0800 2203 Pegasus Way NE Calgary 網址:www.calgarychinesemusic.org 電話:(403) 870-8878 (403) 250-3988 (403) 607-6218 ※培訓中樂演奏人才※ ※建立中樂學習質素 ※ 卡城中樂推廣社,成立於1998年,致力於推廣中國 音樂文化,導師均為中國民族管弦樂協會會員、認可資 深導師、教學經驗豐富。為喜愛中樂不論年齡級別的人 士提供正規化有系統的器樂及樂團訓練,加入 ●弓弦 樂團 ● 古箏樂團 ● 中樂重奏小組,宏揚國韻。本社 每年均舉辦各類樂器訓練項目,培養了不少中樂新秀, 參與中國最具權威國家級社會演奏藝術水平“ 中國民 族管弦樂協會 ”各級民族樂器考級試,並舉辦各類音 樂文化交流活動及多元文化音樂比賽。 報名或查詢請電 阮振雄 (403) 870-8878或Paula Pang (403) 607-6218 AOGCAL,HSE39421,#1 Tue Nov 23 2021 16:54:40 GMT-0800 商業 汽車 房屋 旅遊 專業持牌保險代理,服務真誠。提供多家 保險公司選擇,幫您找到最適合您的保險, 歡迎來電查詢各項保險保障。 地址:1911-34 Ave. SW, Calgary, AB, T2T 2C2 公司:(403) 455-2260 手提:(403) 850-2883 電郵:pete.fung@insureline.com 傳真:(780) 487-8770 Pete Fung 馮栢明 CIP FCIP CRM Team Leader / Insurance Broker 卡誠保險 34