行 Transportation Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 亞 伯 達 省 駕 駛 執 照 Driver's Licence in Alberta 亞省的駕駛執照有7個類別,由第7類的學牌至第1類的專業牌。 新司 機必須按程序取得駕執照,才可於亞省合法駕駛。 駕駛執照種類 ‧第1類 - 商業 ‧第2類 - 商業(巴士) ‧第3類 - 商業(3車軸或以上) ‧第4類 - 商業(的士、救護車) ‧ 第5類正式-非GDL及第5類GDL - 2車軸、私家車、輕型貨車、流動屋汽 車或輕型電單車 ‧第6類 - 電單車及輕型電單車 ‧第7類 - 學牌 亞省違規扣分制度 司機若違犯交通安全法例將會被扣分及罰款,扣分及罰款可查閱交通 安全法例,詳情可瀏覽www.transportation.alberta.ca 分心駕駛法例 司機若於行車期間觸犯亞省分心駕駛條例,會被罰款$300及扣3分。 最新的路試監考 亞省正在推出一種新的,更有效的路試考牌系統,以確保駕駛司機在 道路上安全駕駛。 由2021年1月5日開始,私人考牌執行人將通過亞省註冊代理機構進行 4至6類駕駛執照路試。 政府考牌職員將繼續負責監考所有第1、2和3類商業、卡車和巴士牌 路試,以確保司機達到新的強制性入門級培訓計劃所設定的更高標準。 **您必須通過由合格的政府或獲得許可的考牌考官進行的路試,才能 獲得1至6類駕駛執照。路試仍可通過Alberta Registry Agents預約或到政府 網站預約。詳情可瀏覽: www.alberta.ca/drivers-road-test.aspx 亞省商業駕駛執照須強制性培訓 亞省政府對新的1級或2級駕駛執照司機實施強制性入門級培訓計劃, 並加強對商業運營商的安全要求。 由2019年3月1日開始,要求考得1級或2級駕駛執照的司機必須完成強 制性入門級培訓(MELT)才能申請商業駕駛員執照。 ‧訓練包括要有特定培訓時間於課堂,車內和馬路上駕駛。 ‧ 所有獲得許可的亞省駕駛員培訓 學校都教授劃一標準的課程。 ‧ 1級和2級駕駛員的知識和路測 由新的MELT課程組成。 有關詳細信息,請瀏覽:ht tps: / / www.alberta.ca/mandatory-entry-leveltraining-for-class-1-and-2-driverslicences.aspx Alberta has 7 classes of driver's licences, ranging from a Class 7 learners' licence to a Class 1 professional licence. New drivers must follow some steps before they can legally drive in the province. Types Of Licences ‧ Class 1 - Commercial ‧ Class 2 - Commercial (bus) ‧ Class 3 - Commercial (3 or more axles) ‧ Class 4 - Commercial (taxi, ambulance or bus few than 25 people) ‧ Class 5 Full non-GDL, Class 5-GDL - 2 axle, car, light truck, motor home, or moped * GDL has specific restrictions ‧Class 6 - Motorcycle & moped ‧Class 7 - Learners Alberta Demerit Points System The demerit points system is used to maintain an accurate account of a driver's demeritable convictions on their driving record in accordance with the Regulations under the Traffic Safety Act. Please visit www. transportation.alberta.ca The penalty for distracted driving in Alberta is a $300 fine and 3 demerit points. Driver’s Road Test Alberta is launching a new, more efficient road test system to ensure drivers have timely access to tests while keeping Alberta roads safe. Starting on January 5, 2021, passenger vehicle road tests (Class 4 to 6) will be delivered by private driver examiners through Alberta registry agents. All Class 1, 2 and 3 commercial, truck and bus road tests will continue to be conducted by government examiners to ensure drivers are meeting the higher standards set by the new Mandatory Entry Level Training program. **You must pass a road test conducted by a qualified government or licensed driver examiner before you can receive a Class 1 to 6 driver's licence. Road tests can still be booked through Alberta Registry Agents or online through a Government website. www.alberta.ca/drivers-road-test.aspx Improving Safety With New Truck and Bus Training Mandatory training for new Class 1 and Class 2 commercial drivers will result in safer, more highly skilled drivers working in the truck and bus industries. Effective March 1, 2019, drivers seeking a Class 1 (tractor trailer) or Class 2 (bus) licence are required to complete Mandatory Entry-Level Training (MELT) to apply for their commercial driver's licence. ‧ Training includes a government-mandated number of training hours for in-class, in-yard and in-vehicle modules. ‧ Standardized curriculums are taught at all licensed Alberta driver training schools. ‧ Knowledge and road tests for Class 1 and Class 2 drivers are comprised of the new MELT curriculums. For details, visit https://www.alberta.ca/mandatory-entry-level-trainingfor-class-1-and-2-drivers-licences.aspx AOGCAL,HSE39405,#1 Fri Oct 01 2021 15:23:20 GMT-0700 ● 29 年教車經驗 親自教授 專業可靠 ● I & J Driving School 駕駛學校 賴師傅Ivan 或Jenny Lai(國、粵、英語) 電話:403-667-1877 / 403-540-4554 5號車牌: GDL及進階課程 電視班 補鐘課程 29